Friday, December 21, 2007

Forgetting to use my brain

This won't be long, and i'll explain why.

I had some cheese, and a knife at my computer. I was holding the cheese in one hand, and cutting with the knife with the other. Not a smart move, i know. The cheese broke, and the knife flew thru and cut my pointy finger. Not bad or anything, bled a good amount, and i did slice off amount a dime's worth of my finger print, thus making typing painful. But, its fine, just annoying, and I was a retard.

3-4 Days until xmas! IM READY!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Family Portraits

I spent today and last night in Nashville with Michael's family. I didn't realize how much harder it is to type with fake nails. I didn't sleep well, i kept waking up cause there was so much mucous in my throat that i couldn't breath, and i was on my medicines. She doesn't have indoor cats or dogs, and its a newer house, so it was weird.

I finally held Georgia, michael's cousin that was born in may. She was sooo cute! She gets excited and shakes her legs like crazy, its like she's running while you're holding her, it would be easy to drop her if you didn't pay attention, lol. She was just soo cute. I played with Tyler too, michael's nephew. We had a portrait with 12 people together! Gosh! Then everyone broke up and had photos with just their family, then they did just blood kin. Michael and I ordered a photo of us, it's a cute romantic photo. Everyone wearing the same color actually looked good. However, I think out family should all just do black and white. It would give us more freedom to pick out what we want to wear, but we would still look nice and elegant.

Michael ordered pizza, not me, i'm poor, but i'm gonna eat some, watch three's' company, then play some HALO!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Its been a while

Hey everyone! I know its been a while since I last blogged! I've been so busy! I studied ALOT for my anatomy and history finals which both were today. I flew thru the history test. It only took me as long as it took me to write the answers in! I finished it in like 15 minutes, 50 questions. Except one question I didn't know. Turns out its a day I missed, well i got notes for the day i missed, but the girl didn't write it down in her notes. My own fault, but I still aced it! My human anatomy is another thing. I decided not to stress myself out about it, I had driven my body into self destruct i was stressing so much. So on my anatomy test if I knew the answer i chose it, if i didn't i thought about it for a moment, if i still didn't i just guessed instead of stressing and thinking too hard, it just wasn't worth it.

I went to the outback christmas party last night, sucks that they had it the night before tech finals! but whatever. the gift i got for my secret santa guy loved his gift, gave me a huge hug. I was glad he liked it. I got bath and body works bubble bath, and lotion. I loved it! I just had a nice soothing bubble bath, and since i've stressed myself out so much i think i'm going to go to bed when my hair dries.

i only have 1 more final, oh yeah i also had to turn in my course paper today in lit, i hope that went well. tomorrow i have to recite a one minute monologue for my theater class. I chose a monologue from a play i did in high school, so i was familiar with it and memorized it really easily.

After that I'm heading home to my parents tomorrow. I'll be in Wartburg from tuesday to thursday (including seeing my sister in a play, and getting my hair done). I am really excited, I need this break.

can't think of anything else i really want to say right now. talk to you all again later, prolly while I'm in wartburg.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I won't be blogging much,and this wont' be long, just letting you know I didn't drop off the planet. I have work, and finals coming up! I have tonight and the next 2 nights off, and they will be full of me studying, not playing online. Then I will prolly be working all weekend. I have 3 finals on monday, and i have to go to campus on tuesday to turn in a paper.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


I've had a throbbing headache for a week now. I took tyenol and it didn't help, so I assumed maybe it twas pressure, i wasn't sure, cause the pain wasn't sharp. Then yesterday at work I started feeling really bad, and i felt sick to my stomach. I went home, bought stuff cause I thought I might be getting a cold or something, went to bed. I woke up at 7:30, and the head issue had gotten worse, it was THROBBING TERRIBLE! I couldn't do anything! I couldn't even whine and whimper like I do when I feel bad cause it'd make it worse. I said screw it and took 3 ibuprofens, i woke up at 10:30, I'm great! I feel great! I praise the lord, who i don't believe in!

Now I'm getting ready to got o work. I kinda still feel a presence of the mirgraine.. like the slightest of headaches.. like that feeling you get when you know you're gonna get a head ache. I have more ibuprofen in my pocket. I know I'm not supposed to take them cause i already take alot of medications, but if I don't i'll be crying at work! And its not like they'll send me home early cause i'm sick.

Which by the way.. I had to stay later than normal. They normally cut a hostess (after the rush) once an hour. When my hour came they didn't cut me, and they didn't cut me in the next hour. I was feeling terrible! And there were 3 hostess at 10:30 (30 minutes until close) sooo not needed. Turns out Jona was annoyed at the newer hostess (the other 2 there with me) and didn't think it was a good idea to leave them alone. So I suppose I should be a little flattered that she trusted I would not let things go badly. However I did kinda lecture the girls a few times. But they needed it. It was a topic they did not really learn in training, and they were doing wrong. I plan today to make sure April (a good new hostess) that I didn't mean to come off mean yesterday. She knew I was feeling bad. The other hostess I prolly won't apologize to cause I wanted to strangle her! She did soooo many things wrong! How could she?! My god! Then me and her got cut at the same time (means we both go roll) and she just clocked out cause she said she had already rolled alot. She's lucky I didn't bitch to the managers. Only reason I didn't was because it wasn't alot of silverware anyhow. The two slowest-learning hostess are in high school. And I see know why they don't normally high high schoolers.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I thought I had a good sleep schedule! I've been going to bed before 1 am, and waking up at like 9ish. However last night I was late to fall asleep, 2am. And I woke up at 8:30am, and i can't fall back asleep! And I'm sure it doesn't help that my allergies stop up my nose soon as I lay horizontal. I'm not sure why, I'm fine with my allergies most of the other time. Now I'm up at 8:30.. with not 8 hours of sleep. I thought this sleep schedule would be giving me 8 hours of sleep! If I knew I wasn't going to get 8 hours of sleep I would have just stayed up later, jeez.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Is the weekend something to celebrate?

First off.. think about my title. Sure for 9-5, mod-fri, weekends are a celebration. On the weekends I work longer hours, is it really something to celebrate?

I went to class today, then I came home. I then napped but I had already slept 7 hours, so it wasn't a deep refreshing nap. Its one of those naps where you're always half awake and almost regret trying to sleep.

Then I went to class again!

When I got back I invited Alicia, my friend, over and we watched Legally Blond the musical, and ate papa johns left overs (from yesterday). Mike was mad i gave her pizza, but i had to! She came over while I was eating! She only ate one piece anyhow.

Then I went to work, UGH I was closing. Just a reminder that I feel like I'm not appericated at my job. I went back to roll silverware and I realized the silverware was nasty, and cold. Silverware is ALWAYS steaming hot when it comes out! I've never had cold silverware. I told my manager. Then like 2 minutes later I heard a buzz in the kitchen about the broken dishwasher! It happens prolly once a month, not too surprising. But my manager told me to climb into the bar, and I hand washed glasses. I only had to do like 50-100 glasses, really not much at all. I kinda liked it. Except for the bitchy bartender who was annoyed I was in her space. Then they got the dishwasher to work kinda for the night, they'd run it thru and then have to go to another sink and rinse it in boily/steaming water. The night went by fast. :)

Now I'm at home, waiting for Michael to come home with left over EASY NACHO DIP! Which by the way, Michael added so much stuff from the original recipe that its not easy to make, it takes work.

By the way the led christmas lights on my porch, I love! I love coming home and seeing my stairs lit up, and its nice. I love it, it puts me in the spirit too, which I need at home, cause I get TONS at work. The employees decorated for 3 hours! Every pole has christmas like material wrapped around it, we got wreaths everywhere, plastic trees, those red big petal flowers, christmas lights, christmas ornaments hanging from the ceiling.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Religious Towns

I can't tell you much about this dream, as I don't remember much. But Praew (my beautiful thai sister), Erica, and a couple other friends (including my friend Joo from Outback).

We were investigating this religious town. It had buildings and the area was laid out like an old english town. They had a huge church, and even a kind of museum of their religion. Basically the whole dream we lived like we were their religion, faking it, and trying to find out information.

However.. we always got set servings of meals, and I think one day Praew had extra and wanted to keep it. And each group (of like 8ish) had a set dinner table, and a set porta-potty, cause we ate outside. And Praew hid everyone's left-overs in the porta-potty for later eating. I was grossed out! I told her I wouldn't eat my left-overs now, and she didn't understand!

Weird and gross dream..

Work, Simpsons, Spankies

I worked tuesday night, closing, for a coworker of mine, I don't like picking up shifts, but I did, lol. But.. She worked for me opening Wednesday! So, yesterday, Michael and I went to Spankies and got spinach artichoke dip, cheesey bread, I got a hamburger, that was INSANELY GOOD, and Michael got steak and fries that he LOVED! It was a GREAT meal! We both over ate.

Then that night I did some laundry, bagged up all the trash, cleaned the apartment some. Michael and I had gone to walmart and bought non-food needed items, at the same time I bought 2 strings of led Christmas lights. I wrapped them around my porch! I like having holiday decorations, Michael doesn't care but he lets me hang them up and stuff.

So, I got real emotional when I was playing The Simpsons Demo. Andy, Mike, and I thought it was a good idea i rent the game and make sure I actually like it, since it's 60 bucks. I rented it Monday night. I have tonight, tomorrow night left to play, and I think I"ll beat it. I don't think I'd ever play it again.. but maybe once.. so buying it would mean I might play it might not, and that seems to me like a loss of money. I suppose if I wanted to play it again I could just rent it again for like 7 bucks.

Now.. I am SOO proud of myself! I have been going to bed at midnight and waking up at 9-10! This is a GREAT achievement! I am hoping SOO much I can keep it up! But I have a feeling it'll go down the drain when I'm done with school.. which by the way.. is in a week and half!!!!! And both my finals are on Monday, the first day of finals week, so its kinda like I get an extra week off.

Today I have theater class (which I STILL need to see one more play! And I have like 5 papers I need to write for the class then I'm done), and literature class. Which, lit is the only class I don't know if i"ll pass. I kinda got behind in reading, then I stopped.. then I cliffnoted for the test.. so.. kinda iffy, not sure, but its not a big deal.

You know my allergies are TERRIBLE in my A&P class! It's in one of the older buildings on tech, Pennebaker, and I sneeze and sniffle all class! I'm like extremely uncomfortable, and the building has a weird set up for bathrooms.. so I don't go to the bathroom. See each floor has 1 mens, and 1 womens. However, all the womens bathrooms are always located on the south end (or whatever direction) of every floor! While the mens are always located on the north end (or whatever direction). So.. for this example, my lecture hall is on the south end of the building. Right outside our door is the women's bathroom, but the professor locks the door once classes starts cause the door is right next to where he teaches. So.. to go to the bathroom, I'd have exit the back of the class room, walk the whole length of the building, climb the stairs, walk the whole length of the building to get to the bathroom, and do the same thing to get back! I hate that set-up!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

T-something, Texas

I dreamt. Now that I am trying to remember it alot of it is gone.

Michael and I wanted to return something, so I was like.. "Why don't we just fly there!" and we agreed to.. Even though Michael had already mailed it back to them.. it was like treemount, Texas.. or something, lol! However.. I bought my ticket, and didn't buy him one.. and he was running late. So as i took off I saw him at the window of the airport! And, if you've ever seen Dan in Real Life.. when the little girl is seperated from her boyfriend, thats how I was behaving!

When I got to the town, I had to wait like half a day for Michael. I went to a butchers, and some lady knew me.. or something, and we chatted. When Michael arrived, we decided to go by the factory of the place we were returning the item too, and saw it didn't exist! It was like 3 guys wandering around a lot or something.. saying they owned the company.

When Michael and I got home, we decided to be spontaneous again! We bought a trailer! And we planned on taking it back to T-wherever and living! wtf?! It was like a nowhere town! Then we had to go shopping to find someone who would drive the trailer there. Why we couldn't just buy a trailer in texas, Idk..

Monday, November 26, 2007

Simpsons Demo, Sierra Mist Cranberry, The Central Nervous System

I woke up early! Michael and I went to Walmart. I mostly wanted some soda. It was 2 - 2 liters- of Sierra Mist Cranberry for - 2 dollars. So... I bought 6 bottles. Michael and I also bought some cheese dip, and other goodies.. including SPANGLER brand candy canes. I always buy Spangler brand because its my mother's maiden name, its a family tradition my sister and I only follow, lol!

I then spent the rest of the day playing arcade demos, like worms and frogger on the xbox.

Oh yeah, Michael and I were going to rent The Simpsons game at Blockbuster. Cause I got so moody when I was playing the demo, I was worried I'd always get moody when I played. I figured I'd rent it and play it and make sure I don't get upset all the time! However, they were all checked out. It came out a week and half ago.. and they only had 2 copies, wtf?!

Then i went to work, it was a fine day. I didn't have to roll any silverware the entire night! I sent the new girls to do it, they wanted to. I closed, then it was so empty, when I went back there to roll, the girl before me was just finishing, so I didn't have to roll all night! And I only worked for 4 hours, but I was kinda moody, I feel a little bad, I kinda snapped a couple times at the kinda experienced host today, and she could tell I was out of wack. It was cause I haven't hosted in so long.

I drew for my secret santa at Outback. I got a rugby playing, interior decorator, who loves the Philly Eagles and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish! lol! I bought him on Amazon, with my free 2 day shipping, a special sports illustrated on the eagles, and an eagles football thats all shiny and pretty, lol.

I also got told today I am to buy for Michael's Uncle.. so ANY TIPS WOULD HELP! I've never met him! All I know is he's a redneck hunter! And he doesn't even read magazines.. I thought a hunting magazine subscription would be good.. but Michael said no.. and Michael won't give me any other help! But he said he'll ask his dad in a couple of days.

Now.. I've been studying, and i want to play the Simpson's demo again, and study more.. but I'm about to fall asleep!!! Its cause I didn't come home and drink alot of caffeine. Since now all I have is caffeine free sierra mist cranberry!!

All weekend, I've been waking up at 9ish, and going to bed before 9! Idk whats wrong with me! But I kinda don't mind.

Maybe I'll wake up at like 3 or 4.. which I do sometimes when I sleep too early, then i'll study, play the demo once (cause its like play thru the level then the demo is over, its like 20 minutes or something for me.. supposedly you're supposed to do it in 5 minutes?!)

NIGHTY! Good luck on my quiz on the CNS (central nervous system) in A&P tomorrow.. It'll be FUCKING INSANE! Way too much info!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

One Busy Week

I skipped class cause I made a dish for my Outback's Thanksgiving dinner. I thought it was 12:30-3. I made the food then double checked and it was 1-3. And I already made food, so I just skipped. It was a GREAT MEAL! I enjoyed myself. I hung out there and eat everything! Stuffing, turkey, ham, mac and cheese, green beans, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin rolls, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, and of course the cheese grits casserole I made! But I arrived too late, I don't think anyone ate hardly any. But thats okay.

After work I headed home and stayed the night in Wartburg.

I woke up atl ike 10ish and played the xbox with Michael and my Dad. My dad loved Forza Motorsport 2, the racing game we got with the xbox. At 11ish, I made my St. Paul's Casserole, a casserole with hot sausage, rice, and veggies. Everyone loved it, and it was one of the things we ran out of first on saturday. We had alot of left overs to go thru. At 12ish I walked next door and Samantha (my neighbor and friend) asked her parents if I could use their oven to cook my casserole. My parents oven was full with turkey, stuffing, and 2 other casserole! So, I baked my casserole for 45 minutes at their house. Then I brought it home, I had to use a car cause it was too hot to carry. Then like 20 minutes before the meal, after the turkey was out, my mom put my casserole in for the last 15 minutes it needed. I bought the cranberries for our sauce wednesday night, so I decided to try the sauce, and it was yummy. I normally don't eat cranberry sauce, but this holiday I was hooked.

I spent the rest of the evening with my cousin, Jodie, she's 3. Once again, another of my cousins that is scared of my6'4" boyfriend! She told me she wouldn't leave the bedroom unless I protected her. Everytime we passed Michael in the hall I had to tell him "No" so Jodie wouldn't scream and run. I had alot of fun with her even though I got pretty tired. Then my aunt and 2 cousins came that I hadn't seen in like maybe 2 years and they live in Oak Ridge! So 18 people showed up. The food was GREAT!!!

At like 7, I was laying by the warm fire, and I fell asleep. And I just kept sleeping and sleeping.

I spent all Friday with my family! My mom and I went Black Friday shopping. My mom did my make-up first, I was pretty. We bought me some christmas gifts, and some gifts for others in our family. We bought Erica a coat, cause she has been whining about getting one, and she was whining about needing a coat saturday, so we gave it to her early, its more useful like that, truthfully. I also bought Michael a pair of "Red Camel" brand jeans. I thought he needed some more pants that would fit him. When he put them on he said they were super comfortable and he loved them! And they only costed 15 dollars! And Michael is a PICKY jeans wearer.

Another family day! My mom made chili! I can't wait to try it, cause I wasn't going straight home, so Andy is going to bring me the chili. Another day full xbox and family, and fire place! My sister did my make-up and straighted my hair! I was beautiful!

At like 5, Michael and I headed out to Nashville. We ate dinner at his Granny's house. She made excellent chicken, corn bread stuffing, SQUASH CASSEROLE, and apple pie. I think Michael should get his granny's recipe for squash casserole!!! I got thirds of the squash casserole!

We then played mexican dominoes, I had fun, but I defidently didn't win, lol. I got to see Michael's nephew, sister, and brother-in-law. I hadn't seen Tyler in a while, he did lots of running around. He was very quiet though, cause Michael's sister said he was being shy all week, cause he was meeting so many new people. They didn't notice my hair was straightened, but I didn't think they would, they have hardly seen me.

Sunday, Today:

I woke up an hour ago, and i ate a turkey wrap, and I've been watching the ever so terrible, Brady Bunch Movie, lol! Michael and I are thinking about renting an xbox game.. Idk though.. maybe, maybe not..

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Weekend

Okay.. Saturday I closed. Rose came to see me at Outback. It made my day! Rose was the first person to come to my Outback while I was working. It was busy so I couldn't stay and chat too much, but I visited her alot! I love Rose! She did make my day!
A server was giving out samples of the Chocolate Chocolate Tower (cake) and he let me have a piece, that kinda made my day better to. It was really slow and when i locked the doors at 11, there was no on in the restaurant.
After work I went to subway and got subs.
This morning I got up.. with like 3 hours of sleep at like 7:45ish. I drove to Starbucks got a Peppermint Mocha, SO GOOD! Then I drove to my house. I showed my mom the beautiful coat form eddie bauer that she bought me. Its soo warm and nice!
My mom made really yummy sandwiches to eat while we watched my dad race. I will prolly leave the pictures on my phone though, since I'm going to have to reformat to get that darned free hardware.
We went and saw dan in real life. I HATE movies that make me emotional. It puts me in a weird ucky mood afterwards. I teared up! I hate it, fucking hate it! There's reasons I don't want the notebook or A.I.
Then I went home, I almost fell asleep on the way home, I was riding with my mom.
I watched some tv, and my parents made sausage sandwiches, which were good. I had two cups of coffee and on my way home i was still sooo tired.
When I got home I went straight to bed. And our apartment is really hot!
Michael laid down with me after I fell asleep. He kept cuddling with me.. and I DIDN'T MEAN TO but I prolly said ten times "Get off me, Michael!" And I feel soo bad! Cause I didn't really realize how much of a bitch I was being! He was laying down with me cause he missed me, and he figured I missed him and would like him to lay with me! Eventually I hurt his feelings enough that he got up and got on his computer. Which made me wake up and realize how much of a bitch I am! He was being soo sweet and I was a bitch! I feel so bad, it's indescribable!
Oh well.. I'm up again, I slept for like 4 or 5 hours. Now I'm trying to study for my test tomorrow. And I can't find the paper i'm supposed to turn in tomorrow.. I may just get zero points for it.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

Nothing exciting happened today. I didn't have A&P class so I slept all day.. well.. until history class. I said I did crappy on this last test, and I DID, 66! Anyhow.. I'm just not thinking about it cause it just depresses and stresses me out and its not like I can do anything about it.

I worked today, I was Call Ahead, I had a good time, mostly. It was me, Brandon, another host, and 2 hosts on their first days (of non training) I kinda had to retrain them each time I switched them around (from taking names at the door, rolling, sitting tables). I saw the new schedule was up for thanksgiving. It said I worked friday and saturday.. but wait.. i requested off a LONG time ago! I mentioned it to my manager.. He went back there got the request book and brought it to me and said, "When did you request off.. I don't see it." and I freaked out. I didn't write it in the book, I said it verbally to him! Anyhow, I explained he wrote it on a calendar thing.. or something.. then he disappeared.. and I didn't hear from him again as I was rolling. Then before I left i looked at the schedule. It had said that I was working friday, saturday, off sunday.. He just marked out friday and saturday.. so now I have off.. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND SUNDAY!!!! I was so excited when I called my mom my voice was all high pitched.

Oh yeah.. I want a new video card.. mine is kinda dying. But in order to get one from dell, I have to reformat then wait until the problem happens again so they know its really my video card. I don't want to reformat! so.. I just kinda ignored the last 2 phone calls of the fucking INDIAN MAN! GOD DAMN IT! Get fucking americans, i can't understand a thing he's saying, and he has to repeat EVERYTHING! I said I know how to reformat, let me do it.. and don't make me listen to your step by step.. that I can't understand anyhow!!! I don't want to reformat.. I have a ton of shit on here! Maybe i'll just wait until the problem gets unlivable.. idk.. I don't want to reformat for no real reason.. what a pain..

Oh yeah.. I'm gonna take my xbox 360 home for the holidays so my family can see it.. however.. its not like i'll have a game any of them will want to play.. or anything.. mostly just so they can see it I guess.. Maybe my dad will want to drive his evo mr.

Also, Dad.. I didn't email you cause what i wanted to say to you about dell, I just wrote in this blog.. lol.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh ho ho

My life is magical! Michael and I went to walmart, after I posted my Tuesday blog. We bought some food, some light bulbs, even some drano.. for the shower! My hair clogs up the drain, and its a weird drain.. I can't explain it.. its like once my hair falls off me i can't get it back.. lol.. cause all you have to do is push down on the drain and it stops it, so you can have a bath.. anyhow.. we even saw some of my co-workers (3 to be exact) in the electronics section.. WE BOUGHT A XBOX 360!!! Are you supposed to use an before x? Cause EVERY TIME i try to write xbox.. i try to put an before it..

I've been playing Ultimate Alliance, the game that came free with the xbox. We decided to get the regular xbox cause 1) walmart doesn't have the elite.. we'd have to wait to order it online.. 2) the only difference is the elite costs 100 bucks more and has 100 gigs more of memory... and at walmart we saw an external 120 gig hard drive for 100 bucks.. So it'd be cheaper to get a regular xbox and get an external hard drive.. So.. right now we have a regular xbox.. Michael might end up asking for an external hard drive.. or not.. I don't know..

By the way.. I want a xbox live gold membership for xmas! wink wink

Now I'm about 1/5th of the way through ultimate alliance, and we've had it for 2 days.. Oh yeah.. we also got Forza Motorsport 2.. which is a racing game. You can drive my dad's MR Evo, lol! Michael was driving a race car than he drove my dad's car and kept wrecking cause he was used to the insane handling of the race car, lol. By the way.. I GOT FIRST PLACE! I never place in races like that! But the easy difficulty has this line.. on the road.. it shows you where to drive and has colors to show you when to break and when to let go of the gas.. and I GOT FIRST PLACE!

Okay now.. yesterday.. at work.. nothing exciting happened. I closed, which sucked.. but thats about it. I talked alot, and i told anyone that I knew would care that I got an xbox 360.. thats it.. i'm not gonna fix the "an" into "a" anymore.. cause it just keeps coming naturally.. so maybe you are.. idk..

Yesterday I missed history class.. and its not my fault! I also nap, and I always have an alarm. I set an alarm (100% positive cause i always set 2) and it never went off.. then we when i looked at my alarms.. nope.. none there.. Oh well.. it was STORMING! So I was secretly a little happy I missed class.. I don't know how I'll transport my laptop when its raining.. my backpack isn't rain-proof..

Today it was soo cold I got a large white chocolate mocha before class. I went to class cause I thought he was going to put us in groups.. instead he just rambled on about theater (it is theater class) and the entire class texted, read books, or surfed the net on their laptops.

I had a weird dream.. I can't remember alot.. oh yeah I had alot of them.. but this one upset me.. Jafar (my snake.. which I need to make room for at my apartment! I just.. its so crowded already.. I'm gonna do it) Had like.. evolved or something.. and he had like.. flippers.. kinda like .. well.. amphibian flippers.. like 10 of them.. and he was escaping out of his cage. I was too scared to touch him and I kept yelling, "HELP MICHAEL! MICHAEL! GET OVER HERE! HELP ME!" I was crying out! And he was ignoring me cause he was on his computer.. That is something Michael would do...

There was defidently something else I was wanting to say.. but I've forgotten it now.. Gosh! I can't remember! I'll just post again if I do remember. I'll prolly post again anyhow.. cause I know this is post is only for the last 2 days.. but I feel like I left a day's worth of info out.. lol!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Icky Day

I woke up, went to A&P. Nothing exciting at all. I took my quiz in the class, it was alot of memorization and the lab teacher felt bad for us so she let us like work in groups on the quiz.. then she was like, "just open your books". So.. I know i made a 100 on the quiz, lol! Then I came back, ate, studied for my history test. Then I went to my history test. I thought seeing my professor would be a good omen, but I SUCKED IT UP! I think I prolly make a 70-something! I'm.. ashamed! I studied and everything! Its just I had trouble remember the names of all the fucking treaties and shit. Then there was like 6 or 7 (out of like 50) questions on this one day's lecture. However.. its like the ONLY day I missed! So like 6 or 7 of the fill-in the blanks I made up names and dates and towns!
Oh well.. after class I went to work. The host who was supposed to come in at 4:30, called in sick. I was the only host until 5:30 (when the closing host came in). By the way.. i was supposed to have today off.. but once again this one host, who i won't name, asked me to pick up for her. I normally say no.. but today i didn't really have a reason to say no, and i'll need the money now that I'm gonna be chipping in on an xbox 360 elite. I dont' know why.. but Mike said he only wants a 360 if its an elite. 100 dollars more for 100 gigs more of memory.. I can't imagine we would really need it.. oh well.. But at 5:30, the closing host came in, and a trainee. I don't know if I mentioned Samantha, the new trainee (of like 4 new ones) but I like her alot. She's smart, fast learner, and not afraid to ask questions. Also.. I like when trainees actually care what I'm saying.. lol. I kinda think they should! I got home at 9, I felt a little bad. I told Mike I would make dinner at 8ish, and told him not to eat too much before hand.. but that bitch called in, so I had to stay later. I got home and made the best quesdillas ever!!!

THANK YOU, MOM!!!! (She bought me all the food supplies)

I've been watching Aliens with Mike.. We watched the first one last night. Now we've watch the next two. If I'm up for it I might watch the last one, lol. So far the 3rd has prolly been my least favorite. Only reason I'm saying this cause its been like 10 years since I last saw these movies..

Is anyone reading my blog? I've posted now for like 4 days or so.. cause everyone requests I blog again and I haven't gotten one comment!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Raspberry Sauce

Today is Sunday! I woke up and went to work. It was a pretty good day. Beth opened and I was there at 12 (30 minutes after her). It was sorta busy, it was nice. A trainee came in, and beth trained her. The key came in and I asked her if she could cut me at like 5ish so I could eat with my mom. She said it was unlikely (which is stupid.. they don't need me there after 5.. that would be 4 hosts for sunday dinner rush.. come on.. we had 4 for saturday night, we don't need 4 on sunday..) So.. Beth said I could get cut first (make her stay like an hour longer). I felt bad.. so I watched the clock and tried to see if they would maybe cut me in time.. but at like 4:30.. they said they would not cut me in time.. So.. I went to the bathroom (i was about to leave) cause mom left me a text message. I only check my phone, and i look out the door and I thought i saw my mom in some weird car.. so I went out there to check on her.

oh yeah, i forgot. my managers sent me to kroger to get raspberry sauce for the chocolate chocolate tower, but kroger didn't have any, so I came back empty handed and felt bad.

i met my mom, brother at steak and shake. We chatted and chatted! We had shakes, mom had chili, andy had a grilled sandwich, and i had a turkey club.

when i got home michael was a little hurt that i didn't call and invite him, but idk.. didn't really think about it. i just crossed the street from work to eat, i didn't think about inviting mike.. and i thought mom was only going to be there for like 20 minutes to eat, but we ended up hanging otu for like an hour.

TONIGHT Michael and I were talking! We know what we're getting each other for xmas!! XBOX 360 ELITE (like 120 gig memory!) We're prolly going to order it like during finals week, and have it arrive after finals. We're gonna order it early so we have something to do around the apartment after school, and as a reward for taking finals! I am sooo excited!!! I'm gonna get a pink controller ;)
There's the website if you want to look at the xbox elite.

Mom bought me stuff to make some KICK ASS quesidillas! I am so pysched! I'll prolly make them after work tomorrow!!

Okay.. so tomorrow I need to get up.. go to human anatomy (remember that i'm going to take notes on my laptop now), go to my lab, take my quiz on muscles of the torso. Then i'll come back and have like another hour to study before my history test.

Did I mention that my history professor came and got a gift card at Outback today? I've been thinking about it all day, I feel like its a good omen. He said he recognized me (even tho its a lecture hall, aka big class). I feel better about my test now..

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Free Cheesecake!

Alright.. I know I've been behind in blogging. I am going to try and rush through this.. because I STILL don't have the flash cards done for my history test on monday! I need to study! I know I'm studying a little as I write them, but thats not enough.

Today.. is.. Saturday! I woke up, studied, ate a lean pocket, and a little of the steak leftover from my grilling. However to get it warm I had to make it too well done for my preference. I then went to work. There is normally 5 or 6 hosts, and weird times 7, on Fridays and Saturday. Today the opener called in sick. So it was Brandon (the experienced host I like), Me, then 2 other girls (not as good). Brandon was also training a girl, Samantha.

It got busy at like 4:45, when it was just Brandon, Me, and Samantha. So, poor Samantha got stuck at the door, because she was a trainee and can't really do to many things yet. We went on a wait and I was sitting tables. Technically you're supposed to tell the customers where the menus are, their server's name, where the drink menu is, the fish of the day (today it was 3 types), and the soup of the day, and recently we've had seasonal specials we have to mention to (Aussie Autumns, and Wallaby Winter Wonderlands). On a slow day, when I'm not rushed I'll say like 4 or so of these things. Today I was just pointing to their menus, and rushing back. I was trying to memorize all the tables open, etc. I felt like a good host. I was moving fast, and I was really helping get people sat. It was just Brandon and Me running everything. And we did an EXCELLENT job, prolly a better job then some more experienced people do on weekends. Brandon did a good job today, and I felt I did too.

We are supposed to switch positions (except the board runner and call ahead person, they don't switch) every hour. It almost never happens, but the key (mini manager) today was all over it. So I sat tables for an hour, took names at the door for an hour, then rolled silverware for an hour. When I came back and sat tables again, i only sat like 5 tables or so and we went off the wait.

Today went soo fast at work! I enjoyed myself! It felt good! I left at like 9:30, which sucks if you're 2nd in (like I was) cause normally you're cut faster (cause you're call ahead) but we were short handed (only 4 hours compared to 5-7) so I didn't get to do call ahead.

I was cut and I went back to roll silverware. On the linens was a tupperware lid with a linen with red stuff on it. The kitchen leaves stuff in our area all the time (cause we're really in their area) so i just picked it up and moved it. Then another kitchen staff said, in a very 'innocent' voice, "What's under here?" . He lifted it up and someone drew a penis on the tupperware lid. I truthfully found it incredibly immature, and terrible that no one even joked about doing it or anything. Everyone just looked and wandered away. Then Clem (only female in the kitchen staff) said some of the guys did it, then she chatted with me while I rolled and while she organized some of the items in the fridge. Then Beth was bored (no to-go orders) and she came back and helped me roll. It was nice. Then Clem gave us the last piece of cheesecake cause it wasn't pretty. Like the end had been smushed or something, so Beth and I ate it. It was too much for us, so we shared with anyone else who came by the back line (name of the counter we roll at).

So.. at work today I got a penis, cheesecake, and hopefully alot of money! Cause normally the tipshare is split up between all of the 6 or 7 hosts! Today though, it was just 4 of us on tipshare (the 5th was a trainee, trainees don't get tipshare!) I hope I made lots of money.

I got home, and Michael missed me! I never see this! He was said cause he woke up and I was already gone! He hugged me, and kissed on me! It was so sweet! Then he said he was hungry and he ordered pizza. I wasn't hungry (but all i had was a lean pocket and 1/3 a piece of cheesecake today), so I ate anyhow. My IBS causes me to feel full when I'm not, and so I kinda have to overrule it.

The Last Week

I still upset about the blogging thing. And I've been quite busy!

I had my second human anatomy test today. I didn't study enough. I was discouraged cause last time it didn't help, and this time I know it would have helped. However, I still think I prolly did about average.. I hope!
Monday I had a quiz (out of 3) for my history class. I got it back today and I made a 100! It's only like 3% of my entire grade.. but still feels good.
I should be studying for my history test Monday. I've started on some of the note cards, but I'm getting distracted watching the Son of the Mask.
Yesterday I grilled! It took me like 2 hours after i lit the coals before I was ready to cook them. After like an hour the fire died down, but then it wasn't warm enough to cook the new york strips that were marinaded in A1's New York Marinade. After i left the coals alone for a little bit it got hot again, and I cooked the steaks. I had my medium rare, mostly cause I was getting impatient and wanted to eat. Michael had me leave his on for longer and it was medium. Michael didn't use a1 sauce, which he always uses, cause he said the steak tasted soo good. He even uses a1 at Outback!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Town

hh.. i'm gonna cry! I wrote 2 pages about my life.. and I accidently hit back.. FUCKING MYSPACE, i'm switching blogs, and i'm not rewriting it now.. cause i'm gonna cry!


Okay.. I'm still SOO upset about my blog incident.. but I will give a summary...

Yesterday was.. tuesday. After class I carved, Wally, my pumpkin, toasted the seeds, dropped the bowl with the seeds, put the glass covered seeds in water, the glass sunk, and i took the clean seeds off the top to roast. I went to Outback and got cyclone pasta, my server told me I was her favorite busser, a couple servers chatted with me, i loved it. I looked at halloween party pictures, and I gave beth some note cards i bought for her at the tech book store. I went to the play at the tech back door play house alone, i had a reservation, and I was early, but I don't think they regarded it. the play was okay, i didn't pay attention to the dialog because i was trying to figure out what the women were doing in the kitchen cause there was no props. afterwards I went to andy's apartment and watched the nip tuck preimere. today i woke up and went and saw my grandpa at the outback parking lot, we chatted. I came home, i napped, went to class. now i 'm getting ready for work, and I did my hair all pretty like to be a nurse, cause i'm dressing up. i'm excited. i covered myself with perfume even tho I don't have my allergy medicine so i'm gonna die today, but i wanted to smell pretty. i'm gonna cry! I did right like 10 pages! I might be switching blogs.. but i will post the info up here.. if you're interested, or i might start writing my blog in wordpad and transferring it. oh yeah, tomorrow i'm going to oak ridge for my eye doctor and asthma doctor appointments, and eating at el cantarios with my dad and his awesome friend brian. then friday my parents are coming to cookeville, i'm hoping they'll eat at my outback, it'd mean alot to me.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sorta Eventful

esterday was... Sunday. I can't remember anything eventful happening yesterday. Oh yeah! At like 4 o'clock (I went in at 2), my manager asked me if I would bus cause they didn't have a busser, I said yeah. But I ended up closing, which I didn't know I was agreeing to. So, when I got off at 9:30, I got home and made Chicago Style Hot Dogs. Mac, Andy, Jon, Michael, and I enjoyed them. Then we watched 2 episodes of Dexter. They wanted to watch another, and it was already 1 am! I felt like the party-pooper cause I had to say like 5 times, "No, go home."

I had to study for my quiz (which was today). I woke up today, thinking I would get to eat lunch with my Grandpa. I got in the car to go to human anatomy, and one of the guys in my apartment complex asked me to jump his car. I always feel like a girl when it comes to car stuff. I remembered the order, car off, jumper cables, car on. But I tried to remove a cover on the battery that wasn't supposed to be removed, doh! I still made it to class without being late.

However.. I did TERRIBLE on the quiz! I studied the chapter I hi-lighted, but I forgot in the next chapter we were supposed to study the knee joint. That joint just happened to be most of the damned quiz! I was also REALLY tired. I've been TRYING to go to bed between 12-1am, but its really hard. So I fell asleep at 5am. I laid down at 2am, and Michael and I were playful, so we weren't doing the nasty! We were tickling, giggling, telling stories, having a ton of fun. Then I tried to sleep at 4am, but I laid awake for a long time. Then my sleep was that half awake, half asleep stage.

Then, after the quiz, we learned we were going to dissect cats! So, I didn't really touch the cat, it smelled too bad. But we named her Gredel.

During class my Grandpa called me. Turns out his RV broke down in Crossville. Maybe I'll get to eat with him tomorrow.

I then went to my history class, I parked illegally, cause I was almost late, and getting SO frustrated with parking. Right after class, I rushed home and realized I left ALL my work clothes in the washer. I moved what I needed into the dryer, jumped in the shower, and Michael reheated the cheese fries I had Saturday night.

I got to work at 3, and I opened. It was okay. A few of the employees brought in their pumpkins for our pumpkin carving contest. I decided to carve one, and after work I went to walmart and got the stuff. Work was okay, I stood at the door for a long time. The closing host (there are only 3 on weekdays) hurt her eye, and was in the back all night rolling silverware.

At Walmart I had to look everywhere for a pumpkin carving kit. I also got stuff to make rice krispie treats. I found a stethscope for my costume! And I may have 'accidently' found an 'already' open package with a work badge holder, and took it so I could have a badge for my halloween costume. I spent alot of time trying to find something I own that I could cut out the Outback logo out of, for my tag. I eventually found the perfect thing, but I wrote too low, and my handwriting was ugly, etc.

Now, I'm at home.. its midnight, and I don't wanna sleep yet! And, I need to go to class tomorrow, but its a boring class, and I can't get Michael to go, and I'm behind in my reading, and theres no cliff notes for it. I'm actually thinking about carving the insides out of my pumpkin now. But I should wait until tomorrow, cause I am free most the day.

I love Michael.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Employee Meeting

Wow, I didn't realize I hadn't blogged since last Wednesday.. oh well. Nothing interesting happened Thursday or Friday I guess.

Last night I was laying in bed at midnight, watching tv, and I begged Michael to come hug me. He laid on me, then he fell asleep! I secretly won! Cause then he kept sleeping, and its hard for me to get him to go to bed at the same time as me. Michael slept 14 hours! I got up today at 11. I took a shower and went to my staff meeting.

The staff meeting was kinda boring, but overall pretty entertaining. It was 2 and half hours, as always. First we were all together, then we split up by different positions. The Hosts were there the longest, as always. I didn't really hear too much new stuff. We are now rolling our silverware (in the linens) in a different way, and I hate it. The employee (the newest one) who would have benefitted by the meeting the most forgot about it. Then she said it wasn't a big deal, and everyone was over reacting. But its a huge deal at Outback.

After the meeting ended, I rushed over to the President (of TTU)'s field, to see my friend from Outback, Joo, play rugby. It was pretty cool. It took me a LONG time to find a parking place, cause the football team was playing a game too. I went up to watch Joo, who is quite asian, and I didn't see him anywhere on the field. Then I heard him laugh, the poor guy hurt his elbow like 5 minutes before and was out of the game. He like over extended his elbow. But I did chat with him, and he looked really happy that I came. He said that he invited all the Outbackers, and only one other employee ever came, when a ton said they'd come by. So, even though I didn't get to see Joo play, he was happy I came, I was too. I did see another coworker play though. And I told Joo that he made employee of the month, cause he was at his game and missed the employee meeting.

Then I came back to the apartment, and Michael made me some cheese dip. I was only home for like 30 minutes before I left for work. Work was actually pretty good. Mostly because when you arrive at work, you're supposed to stand at the door for an hour, and I didn't. I stood for like 30 minutes, then I sat people like the rest of the night. It was awesome, yay!

Then when I was about to walk out of Outback, my manager asked me if I'd run to McDonalds for him. Its the manager I like better, so I was fine with it. I got his McDonalds, and I got my 2 orders of undercooked cheese fries (for Mike and I) and went over to Walmart to get the fixings for the Chicago Hot Dogs I'm going to make tomorrow. I'M EXCITED! I asked everyone at work if they'd ever had a Chicago Hot Dog.. then soon as I asked Brandon (the host who's been there for like a month before me) and soon as I asked, I remembered he lived there. Then we chatted about how great they are.

Now I'm watching some tv, I'll prolly shower, and go to bed after the movie is over.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Michael's Granny's Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Granny's Chocolate Chip Cookies
Bake at 350 for 7-10 minutes

2 ¼ cups - all purpose flour
¾ cup - brown sugar
¾ cup - sugar (or splenda)
1 tsp - baking soda
1 tsp - salt

2 sticks - margarine (or sweet butter)
2 - eggs
1 tsp - real vanilla

1 bag - chocolate chips (or chips of your choice)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Chicago Hot Dog

Chicago Style Hot Dog

"An all-beef hot dog on a steamed poppy seed bun piled high with mustard, bright green sweet pickle relish, chopped onion, tomato wedges, a dill pickle spear, sport peppers, and a dash of celery salt. Don't even think about ketchup!"

5 all-beef hot dog
5 poppyseed hot dog bun
1/4 cup and 1 tablespoon yellow mustard
1/4 cup and 1 tablespoon sweet green pickle
1/4 cup and 1 tablespoon chopped onion
20 tomato wedges
5 dill pickle spear
10 sport peppers
5 dashes celery salt

1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Reduce heat to low, place hot dog in water, and cook 5 minutes or until done. Remove hot dog and set aside. Carefully place a steamer basket into the pot and steam the hot dog bun 2 minutes or until warm.

2. Place hot dog in the steamed bun. Pile on the toppings in this order: yellow mustard, sweet green pickle relish, onion, tomato wedges, pickle spear, sport peppers, and celery salt. The tomatoes should be nestled between the hot dog and the top of the bun. Place the pickle between the hot dog and the bottom of the bun. Don't even think about ketchup!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm gonna be a nurse!

Today... I woke up, went to class, napped, went to class, then went to pick up my car. I was at Midas for like 45 minutes cause he was having trouble with my check, like he had to call the main office to accept it, and I didn't want to have to split the payment on mine and Michael's credit cards.. So, I waited. I made Michael miss class! He missed this same class on Monday cause I had the car for work. Michael is a sweety though.

It was 573 dollars to fix my car. He even showed me the broken shoes, or something. He told me the root of my problem is often caused by people not using their parking brakes. However.. I don't see how that it my problem. I use my parking brake more than anyone else I know.

Then I went to work, it was okay, nothing too special. But I don't think anything bad happened. I did get cut at like 8:00. After work, I went to Walmart. Cause I got my schedule and I'm working on Halloween. At our Outback you can dress up on Halloween if you're working. I looked at the costumes, but they had nothing worth my money. So I went and got Michael the soda he wanted. On my way towards the register, I walked by the scrubs. I then decided I wanted to be a nurse! So, I bought some scrubs. I got an orange scrub shirt, it has eeyore on it, and he's wearing a witch, and other halloween costumes. I got black pants to go with it. I'm super excited now. I just have to find where to get a stethascope (or somehow spelled like that?).

I also bought some more linen scented candles at Walmart. Now I'm just relaxing at home with Michael. I'll go to class tomorrow, maybe see a play, then relax some more. God, I love the 2 days I get off a week. Oh yeah, my schedule next week mostly sucks. Like on the friday,saturday, and sundays shifts, I'm like the 3rd or 4th person to come in each day. So.. I wont' get to go home until like an hour before close! Thats normally the shift they give to the crappy employees.. Maybe my manager heard I said no to an employee who said her hip hurt? Idk.. but I have to say. I'd rather have those not as good shifts and have my guarnteed 2 days off! Jeez!

Now I need to move my laundry to the dryer!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday... was... Monday. I skipped my first class cause I stayed up until 5AM! However, I did go to my human anatomy lab, cause theres always a quiz. Then I came back and slept for 2 more hours. So I got a total of 4 hours.. Then I went to work and rushed off to work. I was a little late so I had to kinda rush around a little. Work was pretty boring. Not that much happened. I think something kinda exciting happened yesterday, but I can't remember now.. It rained?

Today was alot more stressful. First off, it stresses me out when people ask me to take their shifts at work.

I went to sleep last night at like 10 or 11, and I woke up at 7am and dropped my car off at Midas, to have the brakes looked at. I then went back to sleep until my 1:30 class. Which I only went to cause I thought we were going to work on our project, and present it on thursday. All we did was watch some terrible tv show about some play production. And there was like a 3 inch cockroach on the floor next to me, I tried to act cool and prop my feet up. Then I wished I hadn't even gone to the class, cause I kept getting text messages and the Midas guy called me.

Michael talked to the Midas guy, he said something along the lines of I had extensive brake damage, and I was only braking with my rear brakes. It'll be like 600 bucks to fix. I should have had my brakes checked annually, but I didn't really know it was something I was supposed to have checked yearly. Oh well.. I won't get my car until tomorrow.

During class one of my coworkers texted me. She wanted me to take her shift today cause her hip hurt, and she'd take mine tomorrow. I told her I couldn't cause my car was in the shop, and she said she'd drive me. Then I just said no. I don't care. I have asked this girl twice before to take a shift for me, (and I never ask!) and she said, "maybe, i'll tell you tomorrow" and never answered. I'm not going to take a shift for her. She works in the take-away most the time, so its not like she will ever make it up to me. And everyone knows she calls in MORE than any other employee. Of course, I feel bad like I always do. But I just don't care anymore. I've seriously become cold to my coworkers. I'm not gonna pick up shifts for anyone who has never picked up one for me. And if I ask them and they say no, I will never pick one of up for them. This week I picked up on saturday, and lost my saturday shift, and I switched on sunday, and had to work an extra 3 hours. I'm sorry, I can't stand it anymore, I'm tired of it. And I've gotten less and less understanding lately. I actually don't care if I'm a bitch anymore at work. It doesn't fucking matter. None of the other hostess will come stand with me at the door anyhow. I can be SOO fucking friendly, and take tons of shifts, and it won't make you their work buddy. I have now come to realize I will always be stuck alone while the rest of them chat, I've also realized if I go to the door they're going to leave the door.. so now I just hang out at the podium when they're at the door. I'm done with this crap. Its not like I'm gonna get fired for any of it. I'll just be disliked by the newer hosts. I'm still nice to the hosts that i've been hosting with for a while, and the hosts that have taken shifts for me. (Mostly just beth and the male host that got hired a couple weeks before me, and Alli, the girl that used to be summer only).

So, I enjoyed my evening off. Michael and I napped. Then Michael made his DELICIOUS easy nacho dip. Then we laid together and watched Bones and House. I enjoyed my evening off. I needed it. After the stress of my car, I wanted my damn night off.

Now.. I now something else exciting like happened today.. but man.. My memory is really bad.. I know I had a dream.. I can only sightly remember it. It was like.. there was a huge lake that was covered with glass, and every couple feet there would be an opening, and a railing around it. And Rudy and Meadow would jump in and try to catch the HUGE catfish. Meadow got an award or something.. Rudy was just having fun, lol.

Oh well.. I'm going to remember the other stuff I wanted to say after I post this.. maybe then I'll add a comment or something, lol!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Michael's Car

Well, because I was uncomfortable with my car's brakes. I drove Michael's car.

I woke up at like 1, and got ready to work. Then Michael came in like 15 minutes before I left, and I was surprised, I didn't expect him home until tonight. I gave him love, but I couldn't hang out. I had to get to work.

When I got to work, after a weird, leaned back car drive, cause I couldn't figure out how to make his seat not be reclined, lol. I turned off the car and couldn't get the key to come out. I tried and tried, i pushed and pulled, and twisted, and even turned the car on and off again. Then I called Michael.. turns out there's a BUTTON next to the ignition to take the key out.

Oh well.. then I came in and worked. It was an okay day. My manager (the awesome cook) made tacos and cookies!

Then we got kind of busy. And we didn't have a busy for like an hour. In the middle of that busser-less hour, I had a group of 6 people. I took them to a booth, (by the way they called ahead to say they would be coming, call ahead customers come before walk in customers) I took them to a booth, then they said, oh, they'd rather have a table with chairs. I said thats fine. I glanced around the restaurant, and saw a dirty table. I said, "It'll only be like 5 minutes for us to clean a table off for you. If you want to wait on the benches by the hostess stand I'll get you when the table is ready." But there was no one to bus it, so even tho I was a hostess, and dressed like one, I got a bucket and bussed it. I dropped it off in the kitchen and came back up to the hostess stand. I then realized there were 4 people sitting at the table, and I was like, "Oh.. God.. no!" I even said to the other hostess, and I'm sure I said it in a mad and mean tone, "You did not sit that table.." I think I said it like 3 times.. And she was like, "Yeah.. they said 'Can I sit there' and pointed at the table." I quickly started to stress and panic. I told these customers 5 minutes. We only have 5 tables inside (that can fix 6 people). 2 tables were pushed together and there were 20 people there eating appetizers. The other 3 tables were eating salads or appetizers. I tried to offer my call ahead customers the patio, but they weren't interested. I apologized and told them I was sorry that this mistake happened, and everything. They were rather understanding. I'd say like half of them were okay with waiting a bit longer, and half were annoyed. I told my key (manager of the day for front of the house) about the situataion. He did yell at us for a few minutes about not communicating. I know I should have gone up there and told her that I was going to sit the table, but I don't think it would have helped. Its not like there was one person running the board. Every host, and even one of the servers had been sitting tables. I think the problem would have NEVER occured if we still had a buser, like we were supposed to. The servers are giving away parts of their tips to pay for the bussers to bus their damned tables! I know I didn't communicate, but I don't think it was all my fault.

Anyhow, my manager got one of the tables to scoot over, and we made room to put one of our extra tables there with some chairs. I hope the people still enjoyed their meal. I felt bad that I did this. However, if I didn't go bus the table for them, they would have waited longer than me making this mistake.

Then... I finally got to leave at like 7:30ish. I walked outside, and there was a host, who had the day off. I chatted with her for a minute about my day, and how the weekend went, cause she was out of town. I took her saturday shift. I then said, "I'll see you later, I'm gonna drive my boyfriend's car, for the second time" I walked out to the car, used the key and unlocked the car. I sat down then BOOM! The alarm went off! Headlights were flashing on the pation (blinding this poor party that I sat there earlier today), and lots of beeping. I couldn't figure out how to turn it off. I didn't have a keyless entry, and I tried to start the car, and it wouldn't. The guy who was sitting with my fellow host, came over and tried to help me. Then I called Michael.. and he said you have to open and close the trunk.. wtf? He said its because its messed up. But I can't imagine there isn't another way to shut off the alarm. Oh yeah, the guy who helped me couldn't get the keys out, and I was like, "there's a damned button."

I then drove home, and Michael had cleaned the apartment cause his Mom came over. They went to spankies, and Michael told me I could have his left-overs. I ate the cheesey bread, but I'm wayy to stuffed to eat the stir-fry. I had tacos earlier, and Special K for breakfast.

Now I'm a little tired, and I think I should study for my human anatomy quiz tomorrow.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Running the Board

Today, I was running the board. Its the main, most honorable, position as a host, with the most power too. I liked it, but I let myself stress myself out! Also, one of the hosts came in 2 hours late, cause she couldn't read what time the schedule said. I don't blame her, but it made it really hard on us. There were only 3 hosts when we went on a wait (at 4:55). Beth and I were trying to sit tables. Beth would occassionally run over and open the door. And Brandon was back there rolling silverware, cause we were already out! (I wish the managers would order more silverware already!) Then I just got frustrated, cause I didn't want to leave the board to sit tables cause the phone could ring, or people could come in wanting a pager who called ahead. But, my managers would come over and say, "There are open tables, sit them!" It was frustrating that I didn't always have someone sitting tables for me! There defidently should have been 6 hosts today AND yesterday. I decided, while I liked running the board today, I'd only like to do it again in the future if we weren't short-handed. But, if my managers scheduled me the shift, I will be happy to take it.. cause, its an honor, I guess.

Now.. my brakes have been making very very uncomforting noises since friday night. Michael said it was okay, and I just needed to get it checked out when i had a day off. Well, it got worse, and now i'm just really.. uncomfortable with the fact. So now its too late for me to get it to a shop! Everywhere is closed on a sunday... But I guess tomorrow I will leave a message on a couple of answering machines. I'll prolly try Midas first, cause I have like coupons from tech, lol! I think i will have my oil changed at the same time.

I thought.. Michael drives an automatic now.. and his car is here, so why don't I just drive his car until I get mine worked on (its not like he drives everyday like I do). However, the car used to be his mom's and she has a spare key SOMEWHERE on the bottom. I went outside with a flashlight and couldn't find it! I had to come in cause my asthma was getting bad cause the air was so cold.

Now I am just frustrated, cause my car sounds kinda.. painful when I drive it and brake. I just wish I could find Michael's damned key, so I wouldn't have to drive mine. But I don't think any auto repair places are open on sundays. All the ones in the yellowbook were 9-5 mon-fri.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Let's see... I woke up.. went to class. I wore my new Diet Coke house pants to class, with a red shirt of Michael's. I was cozy, it was cold, and when I got back to the apartment, I laid right down soon as I got back. So, it was nice to already be in my PJs, lol! It took me like 15 minutes to fall asleep for my nap.. but then I didn't wake up until my alarm went off! I love that! I have to appericate when I can get it now.

After my nap I went to my history class, which is still half the size it was when the semester started.

When I got back, I watched tv, and played around online. After a little bit, I decided I should have napped. I was pretty tired.

I went to work, it was nothing exciting. I was the closer, and I did an extra good job since I knew everyone else was slacking on closing... Oh shoot! I just remembered I forgot to water the mums! I suppose I can do it when I open tomorrow.

After work I went to Walmart. I bought a hand mixer, big huge jumbo thumb tacks, and chocolate chips. When I got back to the apartment, I did the dishes, and ran a load of laundry (cause I had no clean work pants). When the dishes were done, I made some home made cookies (Michael's Granny's Recipe). I put them in a tupperware, along with some yorks and hersey's kisses. (I bought the yorks and hersey's kisses at Walmart too) they're wrapped and pink, they are supposed to be supporting breast cancer..

I used splenda instead of sugar in the cookies, and Michael's Granny uses margarine, but I used sweet butter. Andy said they were tasty! I drove them to him, so he would take them to Jamies. Its David's birthday party, so they're gonna celebrate by drinking, lol!

Now that I have baked all the cookies, did all the dishes, and washed all my work clothes.. I think I will go to bed. I am very very tired.


I was so busy yesterday, I forgot to blog! I skipped class cause it was storming.. and my tuesday thursday classes aren't important to go to. The teachers just want you to turn stuff in when its due. I liked that I didn't go though. I got to spend like 3 or 4 hours with Michael.. We just laid around in bed, and watched TV. I loved it. I'm specially glad I did it, because Michael is in Wartburg again!

After we laid around, we drove over to Andy's apartment. Michael and I had 2 sausages, and 2 bags of saurkraut. They were going to expire in like 2 days, and Michael hasn't been in the mood for it. And its wayy too much food for just me. So I gave it to Ryan and Andy. They seemed happy with that. Then I realized I left my cake at my apartment. Michael and I drove back to our apartment and grabbed the cake.

Then we started to rush off towards the interstate, cause we were going to be late for Erica's play. I started getting really stressed out, cause people wouldn't drive fast enough. Michael told me to pull over.. and he drove. Oh my.. I'm glad he did.. cause I would have been groaning and bitching the whole drive. Also, we had to take genesis road, and I don't know it well so I can't go as fast. Michael went a good amount fast, even thought he was stuck behind a guy the whole length of genesis. Then when there was like 2 miles left, my gas tank light came on. I got mad cause I thought I had enough gas to make it!

So, then we stopped at the Genesis gas station, well.. that one thats on the corner of genesis and that.. lancing road.. lol! I told Mike to give the guy 20 bucks.. and I would pump the gas. I started to pump it, and I was like.. fuck.. I can't tell which one of the price.. and which one is the gallons! Cause both numbers only had a tenth place decimal.. I was getting worried, and I saw Michael.. so I stopped pumping, and Michael was looking, and we were trying to figure it out.. Then the guy came out and said he figured I'd never pumped here, and he shut it off at 20 dollars.. I said thanks, and we rushed on!

We were running late by like 10 minutes, and Erica called. Mrs. Pointer was waiting on me. I got there, and rushed in.. I was ready to pay, but I think Mrs. Pointer just wanted the play to start, so I rushed in and sat down. I had dressed pretty for the play, lol! I was wearing my new copper colored sweater, new jeans, and my hair down. Turned out, I forgot how hot the gym gets. I got pretty hot. The play was okay. My sister was beautiful, and I missed her saying her lines.. cause I was so busy trying to get cute pictures and video.. I thought she'd really like some cute pictures. But my camera wasn't working well with the flash. Some of the actors were reallly good, and some of them I think were too afraid to look stupid. Like it matters, you're in drama! And this play is just for your parents, and good friends. I can't even imagine what the play will be like infront the high school. My sister was soooo pretty!

After the play, we went back to my parents house, cause Mike wanted to try my dad's brewed beer. Of course, I do come home, and I felt like once again, I should have just gone back to Cookeville. Cause my mom got on her computer and was busy doing emails and stuff, and I don't know where my dad went. Erica hung out with Michael and me though.. And Michael flung his arms up when we were laying on the bed, and he accidently hit my classes, and hurt my nose! But.. he felt bad, so its okay.

I dropped Michael off at Jamie's house. Sunday Andy on his way to work (Crossville) will pick up Michael. Andy might bring him to Cookeville, or I might meet them in Crossville, and pick Michael up.

Last night the power blinked like 3 or 4 times. Michael's backup surge protector thing 'overloaded' and was doing this like nonstop beep. It took me a while to figure out how to shut it up. Then I restarted all our cable box stuff, but my internet still wouldn't work. And it didn't work when I woke up today, and I restarted the box stuf again. Then I took my nap, when I got up... it was working.. so.. whatever! lol!

Now.. I'm going to go to work, come home.. and prolly sleep. Cause I think I'm closing. So I will be working until like 11:30 my time. I kinda wish I had napped again instead of watching tv.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A WONDERFUL night of sleep!

The cake turned out good, even though it had splenda in it instead of sugar. The edges were a little bit overdone, but it wasn't like tough to eat. Michael went to bed at the same time as me.. Even though I stayed up later than I wanted so I could fall asleep with him. I slept thru the whole night!!! I didn't wake up once! It was sooo nice! I have been waking up 10-15 times in a night when Michael was gone.

I woke up nice and early for Human Anatomy. Nothing exciting there. I came back and slept again until my history class. I had already read my assigned reading for the class last night, so I just closed my laptop and went to class. I wore a dress and the wind would make it inflate, so it was like a big dress, lol, not where people can see my underwear, lol.

My history class is much smaller now. Most of the people took the first test, said , "I won't make it," and dropped the class. I don't have problems with getting stuck in the back of the class. Which can be a serious problem since my eye sight is sooo bad right now.

After I got home from class, I liked that I wasn't really rushed to get to work. I had an hour, I showered, ate a lean pocket, kinda just enjoyed myself then I put on my bussing uniform and went to work. I was the opening busser. Work was pretty good. I enjoyed myself.

However, I told Alli (a hostess I like) that I would open for her on Saturday. Which should be a better shift than call ahead. I'm a little sad that I don't have my saturday off anymore, but she promised next weekend day she has off she'll take my shift, so I can have my day off. Then, Rachel (not a very good hostess, but she's not unfriendly) asked if I would give her my opening shift Sunday (I love opening on Sunday), and take her 2 o'clock cause she has a fraternity thing or something. She wouldn't get off work early enough to go to her thing if I didn't switch with her. I told her I won't accept her shift unless she asked everyone who had off if they would take the shift. And she did ask, so I told her I'd take it. I don't want to be the pure reason she misses the meeting. Plus, that just makes one more person who owes me. I kinda keep tab in my head. Don't think I forgot that I have taken such and such shifts for you.. Cause I don't get off often, so next time I want off, I have like 4 people who owe me. You better fucking believe I"ll get off.

Also, while I was working. I was cut (as a busser means take out trash and replace paper towels). I asked the other busser if he would help me with the really heavy cans (we're talking EXTREMELY heavy... Imagine like big round trashcans (like ones ont he side of the road), filled, packed tight of FOOD, not just paper, and trash.. food: steak, potatoes, ketchup, steak sauces, ice cream, all of it. Anyhow, I told my manager we were ready to take out the trash (cause I thought that a manager had to be there when we took out the trash, for secruity reasons). The other busser showed up at the door, opened it and started taking the trash out, without the manager there.. So.. I guessed it must be okay cause he's a busser, normally, like he buses more than me. When we got done, I was walking around trying to change the paper towels, and my key (asst manager for the day) told me to just go home, cause my manager was too busy to watch me take out the trash.. I was like.. uh.. okay? Then I did my shit and left, so I wouldn't end up getting in trouble for it. I was gonna wait on her.. he had the door open already.. might as well take out the trash? Oh well.. I got some cheese fries to go. Cause Michael always seems jealous when I bring home my busser meal. So this time I got a busser meal we could split, so he wouldn't be sad.

Michael's computer has been messing up. So for the last two days.. like all day long he's been downloading, reformating, removing, installing, to try and get his computer back to working. I feel bad for him, he looks soo sad.

Now I need to start reading the next book for my lit class. I'll get up not too early, yay, go to my 2 classes, then I'll drive out to Wartburg again, and watch my beautiful sister in a play I did like 4 years ago. I'm also going to take prolly half the cake to my parents, and prolly in one of their tupperwares that I've had for a while, lol!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Long Day

I had a rather long and eventful day. I woke up at like 11ish and drove to Wartburg. I had a doctors appointment.. which, I showed up like 30 minutes late for! But.. they didn't say anything, lol. When I was walking out it started to pour.. so I sat in my car and called my Mom to see what she was up to.

We agreed to meet at Starbucks before we went shopping. However, as I as sitting there waiting, I saw my Dad come in, which was nice, I haven't seen him in more than 2 months! My Mom was sad though, she wanted to surprise me by my Dad showing up. She wanted to see my surprised face, lol. I got a chai tea latte, oh yum yum. I'm not fond of coffee stuff anyhow.

Then my Mom and I went shopping at the Oak Ridge 'Mall'. I went into Goody's and got an adorable sweater, and some nice house pants. They even had these like super soft nighties. My mom wanted a wider selection so we went to Belk and JcPenny's.

I then drove back to Wartburg, and I remembered what it was like during from Oak Ridge to Wartburg, the 2 lane roads.. and you never can pass.. I then appericated Cookeville again. Since Cookevilles main roads are 4 lanes, and all the lights are sensored (drive up to a red and only have to wait like 15 seconds).

Once home I ate some of my Grandpa's "Beer Can Chicken". We watched some tv, looked online at stuff, and lots of gossping kinda stuff. I forgot what my family was like.. crazy! My sister running around shaking her bootay.

My drive home was terrible. I am long overdue for new glasses, so I have trouble seeing. It was also dark, and raining! Then, because it was a weekday night, the interstate was full of semi-trucks, and they were spraying water up onto my windshield. It took me longer to get home than I thought.

Now I'm making that cake. I used splenda instead of sugar, and I tasted the batter and it was yucky, so I hope the cake is good.. I made the icing myself, and it was YUMMY! The recipe said to bake the cake for 30-35 minutes until the toothpick comes out clean. I have been checking it every 5 minutes, and its now been in there for 45 minutes, and its still not coming out clean. I hope it doesn't take an hour, and I hope I don't end up with an over or under cooked cake.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Endless Shrimp

I woke up and went to work. I was in a great mood, and a bunch of people came in and I didn't have a table for them, so it made me a little more moody. Then the other host who got hired right before me, came in for work. He asked if I was wanting to run the board (pick who gets sat next), and I said, "I don't care, go for it" and he did. I was happy that I didn't have to get stressed about it anymore. Most days its not stressful, but sometimes I make it stressful for myself.

When I got off work, I had plans to eat at Red Lobster with Alicia. Red Lobster closed at 9:30.. and we arrived at like 9:10. We were like the only customers, so I felt a little bad. But why can't I do it, people do it to us at Outback all the damn time! Anyhow, I tipped her like 20-25%. Alicia and I were soo hungry we got an appetizer, "Cheesy Fondue" which was really a bread bowl filled with lobster and shrimp cheese dip, and pieces of sourdough bread to dip with. However, we had the appetizer for only a couple minutes when we got our salads.. then a few minutes later we got our shrimp. Then the waitress went ahead and ordered the shrimp we would want for the rest of the night, so the kitchen could close down. The buffalo shrimp was DELICIOUS!!! I loved it! Alicia loved it! I also paid for the whole meal, cause Alicia didn't have any money, and I wouldn't mind paying for her so I wouldn't have eat alone. It was 53 dollars before tip, but I was okay with it. I got like 3 meals out of it. And I also got dessert that I took home. It was this vanilla bean cheesecake, with rasberry sauce. I just tried to eat some.. but I could only eat like half of it cause I'm still so bloated from dinner! And I have 2 boxes of shrimp leftovers!!

I then went over to Alicia's apartment after the meal, cause I had no reason to go home.. not like Michael is there!! I'm soooo lonely! But, Alicia's neighbors were over and they were playing halo, and it was quite entertaining. I then stopped by Andy's apartment and got the cake pan and stuff I need to make Michael that cake tomorrow night, yay! I guess I will have to leave Wartburg not too late tomorrow, so I can bake the cake.

Oh yeah.. I had a dream last night, but when I woke up I could only remember a few things.. I remember 3 LARGE pumpkins.. like 8 food tall pumpkins right next to each other.. and they were in the woods.. and I was trying to carve I could live in it or something like that.. and then they all turned into bouncy balls.. Then.. like.. my Mom did something.. cause I remember my dad saying, "Look what you did to Rachel".. and I had like.. these metal things stuck in my legs.. each with a long wire hanging out.. and a Georgia State football symbol or something.. and suppposedly the things electricuted me.. I also remember Erica was wearing one of those "fairy dust" neckalces.. like a little container with 'fairy dust' in it.. but she told me it was really cocaine.. I can't remember much more..

Also, my parents sent me some dried strawberries, which are like ADDICTIVE!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

No Bake Butterscotch Haystacks

No-Bake Butterscotch Haystacks

  • 1 cup HERSHEY'S Butterscotch Chips
  • 1/2 cup REESE'S Peanut Butter Chips
  • 1 tablespoon shortening(do not use butter, margarine, spread or oil)
  • 1-1/2 cups (3-oz. can) chow mein noodles, coarsely broken
1. Line tray with wax paper. Place butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips and shortening in medium microwave-safe bowl.

2. Microwave at MEDIUM (50%) 1 minute; stir. If necessary, microwave at MEDIUM an additional 15 seconds at a time, stirring after each heating, just until chips are melted and mixture is smooth when stirred.

3. Immediately add chow mein noodles; stir to coat. Drop mixture by heaping teaspoons onto prepared tray or into paper candy cups; let stand until firm. If necessary, cover and refrigerate until firm. Store in tightly covered container in refrigerator. Yields about 2 dozen candies.

Day 4

It's been 4 days since Michael went to Wartburg! And I still won't see him until Tuesday...

I woke up, and went to work. It was okay.. not boring. I complained to my manager cause the girl who closed last night didn't do half of the stuff she is supposed to do, and I normally don't care.. But I had to do the stuff before we opened, cause she didn't.

Oh, I lost my promise ring (that mike gave me for my birthday). I freaked out and started looking all over the restaurant.. I was about to go insane.. Then I found it!! It was on the floor in the kitchen.. I've been wanting to get it downsized but I'm just too cheap.. and lazy.. Maybe now I will get my ring resized since it FELL off my hand when I was walking!

After work I went to Walmart. I tried to get another work shirt, but they still didn't have my size. So, since there is nothing to eat at the apartment, I went food shopping. But, I only bought stuff that had less than 2 grams of fat, and less than 16 grams of sugar (and that sugar was from canned fruit "no sugar added"). However, I decided to buy all the stuff to make a cake from scratch. I bough flour, and everything. I will even make homemade icing!! I'll make it when Michael comes home, yay!

Moody Party

I dreamt I was at the highschool with Erica, and I was having car issues.. I told her my car wouldn't steer like I told it to, and it was really dangerous. I asked Erica if I could borrow her car to get home.. then I would come back and get her.. and she told me NO! I kept begging her, and she kept saying no, cause she had plans that were too important! So, I drove my car, like insane wrecklessly back home.. I was like swirving up onto the curbs on both sides of the road, etc!

When I finally made it to the elementary school lunch room. Which is where I was going for Whitney Maden's birthday party! Everyone that I knew was there.. it was kinda weird. Andy, Jon, ERICA, Seth, and a couple other people I never saw the faces of.. I was really moody and I kept yelling when Andy kept asking me while I was late. I just kept blowing up MAD!

After Whitney had opened all her presents, she got a phone call.. I was listening to her while she talked.. and she said "what was the cause of death?". I then hugged her, and said I was sorry, and she was crying. She then announced her grandmother had died.

Then I had some other dream, idk if it was related, but I was in a shallow ocean bay or something, and i was drowning, and I had this folding chair.. and for some reason I felt if I could unfold I wouldn't drown, and I fought and fought, and I unfolded it.. and didn't drown..

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thinking positive can only disappoint you

Well.. my day was very medicore.. I think thats how you spell it. It was kinda boring. I was happy I got to run the phones (and thats just because Beth requested off for her son's birthday party), and then it was really slow! Like we didn't even go on a wait.. and if its that slow.. I don't really get to run the phones.. I sit tables.. and do all that other crap, I was soo disappointed. Then, this new host, who I swear wasn't taught anything.. kept standing behind the podium, and kinda.. shoving me out.. Like, she would be standing by the phone.. and Alli would be behind the podium too (Alli was kinda like the lead host).. and I don't think she understands that its supposed to be Alli and Me behind the podium.. But.. I didn't work with any other aggressive or assertive people today.. (Beth was there is one part!).. and none of those hosts get along with me too well..

Well, Alli gets along with me but because it was slow, she was cut at 8 (went home at 8). So it was then me, an experienced but not too good at communicating host, an average host, and a newbie. I was sad cause I was there until 9:45.. And it got busy after Alli was gone..

I felt tired all day, and kinda icky. I felt like the bad guy cause I kept telling people to leave the podium, cause like 4 or 5 people up there is CROWDED.. and I felt bad cause no one else would say anything, and none of them would move.. Like I said.. alot of hosts won't say or do anything.. I also felt bad cause it was like I was telling them to leave the podium, and like I said earlier, it wasn't like i had to be up there today (cause it was slow), I just didn't think that I should have to stand at the damned door again (i did have to stand there for an hour when i got there). Being the phone operator (Call-ahead), is like a privalge, saying you're a good worker, and you are organized.. I don't like this newbie (who has worked 2 non-training shifts), to think she can stand up there and tell me to go to tables, wtf?

Oh well, my work day was kinda bland.. and I felt bad cause twice.. I gave a server a party of like 8 people (kinda overwelming), and at the same time another table of like 2 or 4 people.. I mean they could kinda handle it, with the help of others.. but it wasn't like I could do anything about it. They were the only open tables.

I also realized.. yes.. I still talk too fast.. When I tell servers or customers stuff, I realized this alot today, they don't catch what I say.. I guess I talk so fast at work cause I'm always in a hurry.. Like.. i'd be seating someone (cause the newbie wouldnt' go), and i'd see people come in the door, and the newbie is at the board.. she doesnt' know what shes doing, and she doesn't know whose next so i'd kinda rush thru the seating process.. Oh well..

Have you ever noticed how nice it is when you're at a red light, behind someone, with your blinker on? Sometimes you can see your car's headlights and blinker on the back of their car.. I kinda wanted to zone out and watch the blinker..

Now.. I am home.. i took some tylenol for my minor headache.. maybe watching some tv and relaxing will do me good.. even though I have to be at work at 11:30.. and prolly working with the same people.. I wish I just had the motive to apply for work at another place.. but how do I know it'll be any better? Its hard to compare things at Tinseltown to Outback.

Oh yeah.. about my blog subject.. when I got to work, I was thinking positve about my work day, and excited. Then.. I kept getting pushed out of the podium, stuck sitting tables, and etc. I think that if I had gone to work thinking it'd be an average day, I wouldn't have got so annoyed and moody.. Thinking positive can only disappoint you.. not like it can turn out above what you expected only below.

Haunted Exhibit

I dreamt about Jessica Fly, again!

Also.. I kinda dreamed I went to the zoo again.. I think with mostly the same people as last time, plus Ryan Gunter, David and Jessica Fly.. And we went and saw the mantees.. I rode one! I got to ride a sea cow, lol! But I liked it.. I was riding like people ride dolphins? lol! It was pulling me around.. Then.. it like.. sprung into the air, and i held on for my life.. and it landed in the ostrich field.. the trainer/zoo keeper told me to get off, cause the mantee was gonna crap.. and thats why she flew over there.. When I got off the mantee, the group had moved on! But.. Michael had stayed and waited on me.. and he chased me down to the ostrich field and took me to where the group went... awww!

When I caught up, we were walking along on this rope bridges, thru the monkey exhibit.. then Zack went off one way.. and I told him to come back, cause that bridge was broken.. and you had to climb onto the floor and run across to the ladder so the gorillas wouldn't run at you. He didn't listen.. and while he was doing this.. (by the way... for some where reason there was this lady who was ahead of us the whole trip, with like 5 toddlers..) Zack noticed one of the kids from the group ahead of us was having trouble, so he helped him.. as a gorilla was running at him!! and I was scared.. lol!

Turns out.. that kid liked the adventure.. and as we were walking along the rope bridges, kept trying to dive off the side, and Zack and I would try to catch him.. it was fucked up.. then I tried to carry the kid but I couldn't like... get a good grip? and he would still leap for the edge..

Last, we were at this haunted like exhibit, at the zoo. It was kinda also a science thing.. It showed up alot of scary haunted things, but then it told us how they worked, it was cool.. It was like Ryan had been there before and was showing it to us. Then we went into like this haunted house.. some stuff happened.. then someone in the group was holding a plate, and shook a bottle of water on the cookies on the plate. I had seen the exhibit, and I yelled at Jessica, move!! But she didn't, and the cookies burst into to flames, and her arm was over the plate.. so I patted her our.. weird thing was.. she was wering some pinkish.. colonial period dress.. lol! (I am learning about colonial times in my history class?)

I think I woke up inbetween the parts of the dreams, but went back to sleep and finished them.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Dining In

Today was an okay day.. hrm.. um.. Oh yeah.. its um.. Friday? I woke up.. I didn't sleep too good.. and I had that weird dream.. then I went to Human Anatomy.. after class, I had to go pay the electric bill..

Michael didn't withdraw enough money for his half of the bill.. so I went like an extra block or so to go to an ATM that is from my bank.. then I remembered I did have the card.. so.. I was like.. fine.. I'll use my card from Oak Ridge.. then I looked and couldn't it.. I left it on my desk.. I then had no way to get money out of the atm.. so i had to back track a mile or so to the bank to withdraw.. I decided I would go thru the drive-thru teller.. I first tried to go in the wrong way.. and had to turn around.. then when I pulled up.. I put my paycheck in the box.. but the box wasn't really closed off or anything.. and my check almost flew away! wth? I then went and paid the bill..

I then came back and napped.. and it wasn't a very fullfilling nap.. like I kept waking up. I then went to my history class. And.. I started my car, and I was running late. Then I realized I forgot to put my bra back on after my nap! So.. I went to my history class braless. I felt like a retard.. and tried to hide it. This was the easiest parking I have had all semester! (Its the Friday before fall break.) I had an excellent parking spot, lol. Almost 75% of my history class was not there, so the lecture wasn't long, and I don't think anyone noticed I was bra-less.

My employee meeting was postponed until the 27th. So, I don't have to get up early tomorrow. I just have to be at work at 3, and I get to work the phones, yay!

Work was kinda boring. I like Brandon, and I like Beth.. but they're not too good at communicating with each other at the podium. But, work wasn't bad.. I would actually say it was a kinda good day.

Because Michael was gone.. I decided I would dine in at Outback when I got off work. However, I asked the manager to let me go a little early so I could. Because you have to be out of the restaurant at 10 till close. I got off at like 10:13, and I changed my shirt, and came back in. I sat in the lounge.. but no server greeted me, and after 5 minutes.. I thought I better get greeted.. so I moved into the non-smoking area.. then I saw the lounge server come out.. so I moved back.. I felt stupid.

Joo was my server, and he's an excellent one. I could tell he was a little sad that I rushed thru the meal, cause he wanted to be a great server, you know.. box up my food and all. But, I was rushing to finish my meal.. and it kinda made me bloated. I left at like 5 till close, cause Joo kept telling me that it was fine, and I didn't have to hurry, but I was afraid my manager would see me and be annoyed.

Now, I am home. I'm really lonely with Michael! But, I don't have to worry about food, I still have pizza left over, and now Outback leftovers. I hope I don't get to sad being all alone!!

Outback or Tinseltown?

I had a very vivid and long dream.. during my nap.. I just got up.. so I wanted to write everything I could remember.. To start... I was a host.... but where I was working looked like an old fashioned movie theater.. it was still the same interior shape as Outback.. but it had movie theater decorations and structures (electronic ticket booth)...

My manager.. looked like one of my managers from Tinseltown.. The manager was my outback manager.. (a female).. The manager behaved like my outback manager.. named like my Outback manager.. but.. looked like my Tinseltown manager..

The work shift was long.. and I was really mad. There were only 2 hosts.. me and Beth.. And it was a BUSY day, a busier day than I have ever really worked.. At Outback.. on the busiest day I have ever worked.. we had like 9-11 hosts..

As I was working.. I got into the bathroom to do the bathroom check, which we are supposed to do often.. And.. the bathroom had steps.. like 7 or 8.. and Women kept coming in with their strollers and getting frustrated.. So I helped the ladies.. but for some reason.. when their strollers were almost up the steps.. i would realize.. my foot was in their stroller.. like.. there was no baby.. and now I was in a weird position to try and get out..

Then I tried to help this party.. (group of people eating at Outback).. It was half black people, half white.. All the white people were Michael's Mom's-side of the family relatives.. And.. the black people were like.. lol.. This is where it get weird.. Michael's mom in real life has a younger brother.. (who was in the dream).. and thats all.. In the dream she had a younger brother.. then another youngerer brother.. a black guy.. but he was her blood brother... idk.. lol! And any time I walked by the black people.. I would accidently bump them.. spill something.. and they would get mad..

Then I saw Will (Michael's uncle).. he was holding his new daughter (4ish months).. He said if he put her down she cried.. so I went to Leslie, a server.. to ask her if she would get him a drink or maybe some bread.. since he couldn't come in to eat.. and I sprayed food all over her face!! It was like.. cucumber?!? I apologized but I don't think she liked me for the rest of the dream!!

Then I saw Beth, first time in the dream, and she was running our new ticket stand... it worked like it took names and gave them pagers.. but someone had to watch it, to make sure the customers were using it right.. and Beth told me I could run it, so I was excited..

Then I got really frustrated at something during a bathroom check.. and I saw Beth.. I told her I was going to walk out of here.. this was ridicilous I'm out. And I didn't really walk out.. I just moved between positions while I worked.. Whenever I saw my manager I would change positions again.. cause Beth told her/him.. and the manager looked mad!

I know there was more..and I faintly remember one of the black ladies like.. droppping her baby.. and it made an indention in the concrete.. or something.. but it was 100% fine.. (Prolly cause right before my nap my professor was comparing human bones to concrete.. )

There is more to my dream.. I just can't remember it since I went to the bathroom and got food first... Was I trying to make Outback into Tinseltown in the ways I wanted it?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

An Eventful Day

Okay.. my blog title was a trick.. to get you to read it.. lol! Just kidding.. I felt a little sarcastic..

My day was boring! I went to my Literature test.. which I read the books and went to almsot all the classes.. but I don't think even going to all of them would have saved me.. I am pretty sure I failed it.. maybe a D.. Michael left all confident he made a B.. damn him!!!

Michael and I wanted a movie.. I can't remember the name.. lol! Then we ordered papa johns.. but we got the wrong pizza.. but we were okay with it.. its not that big of a deal.. We ordered the six cheese but got the roman meats pizza.. It was good.. I liked the slices of tomato on it.. But now there's leftovers! So I will have food tomorrow.. lol! Michael left.. like.. 5 minutes ago.. I am soooo sad!!

He will be gone until at least Sunday night.. but prolly be gone until Tuesday.. (Since Monday and Tuesday is our fall break) I will be soooo alone!

But.. at least I work tomorrow, saturday, sunday, and monday..

Oh yeah, I was going to go to a play in Cookeville tonight cause I have to see 4 for my theater class... but it turns out they sold out like a week ago.. so.. that was a no-go.. And I blew off the play at Roane State last sunday to go to the zoo.. lol!

I still have some more options.. I just need to try harder, lol!

Now.. I will keep doing my laundry.. and watching tv..