Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A WONDERFUL night of sleep!

The cake turned out good, even though it had splenda in it instead of sugar. The edges were a little bit overdone, but it wasn't like tough to eat. Michael went to bed at the same time as me.. Even though I stayed up later than I wanted so I could fall asleep with him. I slept thru the whole night!!! I didn't wake up once! It was sooo nice! I have been waking up 10-15 times in a night when Michael was gone.

I woke up nice and early for Human Anatomy. Nothing exciting there. I came back and slept again until my history class. I had already read my assigned reading for the class last night, so I just closed my laptop and went to class. I wore a dress and the wind would make it inflate, so it was like a big dress, lol, not where people can see my underwear, lol.

My history class is much smaller now. Most of the people took the first test, said , "I won't make it," and dropped the class. I don't have problems with getting stuck in the back of the class. Which can be a serious problem since my eye sight is sooo bad right now.

After I got home from class, I liked that I wasn't really rushed to get to work. I had an hour, I showered, ate a lean pocket, kinda just enjoyed myself then I put on my bussing uniform and went to work. I was the opening busser. Work was pretty good. I enjoyed myself.

However, I told Alli (a hostess I like) that I would open for her on Saturday. Which should be a better shift than call ahead. I'm a little sad that I don't have my saturday off anymore, but she promised next weekend day she has off she'll take my shift, so I can have my day off. Then, Rachel (not a very good hostess, but she's not unfriendly) asked if I would give her my opening shift Sunday (I love opening on Sunday), and take her 2 o'clock cause she has a fraternity thing or something. She wouldn't get off work early enough to go to her thing if I didn't switch with her. I told her I won't accept her shift unless she asked everyone who had off if they would take the shift. And she did ask, so I told her I'd take it. I don't want to be the pure reason she misses the meeting. Plus, that just makes one more person who owes me. I kinda keep tab in my head. Don't think I forgot that I have taken such and such shifts for you.. Cause I don't get off often, so next time I want off, I have like 4 people who owe me. You better fucking believe I"ll get off.

Also, while I was working. I was cut (as a busser means take out trash and replace paper towels). I asked the other busser if he would help me with the really heavy cans (we're talking EXTREMELY heavy... Imagine like big round trashcans (like ones ont he side of the road), filled, packed tight of FOOD, not just paper, and trash.. food: steak, potatoes, ketchup, steak sauces, ice cream, all of it. Anyhow, I told my manager we were ready to take out the trash (cause I thought that a manager had to be there when we took out the trash, for secruity reasons). The other busser showed up at the door, opened it and started taking the trash out, without the manager there.. So.. I guessed it must be okay cause he's a busser, normally, like he buses more than me. When we got done, I was walking around trying to change the paper towels, and my key (asst manager for the day) told me to just go home, cause my manager was too busy to watch me take out the trash.. I was like.. uh.. okay? Then I did my shit and left, so I wouldn't end up getting in trouble for it. I was gonna wait on her.. he had the door open already.. might as well take out the trash? Oh well.. I got some cheese fries to go. Cause Michael always seems jealous when I bring home my busser meal. So this time I got a busser meal we could split, so he wouldn't be sad.

Michael's computer has been messing up. So for the last two days.. like all day long he's been downloading, reformating, removing, installing, to try and get his computer back to working. I feel bad for him, he looks soo sad.

Now I need to start reading the next book for my lit class. I'll get up not too early, yay, go to my 2 classes, then I'll drive out to Wartburg again, and watch my beautiful sister in a play I did like 4 years ago. I'm also going to take prolly half the cake to my parents, and prolly in one of their tupperwares that I've had for a while, lol!