Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday... was... Monday. I skipped my first class cause I stayed up until 5AM! However, I did go to my human anatomy lab, cause theres always a quiz. Then I came back and slept for 2 more hours. So I got a total of 4 hours.. Then I went to work and rushed off to work. I was a little late so I had to kinda rush around a little. Work was pretty boring. Not that much happened. I think something kinda exciting happened yesterday, but I can't remember now.. It rained?

Today was alot more stressful. First off, it stresses me out when people ask me to take their shifts at work.

I went to sleep last night at like 10 or 11, and I woke up at 7am and dropped my car off at Midas, to have the brakes looked at. I then went back to sleep until my 1:30 class. Which I only went to cause I thought we were going to work on our project, and present it on thursday. All we did was watch some terrible tv show about some play production. And there was like a 3 inch cockroach on the floor next to me, I tried to act cool and prop my feet up. Then I wished I hadn't even gone to the class, cause I kept getting text messages and the Midas guy called me.

Michael talked to the Midas guy, he said something along the lines of I had extensive brake damage, and I was only braking with my rear brakes. It'll be like 600 bucks to fix. I should have had my brakes checked annually, but I didn't really know it was something I was supposed to have checked yearly. Oh well.. I won't get my car until tomorrow.

During class one of my coworkers texted me. She wanted me to take her shift today cause her hip hurt, and she'd take mine tomorrow. I told her I couldn't cause my car was in the shop, and she said she'd drive me. Then I just said no. I don't care. I have asked this girl twice before to take a shift for me, (and I never ask!) and she said, "maybe, i'll tell you tomorrow" and never answered. I'm not going to take a shift for her. She works in the take-away most the time, so its not like she will ever make it up to me. And everyone knows she calls in MORE than any other employee. Of course, I feel bad like I always do. But I just don't care anymore. I've seriously become cold to my coworkers. I'm not gonna pick up shifts for anyone who has never picked up one for me. And if I ask them and they say no, I will never pick one of up for them. This week I picked up on saturday, and lost my saturday shift, and I switched on sunday, and had to work an extra 3 hours. I'm sorry, I can't stand it anymore, I'm tired of it. And I've gotten less and less understanding lately. I actually don't care if I'm a bitch anymore at work. It doesn't fucking matter. None of the other hostess will come stand with me at the door anyhow. I can be SOO fucking friendly, and take tons of shifts, and it won't make you their work buddy. I have now come to realize I will always be stuck alone while the rest of them chat, I've also realized if I go to the door they're going to leave the door.. so now I just hang out at the podium when they're at the door. I'm done with this crap. Its not like I'm gonna get fired for any of it. I'll just be disliked by the newer hosts. I'm still nice to the hosts that i've been hosting with for a while, and the hosts that have taken shifts for me. (Mostly just beth and the male host that got hired a couple weeks before me, and Alli, the girl that used to be summer only).

So, I enjoyed my evening off. Michael and I napped. Then Michael made his DELICIOUS easy nacho dip. Then we laid together and watched Bones and House. I enjoyed my evening off. I needed it. After the stress of my car, I wanted my damn night off.

Now.. I now something else exciting like happened today.. but man.. My memory is really bad.. I know I had a dream.. I can only sightly remember it. It was like.. there was a huge lake that was covered with glass, and every couple feet there would be an opening, and a railing around it. And Rudy and Meadow would jump in and try to catch the HUGE catfish. Meadow got an award or something.. Rudy was just having fun, lol.

Oh well.. I'm going to remember the other stuff I wanted to say after I post this.. maybe then I'll add a comment or something, lol!!