Saturday, September 29, 2007


I woke up not too long ago.. And while I could slightly remember them.. I thought I'd share.. and man..they were weird...

My first dream my aunt (I'll leave out her name.. so she isn't associated with my messed up dreams) had a baby boy, which is was so weird.. cause.. he wasn't normal... he was kinda blue, and well kinda half bat.. he was mostly human.. but he had bat wings.. I don't know.. it was weird..

Then.. my mom got a pet bat.. while it was every so cute!, lol! Erica and I were always fighting over it.. And.. it was weird.. I took him outside and he tried to fly away, so i freaked out and took him back in.. but the room was bright.. so he freaked out.. which doesn't make sense.. I mean.. bats aren't senstive to light.. they don't have eyes right? And, we kept it in this HUGE clothing closet! And Erica was mad cause she could never get the bat to come to her, but I could get him to come to me.. Then mom bought one of those huge sutffed animal heads to hang on the wall, so the bat would hang off that instead of in the closet.. soo weird..

Oh yeah.. I had some dream, it was strange.. It was like my immediate family was helping me look throught he house of this adventurer guy, but he was gone to like antartica or something.. and we were going through his notes and shit.. And he was engaged to some other girl named, Rachel.. it was weird.. Then he came back, with Rachel, and they wanted to have 'whoopie', so they rushed us out... but alot of us were like wearing his stuff, or had his stuff in our pockets, and he has like this sensor machine beeped if you tried to leave while wearing his stuff.. So, it took me a while to get out.. But I remember... I think he was hot, lol!

I'll prolly blog again after work.. but I just thought I'd share my dreams.. that I kinda remember..


Let's see.. I stayed up late again! Human anatomy was already more interesting! Today we learned about tissues. I was tired of learning about cells again and again! Ugh!

When I got back from class, Michael was still awake! So, I made him breakfast. We had waffles.. However, we had 2 packages (each kinda empty). One was for non-egg waffles, and the other required 1 egg per cup.. Well.. We didn't have any eggs.. so I mixed the two packages.. The first 2 or 3 waffles were okay.. Then I had to add more of the egg-required type (ran out of non-egg), then the last 3 or 4 waffles were kinda.. burnt.. crunchy.. not quite as good. But, Michael still loves me! Even if I can't make good waffles with a waffle iron and pre-made mix!

Michael then decided to lay down for like 4 or 5 hours, and I laid with him for an hour, then I went to History.. Oh god! My history teacher told us what the test would be like! A few short answers, a few multple choice, a few lists, then.. the majority FILL-IN-THE-BLANKS! omg! are you kidding me?! *cries*

I got back from History and took a nap until i got up at 4 to get ready for work. Michael showered after me, and prolly left the apartment like 10 minutes after me.

Work was pretty good. My day just started out good. I only had to stand at the door for like 30 minutes the whole shift! OMG! AWESOME! I mostly sat people and rolled silverware.

Kris (another host) asked me to switch with him tomorrow.. I groaned a bit and agreed.. I gave him my 4:15, and he gave me 4:45.. So now I'll be at Outback until maybe 10! But thats okay..

Man.. I like stopped half way thru my blog, and did my laundry!

After work, I went to Walmart. I want more work shirts (I only have like 4), but whenever i go shopping all over town, i can never find shirts for work that fit me right, or even in my size! I'm not that huge! I'm a large in most stuff..

Walmart has these shirts that are good for work, button up, collared, and every season they get new colors. So, I went by.. They had like coral, plum, and teal. However, they had no larges! If I want to button the shirt too the top, I need a XL, but I don't normally button them like that (I unbutton at my boobs, cause i have an undershirt on). But.. there was ONE large sized shirt! It was plum, the color I wanted the most! So, I bought it! But, I will have to keep checking back for more colors.

Then I bought 8 pairs of black socks. I am sooo tired of searching EVERYWHERE for a pair of socks! Plus, the socks I bought when I first started working have holes or bleach spots, lol!

On my way out, I walked by some juniors muscle shirts. I got a large off-white one, so I don't have to always wear Michael's, and so I can have another undershirt color besides white.

While I was driving back to the apartment.. I was racking my mind, trying to decide what I wanted to eat for dinner. There isn't much at the apartment.. and most of it I've ate alot of recently.

I saw Bellacino's! I pulled up, they closed in 15 minutes.. but I really wanted a grinder (sub). So, I went in and got a foot long sub (food for tomorrow too!) However, after I waited the 8 minutes, I only got a 6 inch.. so I felt bad.. but I paid for a foot.. i can't waste money like that.. so I went back in.. I said I was willing to just get half my money back, or if they wanted to make me my other half.. The manager guy said he was sorry, made me another half, and gave me a compliementary soda!

Now.. here I am at the apartment, without Michael, doing laundry, and thinking, "God! I should be studying!!!"

Oh yeah.. I'm annoyed that Michael didn't take out the trash! (There's prolly 3 bags of trash in the kitchen)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Monster Watermelon Slurpie

I stayed up late again! Oh, shame on me! lol. I got up and went to class, first my theater. We did our final dress rehearsal. We perform infront of the rest of the class on tuesday. I think we forgot to time it though, so I hope we are actually 8 minutes!

I got out like 30 minutes early, so I had 40 minutes until literature. Turns out Michael got out like 50 minutes early from his first class, and he went home. He said he doesn't want to go to literature until he catches up in his reading. Ugh! I haven't read and I still get useful information (for the test and essay) by going to class. The professor tells you everything that happened.

By the time I got out of Literature I wished I hadn't gone! It was a rather unproductive day, and its so hot in there! I got a headache. But I still needed to go to Outback and get my schedule.

After school I went to Outback, got my schedule! If any of you care.. I work friday evening, saturday evening, 12 on Sunday, monday I BUS again! This time I get to bus with the other host who buses (Beth). I like her, and it turns out it was her I said no to picking up the shift! So, I do feel a little bad, I like her, and she never asks me to trade, unless it really important. Oh yeah, I have tuesday off (cause i request all tuesdays and thursdays off) and I work hosting on wednesday.

I went to Walmart after Outback. I bought 20 ink for the printer so I could print out my history notes, so I can study. Then I spent 8 dollars on more spaghetti sauce, 8 dollars on paper towels, 7 dollars on trashbags, 6 dollars on mouthwash! So, after all that and a few other no so expensive items, I ended up spending 67 dollars!

I then stopped by the gas station on the corner of Broad and Willow. It had a sale, 5 12-packs for 10 dollars. However, they were out of regular pepsi.. I didn't want to buy 5 12-packs of fattening soda. So, I called and texted Michael to ask him if I should get it anyhow for him.. He didn't answer so I got mad! I even hung around the gas station for like 5 minutes.. when I saw the slurplie machine! I wash tempted, I haven't had one in like a year!.. Then.. I saw watermelon! So, I got a monster sized (44 oz)! I left without buying soda cause Michael didn't answer. But he ended up going by after his class and getting them anyhow.. I like the mountain dew game fuel, while still fattening, thats okay.. cause I'll drink some of it, and he'll drink some too. He also go one pack of diet pepsi max, i'll find out if I like it.

When I got back to the apartment, I studied (mostly history this time) for an hour and half! But, it wasn't just straight studying, I was chatting with my Erica too. When Michael got back from class we did the cutest thing! We sat on the couch and watched an episode of Californication, and we fell asleep all cuddled up! We slept for like 2 hours, then I kept falling off the couch, I took the quilt, and went to the bed. I of course invited him, but he fell back asleep on the couch for another hour, while I slept on the bed for another hour.

How often do you remember you dreams? Cause, I remember having a dream every night! I can prolly only once a week explain it to you, but every night i remember pieces.. All I can remember from my nap is like.. i traveled by colonial times (prolly cause thats what i'm studying), and there were evil bats.. and evil people.. and I was trying to protect the oblivious pregnant lady and her 4 year old girl.. I think thats kinda it.. lol!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I've decided to blog now, while I normally blog later in the day incase I have something more exciting to say.

I didn't sleep too much, I wanted to watch Bandits last night. Also, I forgot to say 2 days ago I finished my audiobook. It was good.. I just feel the last chapter was a happy ending.. but too.. far-fetched..

I went to Anatomy, learned about Cancer. It made me think about my Grandmother, and my Great Aunt Eunice. Which made me ask my Dad all about my Grandmother's fight with cancer. I never realized she lived thru so much. I was kinda young, and I didn't really know the details until today.

Then my professor said this would be the last stuff that would be on our test (Monday). So, when I got back to the apartment, I started on some note cards. Only 3 tests in Anatomy.. the first one is Monday.. I don't know how I'll do. I'm pretty bad at remembering the chemistry stuff, and thats a third of this test! I'm gonna try my best.. Oh yeah, Monday I also have a quiz in my Anatomy lab, it's over the spine and ribs, I think i'll do fine.

When I arrived outside of my lecture hall, I noticed everyone was reading hand-outs.... THEN it dawned on me!! He gave us hand-outs 2 weeks ago. We're having a quiz today! (We only have 3 tests, and 3 quizzes) I crammed as much as I could in 10 minutes, since it was like 10 pages..

The quiz wasn't so bad, it was an one paragraph essay answer. When the quiz was over, the professor said pass it to the front. Well, I'm in a lecture hall, sot here's like 20 ppl behind me. This girl in front of me (who I will mention again) holds her hand out over her shoulder. Its like she is wanting me to put the papers in her hand.. Her hand dangles there for like 2 minute.. me and the guy behind me are thinking, "what the fuck?" I think I did okay.. I'm sure I would have aced it if I had read it all! But.. I did go to a lecture last week, for extra credit. Going to that lecture will drop my lowest quiz grade at the end of the semester and replace it with an A!!

He then lectured today about the hand-out. My god... this girl infront of me! Jesus!! Not only is her hair nasty and greasy, but every single time he asks a question she has to answer! Look idiot, if you don't know the answer don't try to sound smart! She's saying some really out there stuff! Then when someone else would answer, and the professor would agree... He would then ask, "any more? any more factors?".. Guess what.. she would answer! And she would say the exact same thing the other person said. She just kept repeating the professor and other students. Even the professor starts to ignore her by the end of the class. Then he reminds us.. TEST on Wednesday!! Oh god! His tests are supposed to be so hard! We haven't had one yet.

So.. On Monday I have a Human Anatomy Test and Human Anatomy Lab Quiz. Then on Wednesday I have my American History Test. I don't know if I'll be able to study enough! I mean, I've started studying today.. but still! I haven't looked at my work schedule yet.. but I'm sure I'll have to work friday, saturday, and sunday. I might see if someone can pick up my shift sunday. But its not like I can get people to get all my shifts, and i sure as hell can't request them all off.. Anyhow, my manager is already making the schedule.

Now is the time that I am so happy I said I am unavailable to work on tuesdays and thursdays! I know for sure.. that I won't have to work tomorrow, or the night before my History test! And, I already know I don't work tonight. And.. even if I do work Sunday.. we close at 9pm.. I am hoping Michael will really help me. Its really important to me. I don't really have friends in these classes, nor would it really help.. I hope Michael will help me with my flash cards (which I already made out like 100). He's really smart, and he has helped me alot on past tests and quizzes.

Oh yeah, I have a Literature test not next week, but the next week (11th). I'm pretty nervous there too! There's 2 tests, and 1 essay for that class. The test will be over Beowulf and King Lear.. And I have been behind on King Lear. I mean, I go to class and he discusses it alot! So, its not like I don't know what is happening.. but.. I'm still worried. He takes attendance, but he says it doesn't count. I think it's like extra credit. Not alot of extra credit of course, but at least a little! And I've only missed 2 class periods.

Also, one of my friends at Outback, had his car broken into and his laptop stolen. It made me think. (As I take my history notes on my laptop) I sent myself an email with all my notes attached. Not that he was in Cookeville when it was stolen..I'm just saying.. it made me think..

And.. I need to go to walmart! I need to buy ink. My printer is low and everything turns out maroonish. I want to print all 20 pages of my history notes. Its much easier to study notes when they're in your hand, not on the computer screen.

Oh yeah.. On the 9th, my group in theater is doing a 8 minute skit we wrote. I picked the Greek Myth (we have to perform it like the Greeks). Niobe is the name. It's about a woman who has a ton of kids. She goes about bragging about how fertile she is. She even says she's more fertile than the gods. So, they come down, all mad and kill her children.
We were allowed to change stuff if we wanted.. so.. no girl in our group really wanted to be Niobe (not that we have to memorize our lines, we're allowed to have a script), I just didn't feel up to it. So.. a guy took the role. Now we're trying to make the play funny! He is dressig up like a woman, lol. The two gods.. really funny guys. One is Eastern guy (Islam or something), and he is still learning english. So, his lines are even funnier! Then the other guy is almost 7 foot, and he's just a naturally funny guy. And.. instead of the children being shot by arrows... the gods are going to give us.. poison candy!!

I think I have now told you about everything going on in all my classes.. lol. I'm sorry this ended up so long.. I just.. URGH.. have so much to say!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How much spare change is okay?

This morning, I woke up at 12ish. I got decent sleep, not quite 8 hours though, maybe 7. I had that Activia yogurt for breakfast. I tried desperately to wake up Michael. It was a lost cause.. I threw water on him, whined, tried to put the sun in his eyes, make him hot, make him cold.. whatever.. it was useless. So.. he skipped class.. I was annoyed. I was like mad all day! I want him to try harder this semester.

After my theater class, I went to the South Patio (On campus), Alli (host from work) was there selling cookies for the Animal Pound. I then hung out at the Univeristy Center for a while before class. I bought a t-shirt, "What you wear matters". It's one of those shirts you buy and the money goes to some donation. This one was for South Africa working forces.

Then I went to Lit, it was soo hot!! I discovered why its always BURNING up in there! The AC, which does work.. is really loud.. so the professor has to chose. Let the students hear him, or let the students be cooled off.

When I got back to the apartment, I was still mad at Michael, and I blew up at him.. but he was kinda understanding. Then I agreed to clean the bedroom and bathroom, if he cleaned the kitchen (dishes and trash). He agreed, then when I started, he swore I said I'd clean the living room too. He has to be joking! No way in hell would I clean 3 rooms while he cleans 1! He's insane.. so I cleaned the living room, and we ordered papa johns. I felt bad for the delivery man.. We had to scrap together quarters so he would have a tip.

How much spare change is acceptable. Is it okay to give the delivery man 4 dollars in quarters? Is one dollar in dimes okay? I don't know.. I was just curious.

Now, I have been watching Californication! It's an awesome show so far. After this I'm going to watch the Bones preimere and House preimere. Awesome!!!

I need to catch up on my reading of King Lear.. I'm behind.. I need to start sudying the Human Spine (for that quiz ever week)..

I feel pretty good right now, and I defidently feel like blogging away! However, I don't have anything to say!!! I love me!

Monday, September 24, 2007

8 hours of sleep

I finally got 8 hours of sleep, in a row!! I woke up, went to anatomy, took the quiz, and I'm pretty sure I got a perfect score on the Human Skull.

In my anatomy class, everyone has to pick a disease and write some on it, and do like a 5 minute presentation.. I wanted to do Bipolar Disorder, the genetic part would be kinda cool.. However, when I got up there to sign my name, Bipolar Disorder had already been picked.. so.. I did a last second change, and I chose Irritable Bowel Syndrome.. which I hope is just as exciting, lol!

After History class, I was planning on driving straight to work. However, I got out 20 minutes early, so I ran back to the apartment to drop off my laptop. On my way to work I stopped at Starbucks and got a Frappichunio.

My work day didn't start out too good... When we opened, in the first 15 minutes, like 8 tables came in. On mondays, opening, we have 1 server for non-smoking, and 1 server for smoking. I sat Charles (the non-smoking server), all 3 of his tables at once. So, he was kinda overloaded. Then 3 people went into the smoking area. Then 2 more non-smoking people came in. I sat them.. and Jona (My Manager) told the smoking-server to take one of the tables. And I went to ask the other non-smoking server.. and I realized he was too overloaded. I was gonna go back and ask the smoking-server.. but she was standing at her table for like 3 or 4 minutes... Tables are supposed to be greeted within the first 2 minutes.. so.. Jona got onto me for not getting them a server faster..

I did however, get off work early. I left Outback at like 7:15. Then, I went to Walmart to get garlic bread, because I was going to make spaghetti. Well.. the spaghetti was a disaster.. I told Mike to cook the whole box of pasta (cause, when I read it, it said Serving size- 2oz ... I thought it said 2 servings a box) So, we had a TON of spaghetii... We were trying to watch Heroes, the season preimere while we cooked... so.. the pasta sat too long, and got extra gooey! And, I cooked half the can of sauce (3 servings).. and I ended up with like 1 cup of sauce! So, we ended up using all the sauce.. But.. the texas toast was good! lol!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Human Skull

Not alot has happened today. But, I figured I would log on, and say a little something for my daily blog.

I woke up at 9:30am to meet my mom, brother, and Michael at Ihop for breakfast. We stayed and chatted for a little more than an hour. I got this huge ass omolette (Chicken Faijata), and it also came with pancakes! Like I had room for all that!

After we finished eating, my mom went to see my brother's apartment. Michael headed out to Nashville, and I headed to work.

I opened with Janine, which was cool, cause I haven't worked with her in a while, cause she's always working in the Outback To-go. Work was pretty boring. It was kinda slow. I mean we had a rush from 12:30-1:00, but that was it.

I was cut at 6:00. I figured Michael would still be in Nashville, so when I got off I got a Bloomin' Onion.

I arrived home, and Michael was already here. I felt bad cause he doesn't care for Bloomin' Onions.. I normally get him cheese fries. He was cute though! He was alseep on the couch, wrapped up in his quilt (the quilt his grandmother made for him when he was a boy).

Now, I've been studying for a while for my Anatomy quiz tomorrow. It's over the Adult Human Skull!

Michael is already laying down to sleep, he is just so worn out. I can't decide.. study longer or snuggle.

Skipping Class

I've been rather bored lately, plenty of free time, even with school and work. I figured maybe I would blog like every day, or something. Today was the first day I skipped class this semester, and I was of course annoyed at myself. I didn't fall asleep until 5:30 am, because I was watching "Taking care of Business" cause it has an actor (The main character from the show According to Jim) in it, and i was addicted.
Then I got up at 10:30 am, cause my friend Brittany signed me up for this nursing luncheon. When I got there I was secretly disappointed because it was BBQ.. and my mother made BBQ sunday for a party, and I got left-overs.. So, I wasn't really in the mood for for it, and my mom's was better.. but I did meet a couple of freshman, not that I really learned their names, lol.

I was planning, after the luncheon, to read King Lear (for brit lit) until 1:30 (class), but I got done with the luncheon early so I decided to go home and nap until class, which is what I do all the time.. (nap inbetween classes, since i have 9 o'clock classes)

However, I got back to the apartment and it took me a while to fall asleep, then when the alarm went off, I was so mad, and sad at the same time! I just wanted to sleep.. so i asked Mike if he was going to class (cause we have class at the same time on tuesdays and thursdays), and he asked me if I was going to, then we just kept asking each other until we both fell asleep.. so... I missed class..

Since then I haven't really done anything exciting.. I went to Walmart and got like 70 bucks of food, and did the dishes. I washed my work pants, cause I'm bussing tomorrow. I'm secretly a little nervous. My manager asked me to bus cause someone else called in, so I said sure.. and I know how to bus, just fine.. I'm just worried cause I think I might be the only busser for a while, and I've never taken out the trash, and I don't really know how to do that.. and I don't really know what bussers do when they're in the kitchen.. like get stuff for the dishwashers.. so something.. idk...

Also, when I get there tomorrow I have to ask the manager for a different bussing shirt.. the shirt my manager gave me is.. very.. skin tight.. which I don't think I would be comfortable in, and not really very professional.. I hope they have a larger shirt..

Otherwise.. not much.. I'm pretty tired, even though I got up at 4pm..