Monday, October 15, 2007

Endless Shrimp

I woke up and went to work. I was in a great mood, and a bunch of people came in and I didn't have a table for them, so it made me a little more moody. Then the other host who got hired right before me, came in for work. He asked if I was wanting to run the board (pick who gets sat next), and I said, "I don't care, go for it" and he did. I was happy that I didn't have to get stressed about it anymore. Most days its not stressful, but sometimes I make it stressful for myself.

When I got off work, I had plans to eat at Red Lobster with Alicia. Red Lobster closed at 9:30.. and we arrived at like 9:10. We were like the only customers, so I felt a little bad. But why can't I do it, people do it to us at Outback all the damn time! Anyhow, I tipped her like 20-25%. Alicia and I were soo hungry we got an appetizer, "Cheesy Fondue" which was really a bread bowl filled with lobster and shrimp cheese dip, and pieces of sourdough bread to dip with. However, we had the appetizer for only a couple minutes when we got our salads.. then a few minutes later we got our shrimp. Then the waitress went ahead and ordered the shrimp we would want for the rest of the night, so the kitchen could close down. The buffalo shrimp was DELICIOUS!!! I loved it! Alicia loved it! I also paid for the whole meal, cause Alicia didn't have any money, and I wouldn't mind paying for her so I wouldn't have eat alone. It was 53 dollars before tip, but I was okay with it. I got like 3 meals out of it. And I also got dessert that I took home. It was this vanilla bean cheesecake, with rasberry sauce. I just tried to eat some.. but I could only eat like half of it cause I'm still so bloated from dinner! And I have 2 boxes of shrimp leftovers!!

I then went over to Alicia's apartment after the meal, cause I had no reason to go home.. not like Michael is there!! I'm soooo lonely! But, Alicia's neighbors were over and they were playing halo, and it was quite entertaining. I then stopped by Andy's apartment and got the cake pan and stuff I need to make Michael that cake tomorrow night, yay! I guess I will have to leave Wartburg not too late tomorrow, so I can bake the cake.

Oh yeah.. I had a dream last night, but when I woke up I could only remember a few things.. I remember 3 LARGE pumpkins.. like 8 food tall pumpkins right next to each other.. and they were in the woods.. and I was trying to carve I could live in it or something like that.. and then they all turned into bouncy balls.. Then.. like.. my Mom did something.. cause I remember my dad saying, "Look what you did to Rachel".. and I had like.. these metal things stuck in my legs.. each with a long wire hanging out.. and a Georgia State football symbol or something.. and suppposedly the things electricuted me.. I also remember Erica was wearing one of those "fairy dust" neckalces.. like a little container with 'fairy dust' in it.. but she told me it was really cocaine.. I can't remember much more..

Also, my parents sent me some dried strawberries, which are like ADDICTIVE!