Saturday, October 13, 2007

Haunted Exhibit

I dreamt about Jessica Fly, again!

Also.. I kinda dreamed I went to the zoo again.. I think with mostly the same people as last time, plus Ryan Gunter, David and Jessica Fly.. And we went and saw the mantees.. I rode one! I got to ride a sea cow, lol! But I liked it.. I was riding like people ride dolphins? lol! It was pulling me around.. Then.. it like.. sprung into the air, and i held on for my life.. and it landed in the ostrich field.. the trainer/zoo keeper told me to get off, cause the mantee was gonna crap.. and thats why she flew over there.. When I got off the mantee, the group had moved on! But.. Michael had stayed and waited on me.. and he chased me down to the ostrich field and took me to where the group went... awww!

When I caught up, we were walking along on this rope bridges, thru the monkey exhibit.. then Zack went off one way.. and I told him to come back, cause that bridge was broken.. and you had to climb onto the floor and run across to the ladder so the gorillas wouldn't run at you. He didn't listen.. and while he was doing this.. (by the way... for some where reason there was this lady who was ahead of us the whole trip, with like 5 toddlers..) Zack noticed one of the kids from the group ahead of us was having trouble, so he helped him.. as a gorilla was running at him!! and I was scared.. lol!

Turns out.. that kid liked the adventure.. and as we were walking along the rope bridges, kept trying to dive off the side, and Zack and I would try to catch him.. it was fucked up.. then I tried to carry the kid but I couldn't like... get a good grip? and he would still leap for the edge..

Last, we were at this haunted like exhibit, at the zoo. It was kinda also a science thing.. It showed up alot of scary haunted things, but then it told us how they worked, it was cool.. It was like Ryan had been there before and was showing it to us. Then we went into like this haunted house.. some stuff happened.. then someone in the group was holding a plate, and shook a bottle of water on the cookies on the plate. I had seen the exhibit, and I yelled at Jessica, move!! But she didn't, and the cookies burst into to flames, and her arm was over the plate.. so I patted her our.. weird thing was.. she was wering some pinkish.. colonial period dress.. lol! (I am learning about colonial times in my history class?)

I think I woke up inbetween the parts of the dreams, but went back to sleep and finished them.