Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Last Week

I still upset about the blogging thing. And I've been quite busy!

I had my second human anatomy test today. I didn't study enough. I was discouraged cause last time it didn't help, and this time I know it would have helped. However, I still think I prolly did about average.. I hope!
Monday I had a quiz (out of 3) for my history class. I got it back today and I made a 100! It's only like 3% of my entire grade.. but still feels good.
I should be studying for my history test Monday. I've started on some of the note cards, but I'm getting distracted watching the Son of the Mask.
Yesterday I grilled! It took me like 2 hours after i lit the coals before I was ready to cook them. After like an hour the fire died down, but then it wasn't warm enough to cook the new york strips that were marinaded in A1's New York Marinade. After i left the coals alone for a little bit it got hot again, and I cooked the steaks. I had my medium rare, mostly cause I was getting impatient and wanted to eat. Michael had me leave his on for longer and it was medium. Michael didn't use a1 sauce, which he always uses, cause he said the steak tasted soo good. He even uses a1 at Outback!