Friday, October 19, 2007


I was so busy yesterday, I forgot to blog! I skipped class cause it was storming.. and my tuesday thursday classes aren't important to go to. The teachers just want you to turn stuff in when its due. I liked that I didn't go though. I got to spend like 3 or 4 hours with Michael.. We just laid around in bed, and watched TV. I loved it. I'm specially glad I did it, because Michael is in Wartburg again!

After we laid around, we drove over to Andy's apartment. Michael and I had 2 sausages, and 2 bags of saurkraut. They were going to expire in like 2 days, and Michael hasn't been in the mood for it. And its wayy too much food for just me. So I gave it to Ryan and Andy. They seemed happy with that. Then I realized I left my cake at my apartment. Michael and I drove back to our apartment and grabbed the cake.

Then we started to rush off towards the interstate, cause we were going to be late for Erica's play. I started getting really stressed out, cause people wouldn't drive fast enough. Michael told me to pull over.. and he drove. Oh my.. I'm glad he did.. cause I would have been groaning and bitching the whole drive. Also, we had to take genesis road, and I don't know it well so I can't go as fast. Michael went a good amount fast, even thought he was stuck behind a guy the whole length of genesis. Then when there was like 2 miles left, my gas tank light came on. I got mad cause I thought I had enough gas to make it!

So, then we stopped at the Genesis gas station, well.. that one thats on the corner of genesis and that.. lancing road.. lol! I told Mike to give the guy 20 bucks.. and I would pump the gas. I started to pump it, and I was like.. fuck.. I can't tell which one of the price.. and which one is the gallons! Cause both numbers only had a tenth place decimal.. I was getting worried, and I saw Michael.. so I stopped pumping, and Michael was looking, and we were trying to figure it out.. Then the guy came out and said he figured I'd never pumped here, and he shut it off at 20 dollars.. I said thanks, and we rushed on!

We were running late by like 10 minutes, and Erica called. Mrs. Pointer was waiting on me. I got there, and rushed in.. I was ready to pay, but I think Mrs. Pointer just wanted the play to start, so I rushed in and sat down. I had dressed pretty for the play, lol! I was wearing my new copper colored sweater, new jeans, and my hair down. Turned out, I forgot how hot the gym gets. I got pretty hot. The play was okay. My sister was beautiful, and I missed her saying her lines.. cause I was so busy trying to get cute pictures and video.. I thought she'd really like some cute pictures. But my camera wasn't working well with the flash. Some of the actors were reallly good, and some of them I think were too afraid to look stupid. Like it matters, you're in drama! And this play is just for your parents, and good friends. I can't even imagine what the play will be like infront the high school. My sister was soooo pretty!

After the play, we went back to my parents house, cause Mike wanted to try my dad's brewed beer. Of course, I do come home, and I felt like once again, I should have just gone back to Cookeville. Cause my mom got on her computer and was busy doing emails and stuff, and I don't know where my dad went. Erica hung out with Michael and me though.. And Michael flung his arms up when we were laying on the bed, and he accidently hit my classes, and hurt my nose! But.. he felt bad, so its okay.

I dropped Michael off at Jamie's house. Sunday Andy on his way to work (Crossville) will pick up Michael. Andy might bring him to Cookeville, or I might meet them in Crossville, and pick Michael up.

Last night the power blinked like 3 or 4 times. Michael's backup surge protector thing 'overloaded' and was doing this like nonstop beep. It took me a while to figure out how to shut it up. Then I restarted all our cable box stuff, but my internet still wouldn't work. And it didn't work when I woke up today, and I restarted the box stuf again. Then I took my nap, when I got up... it was working.. so.. whatever! lol!

Now.. I'm going to go to work, come home.. and prolly sleep. Cause I think I'm closing. So I will be working until like 11:30 my time. I kinda wish I had napped again instead of watching tv.