Saturday, November 10, 2007

Free Cheesecake!

Alright.. I know I've been behind in blogging. I am going to try and rush through this.. because I STILL don't have the flash cards done for my history test on monday! I need to study! I know I'm studying a little as I write them, but thats not enough.

Today.. is.. Saturday! I woke up, studied, ate a lean pocket, and a little of the steak leftover from my grilling. However to get it warm I had to make it too well done for my preference. I then went to work. There is normally 5 or 6 hosts, and weird times 7, on Fridays and Saturday. Today the opener called in sick. So it was Brandon (the experienced host I like), Me, then 2 other girls (not as good). Brandon was also training a girl, Samantha.

It got busy at like 4:45, when it was just Brandon, Me, and Samantha. So, poor Samantha got stuck at the door, because she was a trainee and can't really do to many things yet. We went on a wait and I was sitting tables. Technically you're supposed to tell the customers where the menus are, their server's name, where the drink menu is, the fish of the day (today it was 3 types), and the soup of the day, and recently we've had seasonal specials we have to mention to (Aussie Autumns, and Wallaby Winter Wonderlands). On a slow day, when I'm not rushed I'll say like 4 or so of these things. Today I was just pointing to their menus, and rushing back. I was trying to memorize all the tables open, etc. I felt like a good host. I was moving fast, and I was really helping get people sat. It was just Brandon and Me running everything. And we did an EXCELLENT job, prolly a better job then some more experienced people do on weekends. Brandon did a good job today, and I felt I did too.

We are supposed to switch positions (except the board runner and call ahead person, they don't switch) every hour. It almost never happens, but the key (mini manager) today was all over it. So I sat tables for an hour, took names at the door for an hour, then rolled silverware for an hour. When I came back and sat tables again, i only sat like 5 tables or so and we went off the wait.

Today went soo fast at work! I enjoyed myself! It felt good! I left at like 9:30, which sucks if you're 2nd in (like I was) cause normally you're cut faster (cause you're call ahead) but we were short handed (only 4 hours compared to 5-7) so I didn't get to do call ahead.

I was cut and I went back to roll silverware. On the linens was a tupperware lid with a linen with red stuff on it. The kitchen leaves stuff in our area all the time (cause we're really in their area) so i just picked it up and moved it. Then another kitchen staff said, in a very 'innocent' voice, "What's under here?" . He lifted it up and someone drew a penis on the tupperware lid. I truthfully found it incredibly immature, and terrible that no one even joked about doing it or anything. Everyone just looked and wandered away. Then Clem (only female in the kitchen staff) said some of the guys did it, then she chatted with me while I rolled and while she organized some of the items in the fridge. Then Beth was bored (no to-go orders) and she came back and helped me roll. It was nice. Then Clem gave us the last piece of cheesecake cause it wasn't pretty. Like the end had been smushed or something, so Beth and I ate it. It was too much for us, so we shared with anyone else who came by the back line (name of the counter we roll at).

So.. at work today I got a penis, cheesecake, and hopefully alot of money! Cause normally the tipshare is split up between all of the 6 or 7 hosts! Today though, it was just 4 of us on tipshare (the 5th was a trainee, trainees don't get tipshare!) I hope I made lots of money.

I got home, and Michael missed me! I never see this! He was said cause he woke up and I was already gone! He hugged me, and kissed on me! It was so sweet! Then he said he was hungry and he ordered pizza. I wasn't hungry (but all i had was a lean pocket and 1/3 a piece of cheesecake today), so I ate anyhow. My IBS causes me to feel full when I'm not, and so I kinda have to overrule it.

The Last Week

I still upset about the blogging thing. And I've been quite busy!

I had my second human anatomy test today. I didn't study enough. I was discouraged cause last time it didn't help, and this time I know it would have helped. However, I still think I prolly did about average.. I hope!
Monday I had a quiz (out of 3) for my history class. I got it back today and I made a 100! It's only like 3% of my entire grade.. but still feels good.
I should be studying for my history test Monday. I've started on some of the note cards, but I'm getting distracted watching the Son of the Mask.
Yesterday I grilled! It took me like 2 hours after i lit the coals before I was ready to cook them. After like an hour the fire died down, but then it wasn't warm enough to cook the new york strips that were marinaded in A1's New York Marinade. After i left the coals alone for a little bit it got hot again, and I cooked the steaks. I had my medium rare, mostly cause I was getting impatient and wanted to eat. Michael had me leave his on for longer and it was medium. Michael didn't use a1 sauce, which he always uses, cause he said the steak tasted soo good. He even uses a1 at Outback!