Friday, November 16, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

Nothing exciting happened today. I didn't have A&P class so I slept all day.. well.. until history class. I said I did crappy on this last test, and I DID, 66! Anyhow.. I'm just not thinking about it cause it just depresses and stresses me out and its not like I can do anything about it.

I worked today, I was Call Ahead, I had a good time, mostly. It was me, Brandon, another host, and 2 hosts on their first days (of non training) I kinda had to retrain them each time I switched them around (from taking names at the door, rolling, sitting tables). I saw the new schedule was up for thanksgiving. It said I worked friday and saturday.. but wait.. i requested off a LONG time ago! I mentioned it to my manager.. He went back there got the request book and brought it to me and said, "When did you request off.. I don't see it." and I freaked out. I didn't write it in the book, I said it verbally to him! Anyhow, I explained he wrote it on a calendar thing.. or something.. then he disappeared.. and I didn't hear from him again as I was rolling. Then before I left i looked at the schedule. It had said that I was working friday, saturday, off sunday.. He just marked out friday and saturday.. so now I have off.. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND SUNDAY!!!! I was so excited when I called my mom my voice was all high pitched.

Oh yeah.. I want a new video card.. mine is kinda dying. But in order to get one from dell, I have to reformat then wait until the problem happens again so they know its really my video card. I don't want to reformat! so.. I just kinda ignored the last 2 phone calls of the fucking INDIAN MAN! GOD DAMN IT! Get fucking americans, i can't understand a thing he's saying, and he has to repeat EVERYTHING! I said I know how to reformat, let me do it.. and don't make me listen to your step by step.. that I can't understand anyhow!!! I don't want to reformat.. I have a ton of shit on here! Maybe i'll just wait until the problem gets unlivable.. idk.. I don't want to reformat for no real reason.. what a pain..

Oh yeah.. I'm gonna take my xbox 360 home for the holidays so my family can see it.. however.. its not like i'll have a game any of them will want to play.. or anything.. mostly just so they can see it I guess.. Maybe my dad will want to drive his evo mr.

Also, Dad.. I didn't email you cause what i wanted to say to you about dell, I just wrote in this blog.. lol.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh ho ho

My life is magical! Michael and I went to walmart, after I posted my Tuesday blog. We bought some food, some light bulbs, even some drano.. for the shower! My hair clogs up the drain, and its a weird drain.. I can't explain it.. its like once my hair falls off me i can't get it back.. lol.. cause all you have to do is push down on the drain and it stops it, so you can have a bath.. anyhow.. we even saw some of my co-workers (3 to be exact) in the electronics section.. WE BOUGHT A XBOX 360!!! Are you supposed to use an before x? Cause EVERY TIME i try to write xbox.. i try to put an before it..

I've been playing Ultimate Alliance, the game that came free with the xbox. We decided to get the regular xbox cause 1) walmart doesn't have the elite.. we'd have to wait to order it online.. 2) the only difference is the elite costs 100 bucks more and has 100 gigs more of memory... and at walmart we saw an external 120 gig hard drive for 100 bucks.. So it'd be cheaper to get a regular xbox and get an external hard drive.. So.. right now we have a regular xbox.. Michael might end up asking for an external hard drive.. or not.. I don't know..

By the way.. I want a xbox live gold membership for xmas! wink wink

Now I'm about 1/5th of the way through ultimate alliance, and we've had it for 2 days.. Oh yeah.. we also got Forza Motorsport 2.. which is a racing game. You can drive my dad's MR Evo, lol! Michael was driving a race car than he drove my dad's car and kept wrecking cause he was used to the insane handling of the race car, lol. By the way.. I GOT FIRST PLACE! I never place in races like that! But the easy difficulty has this line.. on the road.. it shows you where to drive and has colors to show you when to break and when to let go of the gas.. and I GOT FIRST PLACE!

Okay now.. yesterday.. at work.. nothing exciting happened. I closed, which sucked.. but thats about it. I talked alot, and i told anyone that I knew would care that I got an xbox 360.. thats it.. i'm not gonna fix the "an" into "a" anymore.. cause it just keeps coming naturally.. so maybe you are.. idk..

Yesterday I missed history class.. and its not my fault! I also nap, and I always have an alarm. I set an alarm (100% positive cause i always set 2) and it never went off.. then we when i looked at my alarms.. nope.. none there.. Oh well.. it was STORMING! So I was secretly a little happy I missed class.. I don't know how I'll transport my laptop when its raining.. my backpack isn't rain-proof..

Today it was soo cold I got a large white chocolate mocha before class. I went to class cause I thought he was going to put us in groups.. instead he just rambled on about theater (it is theater class) and the entire class texted, read books, or surfed the net on their laptops.

I had a weird dream.. I can't remember alot.. oh yeah I had alot of them.. but this one upset me.. Jafar (my snake.. which I need to make room for at my apartment! I just.. its so crowded already.. I'm gonna do it) Had like.. evolved or something.. and he had like.. flippers.. kinda like .. well.. amphibian flippers.. like 10 of them.. and he was escaping out of his cage. I was too scared to touch him and I kept yelling, "HELP MICHAEL! MICHAEL! GET OVER HERE! HELP ME!" I was crying out! And he was ignoring me cause he was on his computer.. That is something Michael would do...

There was defidently something else I was wanting to say.. but I've forgotten it now.. Gosh! I can't remember! I'll just post again if I do remember. I'll prolly post again anyhow.. cause I know this is post is only for the last 2 days.. but I feel like I left a day's worth of info out.. lol!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Icky Day

I woke up, went to A&P. Nothing exciting at all. I took my quiz in the class, it was alot of memorization and the lab teacher felt bad for us so she let us like work in groups on the quiz.. then she was like, "just open your books". So.. I know i made a 100 on the quiz, lol! Then I came back, ate, studied for my history test. Then I went to my history test. I thought seeing my professor would be a good omen, but I SUCKED IT UP! I think I prolly make a 70-something! I'm.. ashamed! I studied and everything! Its just I had trouble remember the names of all the fucking treaties and shit. Then there was like 6 or 7 (out of like 50) questions on this one day's lecture. However.. its like the ONLY day I missed! So like 6 or 7 of the fill-in the blanks I made up names and dates and towns!
Oh well.. after class I went to work. The host who was supposed to come in at 4:30, called in sick. I was the only host until 5:30 (when the closing host came in). By the way.. i was supposed to have today off.. but once again this one host, who i won't name, asked me to pick up for her. I normally say no.. but today i didn't really have a reason to say no, and i'll need the money now that I'm gonna be chipping in on an xbox 360 elite. I dont' know why.. but Mike said he only wants a 360 if its an elite. 100 dollars more for 100 gigs more of memory.. I can't imagine we would really need it.. oh well.. But at 5:30, the closing host came in, and a trainee. I don't know if I mentioned Samantha, the new trainee (of like 4 new ones) but I like her alot. She's smart, fast learner, and not afraid to ask questions. Also.. I like when trainees actually care what I'm saying.. lol. I kinda think they should! I got home at 9, I felt a little bad. I told Mike I would make dinner at 8ish, and told him not to eat too much before hand.. but that bitch called in, so I had to stay later. I got home and made the best quesdillas ever!!!

THANK YOU, MOM!!!! (She bought me all the food supplies)

I've been watching Aliens with Mike.. We watched the first one last night. Now we've watch the next two. If I'm up for it I might watch the last one, lol. So far the 3rd has prolly been my least favorite. Only reason I'm saying this cause its been like 10 years since I last saw these movies..

Is anyone reading my blog? I've posted now for like 4 days or so.. cause everyone requests I blog again and I haven't gotten one comment!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Raspberry Sauce

Today is Sunday! I woke up and went to work. It was a pretty good day. Beth opened and I was there at 12 (30 minutes after her). It was sorta busy, it was nice. A trainee came in, and beth trained her. The key came in and I asked her if she could cut me at like 5ish so I could eat with my mom. She said it was unlikely (which is stupid.. they don't need me there after 5.. that would be 4 hosts for sunday dinner rush.. come on.. we had 4 for saturday night, we don't need 4 on sunday..) So.. Beth said I could get cut first (make her stay like an hour longer). I felt bad.. so I watched the clock and tried to see if they would maybe cut me in time.. but at like 4:30.. they said they would not cut me in time.. So.. I went to the bathroom (i was about to leave) cause mom left me a text message. I only check my phone, and i look out the door and I thought i saw my mom in some weird car.. so I went out there to check on her.

oh yeah, i forgot. my managers sent me to kroger to get raspberry sauce for the chocolate chocolate tower, but kroger didn't have any, so I came back empty handed and felt bad.

i met my mom, brother at steak and shake. We chatted and chatted! We had shakes, mom had chili, andy had a grilled sandwich, and i had a turkey club.

when i got home michael was a little hurt that i didn't call and invite him, but idk.. didn't really think about it. i just crossed the street from work to eat, i didn't think about inviting mike.. and i thought mom was only going to be there for like 20 minutes to eat, but we ended up hanging otu for like an hour.

TONIGHT Michael and I were talking! We know what we're getting each other for xmas!! XBOX 360 ELITE (like 120 gig memory!) We're prolly going to order it like during finals week, and have it arrive after finals. We're gonna order it early so we have something to do around the apartment after school, and as a reward for taking finals! I am sooo excited!!! I'm gonna get a pink controller ;)
There's the website if you want to look at the xbox elite.

Mom bought me stuff to make some KICK ASS quesidillas! I am so pysched! I'll prolly make them after work tomorrow!!

Okay.. so tomorrow I need to get up.. go to human anatomy (remember that i'm going to take notes on my laptop now), go to my lab, take my quiz on muscles of the torso. Then i'll come back and have like another hour to study before my history test.

Did I mention that my history professor came and got a gift card at Outback today? I've been thinking about it all day, I feel like its a good omen. He said he recognized me (even tho its a lecture hall, aka big class). I feel better about my test now..