Sunday, October 21, 2007

Michael's Car

Well, because I was uncomfortable with my car's brakes. I drove Michael's car.

I woke up at like 1, and got ready to work. Then Michael came in like 15 minutes before I left, and I was surprised, I didn't expect him home until tonight. I gave him love, but I couldn't hang out. I had to get to work.

When I got to work, after a weird, leaned back car drive, cause I couldn't figure out how to make his seat not be reclined, lol. I turned off the car and couldn't get the key to come out. I tried and tried, i pushed and pulled, and twisted, and even turned the car on and off again. Then I called Michael.. turns out there's a BUTTON next to the ignition to take the key out.

Oh well.. then I came in and worked. It was an okay day. My manager (the awesome cook) made tacos and cookies!

Then we got kind of busy. And we didn't have a busy for like an hour. In the middle of that busser-less hour, I had a group of 6 people. I took them to a booth, (by the way they called ahead to say they would be coming, call ahead customers come before walk in customers) I took them to a booth, then they said, oh, they'd rather have a table with chairs. I said thats fine. I glanced around the restaurant, and saw a dirty table. I said, "It'll only be like 5 minutes for us to clean a table off for you. If you want to wait on the benches by the hostess stand I'll get you when the table is ready." But there was no one to bus it, so even tho I was a hostess, and dressed like one, I got a bucket and bussed it. I dropped it off in the kitchen and came back up to the hostess stand. I then realized there were 4 people sitting at the table, and I was like, "Oh.. God.. no!" I even said to the other hostess, and I'm sure I said it in a mad and mean tone, "You did not sit that table.." I think I said it like 3 times.. And she was like, "Yeah.. they said 'Can I sit there' and pointed at the table." I quickly started to stress and panic. I told these customers 5 minutes. We only have 5 tables inside (that can fix 6 people). 2 tables were pushed together and there were 20 people there eating appetizers. The other 3 tables were eating salads or appetizers. I tried to offer my call ahead customers the patio, but they weren't interested. I apologized and told them I was sorry that this mistake happened, and everything. They were rather understanding. I'd say like half of them were okay with waiting a bit longer, and half were annoyed. I told my key (manager of the day for front of the house) about the situataion. He did yell at us for a few minutes about not communicating. I know I should have gone up there and told her that I was going to sit the table, but I don't think it would have helped. Its not like there was one person running the board. Every host, and even one of the servers had been sitting tables. I think the problem would have NEVER occured if we still had a buser, like we were supposed to. The servers are giving away parts of their tips to pay for the bussers to bus their damned tables! I know I didn't communicate, but I don't think it was all my fault.

Anyhow, my manager got one of the tables to scoot over, and we made room to put one of our extra tables there with some chairs. I hope the people still enjoyed their meal. I felt bad that I did this. However, if I didn't go bus the table for them, they would have waited longer than me making this mistake.

Then... I finally got to leave at like 7:30ish. I walked outside, and there was a host, who had the day off. I chatted with her for a minute about my day, and how the weekend went, cause she was out of town. I took her saturday shift. I then said, "I'll see you later, I'm gonna drive my boyfriend's car, for the second time" I walked out to the car, used the key and unlocked the car. I sat down then BOOM! The alarm went off! Headlights were flashing on the pation (blinding this poor party that I sat there earlier today), and lots of beeping. I couldn't figure out how to turn it off. I didn't have a keyless entry, and I tried to start the car, and it wouldn't. The guy who was sitting with my fellow host, came over and tried to help me. Then I called Michael.. and he said you have to open and close the trunk.. wtf? He said its because its messed up. But I can't imagine there isn't another way to shut off the alarm. Oh yeah, the guy who helped me couldn't get the keys out, and I was like, "there's a damned button."

I then drove home, and Michael had cleaned the apartment cause his Mom came over. They went to spankies, and Michael told me I could have his left-overs. I ate the cheesey bread, but I'm wayy to stuffed to eat the stir-fry. I had tacos earlier, and Special K for breakfast.

Now I'm a little tired, and I think I should study for my human anatomy quiz tomorrow.