Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pumpkin Season

Today.. was boring. I woke up at like 2:30 pm, Mike and I watched the season finale of Burn Notice, I missed the end though, cause I had to get ready for work.

I walked into work, and it was soo weird! There were pumpkins all around the host area, and fake leaves.. it was... fall-like. I was just surprised, that our manager actually decorated the front of the restaurant.

My shift was boring.. My arm is defidently feeling better.

I got home from work just a few minutes ago. Mike forgot to lock the door when he left, shame on him! I'm watching its always sunny in philly. This is one boooring day.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Sleep Habits

Last night I previewed 'Good Luck, Chuck'. It was very funny! I loved it! I'd prolly pay to own it in the future. There's alot of sex and titties tho! And It was just Andy, Jonathan, Mike, David, and I.. so everytime they saw titties they yelled, "BOOBIES!" There's even Jessica Alba side boob, lol! Oh, and I took Salt and Vinegar pringles with me.. I think I ate too many.. cause my tongue is raw! It's not like when you burn it.. it's more painful, not numb.

Mike stayed in Wartburg last night,so I was alone. Since, I couldn't fall asleep I listened to my audio book, "Water for the Elephants". It's a great book. I fell asleep prolly at.. 4:30am..

I woke up at 8:30, I spent 10 minutes checking stuff online and eating yogurt, and went to Human Anatomy.

I got back at 10:15, and slept until 1:00pm.. I got up, rushed around, and went to my American History class.

My elbow still hurts from when I bussed. I guess I need to stretch my arms more or something, I think its a tendon.. anyhow.. I'm gonna watch tv for another hour or two.. then I've got work.. It's weird.. I go in at 5:45, and I'm not closing.. but tomorrow I work at 5:45.. and I am closing.. whatever.. I'm just sad cause Mike will be gone all weekend to the concert and to see his Grandmother.

Andy just called me. David and Mike are coming back tonight (and leaving tomorrow for the concert), and they're all going to grill hamburgers at Andy's place. However, I have to work from like 5:45-11:00.. but he said he's put the burger in the fridge, and grill it when I get there. How nice of him!

Anyhow.. about the subject of my blog.. I don't think I've slept 8 hours in a row in a long time! it's like I just take 3 (3 hour) naps a day.. I nap before class.. I nap inbetween classes, and I nap after classes and before work.. I think I'm going to buy a sleep aid, cause, I'm tired of this shit.. It's not just that I can't fall asleep, I wake up all the time! And sometimes I never go into a deep sleep, so it doesn't feel very refreshing.. I feel like someone could say "Rachel.." and I'd say "what?".. not like they were even waking me up.. I miss good nights of sleep!!! I haven't sleep thru the night since I moved away from home..

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bussing and Greek Plays

So, not too much has happened. I bussed, and I liked it alot. It was so much better than hosting! I wish I could not host again! However, my elbow is hurting, I don't know if it's made for lifting weight.. cause my elbow has been huring since last night. And Raford, who was also bussing, was really nice and helpful since I didn't know too much about bussing. I was too busy to get free food, cause bussers get free food! Soon as Raford was cut (sent home), 3 parties got up, and i was busy for a while.

Today I went to theater class, for the class, we were all put into 6 groups,and we have to each do a greek skit. I picked out the greek myth for our group, and another guy is writing the script. I didn't want to be the lead, and either did any of the other girls (lead is a female), so... a funny guy in our class volunteered, so we're gonna make him a girl.. And we each are making our own masks, and i helped make the togas. I kept the extra material from our togas, and I cut it into strips, and glued them onto the mask, so my face is really colorful. I'm a kid in the play, so it should be really colorful.

I didn't go to brit lit again, but I got done in theater like 45 minutes early, I didn't want to waste time on campus.

Also, I need to lose weight! I'm up to 190! I was like 160 before I became a freshman.. I didn't take this into consideration... My new bras are 38D.. My boobs are a little large for the cup.. and the band is tight.. I really.. after the weight gain shoulda got 40DD.. oh well..

And.. I was drinking my soda.. and i almost drank a piece of dried glue.... (I was making my mask at my desk).. so now I can't decide if I want to continue drinking it... Oh!, timer! I need to put my pizza rolls in!

Oh yeah, the other day Mike went to Wartburg, and left a note on my computer, I thought it was soo sweet! It says stuff like, I'm sorry I won't be there when you get home from work, but anytime you miss me you can just read the note and remember I love you, (cause at his friend, Jamie's, there is no cell phone signal)

And.. I wish I didn't have to work this weekend!! Michael is going to an interpol concert in nashville, with his guy friends.. and they have an extra ticket.. saturday night.. I'd LOVE to go! But.. I have to close.. then.. his grandmother's birthday is sunday, they're going to celebrate (in nashville) on sunday.. and.. I have to work at 12.. I'm so sad! There's no way I can get ppl to pick up saturday and sunday.. and that's not really nice.. cause it's not really an emergency..or anything.. just.. i'd like to go.. I'm soo sad!! But.. I don't know.. I mean.. its in nashville.. and I normally dont' like concerts.. but I love Interpol! They're in my top 5 favorite bands.. Oh well....... I guess working is okay.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What UPS driver doesn't know where TECH is?!

Let's first start off with the beginning of the day, not what i'm all emotional about..

I went to bed too late again, I just.. I always wait until Michael goes to bed, before I will, and i need to break this habit!

I had a weird dream.. this new host, Dava, she was in my dream! I had a car accident with her.. when we were waiting for the cop to arrive, we chatted, and such.. when the cop arrived... >.> He was a zombie! Then it turned out to be we were living a zombie movie! We were fighting off the "disease", and I was firing a pistol! At one point, I'm very positive I shot my brother, Andy, like 5 times, and he was still coming after me!!

Nothing exciting for a while.. went to class, napped, went to class.. oh yeah, turns out my first anatomy test is not this monday, but next monday..

Then after my 2nd class, I went and checked my tech p.o. box... because....

3 weeks ago, I ordered from Victoria's Secret... Well.. It was supposed to arrive on the 15th (UPS AIR), and it didn't.. I then realized it was prolly because when I gave VS my address they said it wasn't in their database, and might take longer to arrive.. I was like, fine.. thats my fault.. any time I get stuff mailed to my apartment, they arrive early in the morning, and don't knock loud enough.. so I went on to VS to check on my package status.. and turns out.. I can't check the status because the billing address (wartburg) was different than my mailing address (cookeville)! So, I decided I would wait another few days before I called VS to complain...

Today.. I got a postcard from UPS.. It said.. pick up your package BY TODAY (because we're fucking retards who don't know how to deliver to TENN TECH!) So.. I only had like 2 or 3 hours until work (bussing), so I left, cause it's in Algood.. Turns out. FUCKING SCHOOL IS GETTING OUT! urgh!!!! Mapquest said it was supposed to take 15 minutes.. took 40..

I got back to the apartment.. and tried on my new bras.. they're all lacy and shit (they were the racerbacks on sale, i have to have racerbacks.. others ALWAYS fall off my shoulders, no matter what size I get).. It's uncomfortable! There's like lace grinding on my damned skin.. god.. I am soo furious..

But.. now I am making myself some food before work.. I bought it at walmart.. they're like.. buffalo style chicken nuggets.. surrounded in biscuit.. looks soo damned good! BETTER BE!

I hope my evening gets better.. not worse..