Thursday, November 29, 2007

Work, Simpsons, Spankies

I worked tuesday night, closing, for a coworker of mine, I don't like picking up shifts, but I did, lol. But.. She worked for me opening Wednesday! So, yesterday, Michael and I went to Spankies and got spinach artichoke dip, cheesey bread, I got a hamburger, that was INSANELY GOOD, and Michael got steak and fries that he LOVED! It was a GREAT meal! We both over ate.

Then that night I did some laundry, bagged up all the trash, cleaned the apartment some. Michael and I had gone to walmart and bought non-food needed items, at the same time I bought 2 strings of led Christmas lights. I wrapped them around my porch! I like having holiday decorations, Michael doesn't care but he lets me hang them up and stuff.

So, I got real emotional when I was playing The Simpsons Demo. Andy, Mike, and I thought it was a good idea i rent the game and make sure I actually like it, since it's 60 bucks. I rented it Monday night. I have tonight, tomorrow night left to play, and I think I"ll beat it. I don't think I'd ever play it again.. but maybe once.. so buying it would mean I might play it might not, and that seems to me like a loss of money. I suppose if I wanted to play it again I could just rent it again for like 7 bucks.

Now.. I am SOO proud of myself! I have been going to bed at midnight and waking up at 9-10! This is a GREAT achievement! I am hoping SOO much I can keep it up! But I have a feeling it'll go down the drain when I'm done with school.. which by the way.. is in a week and half!!!!! And both my finals are on Monday, the first day of finals week, so its kinda like I get an extra week off.

Today I have theater class (which I STILL need to see one more play! And I have like 5 papers I need to write for the class then I'm done), and literature class. Which, lit is the only class I don't know if i"ll pass. I kinda got behind in reading, then I stopped.. then I cliffnoted for the test.. so.. kinda iffy, not sure, but its not a big deal.

You know my allergies are TERRIBLE in my A&P class! It's in one of the older buildings on tech, Pennebaker, and I sneeze and sniffle all class! I'm like extremely uncomfortable, and the building has a weird set up for bathrooms.. so I don't go to the bathroom. See each floor has 1 mens, and 1 womens. However, all the womens bathrooms are always located on the south end (or whatever direction) of every floor! While the mens are always located on the north end (or whatever direction). So.. for this example, my lecture hall is on the south end of the building. Right outside our door is the women's bathroom, but the professor locks the door once classes starts cause the door is right next to where he teaches. So.. to go to the bathroom, I'd have exit the back of the class room, walk the whole length of the building, climb the stairs, walk the whole length of the building to get to the bathroom, and do the same thing to get back! I hate that set-up!