Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thinking positive can only disappoint you

Well.. my day was very medicore.. I think thats how you spell it. It was kinda boring. I was happy I got to run the phones (and thats just because Beth requested off for her son's birthday party), and then it was really slow! Like we didn't even go on a wait.. and if its that slow.. I don't really get to run the phones.. I sit tables.. and do all that other crap, I was soo disappointed. Then, this new host, who I swear wasn't taught anything.. kept standing behind the podium, and kinda.. shoving me out.. Like, she would be standing by the phone.. and Alli would be behind the podium too (Alli was kinda like the lead host).. and I don't think she understands that its supposed to be Alli and Me behind the podium.. But.. I didn't work with any other aggressive or assertive people today.. (Beth was there is one part!).. and none of those hosts get along with me too well..

Well, Alli gets along with me but because it was slow, she was cut at 8 (went home at 8). So it was then me, an experienced but not too good at communicating host, an average host, and a newbie. I was sad cause I was there until 9:45.. And it got busy after Alli was gone..

I felt tired all day, and kinda icky. I felt like the bad guy cause I kept telling people to leave the podium, cause like 4 or 5 people up there is CROWDED.. and I felt bad cause no one else would say anything, and none of them would move.. Like I said.. alot of hosts won't say or do anything.. I also felt bad cause it was like I was telling them to leave the podium, and like I said earlier, it wasn't like i had to be up there today (cause it was slow), I just didn't think that I should have to stand at the damned door again (i did have to stand there for an hour when i got there). Being the phone operator (Call-ahead), is like a privalge, saying you're a good worker, and you are organized.. I don't like this newbie (who has worked 2 non-training shifts), to think she can stand up there and tell me to go to tables, wtf?

Oh well, my work day was kinda bland.. and I felt bad cause twice.. I gave a server a party of like 8 people (kinda overwelming), and at the same time another table of like 2 or 4 people.. I mean they could kinda handle it, with the help of others.. but it wasn't like I could do anything about it. They were the only open tables.

I also realized.. yes.. I still talk too fast.. When I tell servers or customers stuff, I realized this alot today, they don't catch what I say.. I guess I talk so fast at work cause I'm always in a hurry.. Like.. i'd be seating someone (cause the newbie wouldnt' go), and i'd see people come in the door, and the newbie is at the board.. she doesnt' know what shes doing, and she doesn't know whose next so i'd kinda rush thru the seating process.. Oh well..

Have you ever noticed how nice it is when you're at a red light, behind someone, with your blinker on? Sometimes you can see your car's headlights and blinker on the back of their car.. I kinda wanted to zone out and watch the blinker..

Now.. I am home.. i took some tylenol for my minor headache.. maybe watching some tv and relaxing will do me good.. even though I have to be at work at 11:30.. and prolly working with the same people.. I wish I just had the motive to apply for work at another place.. but how do I know it'll be any better? Its hard to compare things at Tinseltown to Outback.

Oh yeah.. about my blog subject.. when I got to work, I was thinking positve about my work day, and excited. Then.. I kept getting pushed out of the podium, stuck sitting tables, and etc. I think that if I had gone to work thinking it'd be an average day, I wouldn't have got so annoyed and moody.. Thinking positive can only disappoint you.. not like it can turn out above what you expected only below.

Haunted Exhibit

I dreamt about Jessica Fly, again!

Also.. I kinda dreamed I went to the zoo again.. I think with mostly the same people as last time, plus Ryan Gunter, David and Jessica Fly.. And we went and saw the mantees.. I rode one! I got to ride a sea cow, lol! But I liked it.. I was riding like people ride dolphins? lol! It was pulling me around.. Then.. it like.. sprung into the air, and i held on for my life.. and it landed in the ostrich field.. the trainer/zoo keeper told me to get off, cause the mantee was gonna crap.. and thats why she flew over there.. When I got off the mantee, the group had moved on! But.. Michael had stayed and waited on me.. and he chased me down to the ostrich field and took me to where the group went... awww!

When I caught up, we were walking along on this rope bridges, thru the monkey exhibit.. then Zack went off one way.. and I told him to come back, cause that bridge was broken.. and you had to climb onto the floor and run across to the ladder so the gorillas wouldn't run at you. He didn't listen.. and while he was doing this.. (by the way... for some where reason there was this lady who was ahead of us the whole trip, with like 5 toddlers..) Zack noticed one of the kids from the group ahead of us was having trouble, so he helped him.. as a gorilla was running at him!! and I was scared.. lol!

Turns out.. that kid liked the adventure.. and as we were walking along the rope bridges, kept trying to dive off the side, and Zack and I would try to catch him.. it was fucked up.. then I tried to carry the kid but I couldn't like... get a good grip? and he would still leap for the edge..

Last, we were at this haunted like exhibit, at the zoo. It was kinda also a science thing.. It showed up alot of scary haunted things, but then it told us how they worked, it was cool.. It was like Ryan had been there before and was showing it to us. Then we went into like this haunted house.. some stuff happened.. then someone in the group was holding a plate, and shook a bottle of water on the cookies on the plate. I had seen the exhibit, and I yelled at Jessica, move!! But she didn't, and the cookies burst into to flames, and her arm was over the plate.. so I patted her our.. weird thing was.. she was wering some pinkish.. colonial period dress.. lol! (I am learning about colonial times in my history class?)

I think I woke up inbetween the parts of the dreams, but went back to sleep and finished them.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Dining In

Today was an okay day.. hrm.. um.. Oh yeah.. its um.. Friday? I woke up.. I didn't sleep too good.. and I had that weird dream.. then I went to Human Anatomy.. after class, I had to go pay the electric bill..

Michael didn't withdraw enough money for his half of the bill.. so I went like an extra block or so to go to an ATM that is from my bank.. then I remembered I did have the card.. so.. I was like.. fine.. I'll use my card from Oak Ridge.. then I looked and couldn't it.. I left it on my desk.. I then had no way to get money out of the atm.. so i had to back track a mile or so to the bank to withdraw.. I decided I would go thru the drive-thru teller.. I first tried to go in the wrong way.. and had to turn around.. then when I pulled up.. I put my paycheck in the box.. but the box wasn't really closed off or anything.. and my check almost flew away! wth? I then went and paid the bill..

I then came back and napped.. and it wasn't a very fullfilling nap.. like I kept waking up. I then went to my history class. And.. I started my car, and I was running late. Then I realized I forgot to put my bra back on after my nap! So.. I went to my history class braless. I felt like a retard.. and tried to hide it. This was the easiest parking I have had all semester! (Its the Friday before fall break.) I had an excellent parking spot, lol. Almost 75% of my history class was not there, so the lecture wasn't long, and I don't think anyone noticed I was bra-less.

My employee meeting was postponed until the 27th. So, I don't have to get up early tomorrow. I just have to be at work at 3, and I get to work the phones, yay!

Work was kinda boring. I like Brandon, and I like Beth.. but they're not too good at communicating with each other at the podium. But, work wasn't bad.. I would actually say it was a kinda good day.

Because Michael was gone.. I decided I would dine in at Outback when I got off work. However, I asked the manager to let me go a little early so I could. Because you have to be out of the restaurant at 10 till close. I got off at like 10:13, and I changed my shirt, and came back in. I sat in the lounge.. but no server greeted me, and after 5 minutes.. I thought I better get greeted.. so I moved into the non-smoking area.. then I saw the lounge server come out.. so I moved back.. I felt stupid.

Joo was my server, and he's an excellent one. I could tell he was a little sad that I rushed thru the meal, cause he wanted to be a great server, you know.. box up my food and all. But, I was rushing to finish my meal.. and it kinda made me bloated. I left at like 5 till close, cause Joo kept telling me that it was fine, and I didn't have to hurry, but I was afraid my manager would see me and be annoyed.

Now, I am home. I'm really lonely with Michael! But, I don't have to worry about food, I still have pizza left over, and now Outback leftovers. I hope I don't get to sad being all alone!!

Outback or Tinseltown?

I had a very vivid and long dream.. during my nap.. I just got up.. so I wanted to write everything I could remember.. To start... I was a host.... but where I was working looked like an old fashioned movie theater.. it was still the same interior shape as Outback.. but it had movie theater decorations and structures (electronic ticket booth)...

My manager.. looked like one of my managers from Tinseltown.. The manager was my outback manager.. (a female).. The manager behaved like my outback manager.. named like my Outback manager.. but.. looked like my Tinseltown manager..

The work shift was long.. and I was really mad. There were only 2 hosts.. me and Beth.. And it was a BUSY day, a busier day than I have ever really worked.. At Outback.. on the busiest day I have ever worked.. we had like 9-11 hosts..

As I was working.. I got into the bathroom to do the bathroom check, which we are supposed to do often.. And.. the bathroom had steps.. like 7 or 8.. and Women kept coming in with their strollers and getting frustrated.. So I helped the ladies.. but for some reason.. when their strollers were almost up the steps.. i would realize.. my foot was in their stroller.. like.. there was no baby.. and now I was in a weird position to try and get out..

Then I tried to help this party.. (group of people eating at Outback).. It was half black people, half white.. All the white people were Michael's Mom's-side of the family relatives.. And.. the black people were like.. lol.. This is where it get weird.. Michael's mom in real life has a younger brother.. (who was in the dream).. and thats all.. In the dream she had a younger brother.. then another youngerer brother.. a black guy.. but he was her blood brother... idk.. lol! And any time I walked by the black people.. I would accidently bump them.. spill something.. and they would get mad..

Then I saw Will (Michael's uncle).. he was holding his new daughter (4ish months).. He said if he put her down she cried.. so I went to Leslie, a server.. to ask her if she would get him a drink or maybe some bread.. since he couldn't come in to eat.. and I sprayed food all over her face!! It was like.. cucumber?!? I apologized but I don't think she liked me for the rest of the dream!!

Then I saw Beth, first time in the dream, and she was running our new ticket stand... it worked like it took names and gave them pagers.. but someone had to watch it, to make sure the customers were using it right.. and Beth told me I could run it, so I was excited..

Then I got really frustrated at something during a bathroom check.. and I saw Beth.. I told her I was going to walk out of here.. this was ridicilous I'm out. And I didn't really walk out.. I just moved between positions while I worked.. Whenever I saw my manager I would change positions again.. cause Beth told her/him.. and the manager looked mad!

I know there was more..and I faintly remember one of the black ladies like.. droppping her baby.. and it made an indention in the concrete.. or something.. but it was 100% fine.. (Prolly cause right before my nap my professor was comparing human bones to concrete.. )

There is more to my dream.. I just can't remember it since I went to the bathroom and got food first... Was I trying to make Outback into Tinseltown in the ways I wanted it?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

An Eventful Day

Okay.. my blog title was a trick.. to get you to read it.. lol! Just kidding.. I felt a little sarcastic..

My day was boring! I went to my Literature test.. which I read the books and went to almsot all the classes.. but I don't think even going to all of them would have saved me.. I am pretty sure I failed it.. maybe a D.. Michael left all confident he made a B.. damn him!!!

Michael and I wanted a movie.. I can't remember the name.. lol! Then we ordered papa johns.. but we got the wrong pizza.. but we were okay with it.. its not that big of a deal.. We ordered the six cheese but got the roman meats pizza.. It was good.. I liked the slices of tomato on it.. But now there's leftovers! So I will have food tomorrow.. lol! Michael left.. like.. 5 minutes ago.. I am soooo sad!!

He will be gone until at least Sunday night.. but prolly be gone until Tuesday.. (Since Monday and Tuesday is our fall break) I will be soooo alone!

But.. at least I work tomorrow, saturday, sunday, and monday..

Oh yeah, I was going to go to a play in Cookeville tonight cause I have to see 4 for my theater class... but it turns out they sold out like a week ago.. so.. that was a no-go.. And I blew off the play at Roane State last sunday to go to the zoo.. lol!

I still have some more options.. I just need to try harder, lol!

Now.. I will keep doing my laundry.. and watching tv..

A Dream or a Nightmare?!

I had one fucked up dream, lol! Erica told me she was pregnant.. and she was one crazy bitch! She was like.. mentally abusive to Jessica Fly, lol! She forced Jessica to drive a manual truck.. and she didn't know how.. and she was trying to swirve so she wouldn't hit people's cars.. or the fence was weird.. I took Erica to get pizza and she was a crazy bitch then too! It was like.. one of those dreams.. that you're not quite sure if its a nightmare or a dream.. lol! It was defidently an anti-pregnancy dream!!

I have a literature test today.. and I dreamed about it! I went to work.. and then like half way thru my shift.. I realized I only had 10 minutes left in class before the test would be over! So.. I like called the professor to try and get a make-up, cause if you have a good excuse, and call him in time, he'll give you a make-up.. It was weird..

I just wish I could remember what other fucked up shit Erica did in my dream.. And why did I dream about Jessica Fly again? I dreamt about her last week.. Its weird.. Since she moved to Texas I don't even talk to her that often.. I don't know.. Erica was just vicious!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Opening Busser

Today was a pretty good day. I woke up.. went to class.. which by the way.. I impaled my hand with my pencil.. it bled! lol! then .. napped.. went to class.. got ready and went to work.

I had never opened as a busser. It was boring... I mean.. I swept the parking lot then I had to wait like an hour for people to leave so I could bus tables. Then Beth showed up, and she helped me bus.. We bussed together for a couple hours..

There was this black truck with their headlights on.. so being good people, the hosts went to every table and asked them if it was their car.. And one man said, "yeah, thats my truck".. so the host left.. then after like 15 minutes.. she realized the headlights were still on, so she went back and asked him again.. and this time he said, "yeah.. I'm leaving it running.. I am hoping someone will steal it." That was it.. thats all he said.. When I left it was still running.

Oh yeah, I took out the trash.. and my manager told me all bussers get meals.. so I got a salad.. when I got home.. Michael got all pouty that I didn't get him a salad.. I told him I wasn't going to buy him a salad.. cause I got a free one.. I think its a perk of me having a job and not him, lol.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Boring Day

Today was boring.. I woke.. I went to class.. I went to CVS, got my medicine.. I then wen to a big mac.. cause I wanted one.. The traffic at that intersection is terrible. Then Michael and I met his mom at Dairy Queen, and chatted for prolly an hour.. Afterwards we went to Mac's apartment, and ate pizza he made with Andy, and Mac. It was like.. feta cheese and something pizza.. it was delicious! We watched Ninja Warrior.. which was funny.. and here I am.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Zoo Trip

The Nashville Zoo was fun. I was at Andy's apartment at 8 am.. and no one showed up until 9.. then the people coming from Wartburg didn't show up until 10.. And we didn't leave the apartment until 11:30.. So.. I was annoyed.. cause I was up really late.. But breakfast was great! I made waffles, Andy made pancakes, and cooked frozen biscuits. Alicia was incharge of the sausage and bacon! lol! Mac cut up a coke can and made a poached egg.. It was kinda interesting.

The car trip was boring! And it didn't start out well.. cause I kinda drove into a ditch .. And it was Erica, Karen (Jonathan's Sister), and me in my car. I was worried cause Mike didn't ride with us.. I knew we'd get lost! We were fine until we got into Nashvile.. then the interstate kept splitting! And truthfully.. I wish I had memorized the directions.. so I could remember which interstate it told me to follow... and Erica would panic when I rushed her to tell me, lol!

But.. we did get to the zoo.. by luck.. lol! It split the last time.. and I wasn't sure.. so I went the way all the other cars were going.. then we were like, crap! That wasn't the right exit! But then there were suddenly signs for the zoo, so we were home free, lol!

The zoo was fun.. but we were slow moving.. No one would be assertive.. take a map.. and lead the way. So.. the first place we went was to see the sheeps, cows, and horses.. lol! Like the kids hadn't seen that before.. Then we went and saw the lorikeets.. I liked that the nashville zoo didn't have bars.. like the lorikeet cage.. you walk in to this big cage.. and you can walk around the cage with the lorikeets.. and some would land on people.. it was cool.. Zack and Alica both held a lorikeet.. and Zack got a treat from a lorikeet.. haha! (shit).

We saw the elephants, giraffes, and by now Madison was too hot, and wasn't enjoying herself.. Ethan was done walking. Then we went into a shady field, and Madison got changed into a dress, and Madison, Ethan, and Zack ran around, and did flips.

We then went to this indoor building and looked at reptiles and fish. Madison and Ethan had more fun here, I think because of the air conditioning. Madison was cute as she pointed at all the fish. I didn't get my camera out fast enough to catch a picture of her. (But there are a ton of pictures of the whole group at the zoo on my profile)

The kids then fell asleep before we got to the petting zoo, lol! So, then we left, plus the zoo was closing..

Afterwards we kinda drove until we saw a continental restaurant. We stopped at Applebees.. Pitts covered the WHOLE bill! 14 people! I said thanks, but it was obvious he didn't really want a thank you, he was just happy to see his friends.

The car ride back was boring.. I was so tired.. I kinda had trouble seeing.. And Erica fell asleep, and I think Karen might have dozed off once or twice for a minute.. And the passengers in the other cars slept too!

After we got back to Andy's apartment, everyone hung out and chatted. I mostly hung out with Sarah, Amy, Ethan, and Madison. They played with the light switches, and a bouncy ball.

Then when we left the apartment, after about an hour or so.. I got back to the apartment.. checked my online stuff.. then I slept for 12 hours until class!!

I woke up went to human anatomy.. then I had a quiz.. which I forgot about! But.. she always gives us 10 minutes to study.. and I'm pretty sure I made a perfect score.

Now.. I'm watching Californication until History class, when I get to find out what I made on my test.. and then go to work!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Bad Day

Well.. My day was terrible.. I woke up and arrived at work at 5:15.. Which normally means you'll be out by 10 or 10:30.. turned out I had to close.. so I was kinda annoyed.. Then ALL day long my manager got onto us. She was mad we weren't communicated or very organized.. but this is because she let an inexperienced retard run the hostess stand. Then, prolly for the first time.. got on to me really good.. Like she bitched at me for prolly a minute or two.. only reason she stopped was because this lady interupted to ask where the bathroom was, and my manager made me walk her there.. Then.. to fucking top off my wonderful evening..

I get in the car to go home.. and Michael sent me a text message.. something like.. "bye.. i'm at jamies.. see you tomorrow".. God! One of the days I realllly good have liked to have him at home he left me.. The least he could have done was call and leave me a sweet voicemail.. or leave me a nice note on my computer.. (like he did last time).. but a sentence long text message? Now.. now.. I'm just mad at him, and I had a horrible day..