Saturday, October 27, 2007

Employee Meeting

Wow, I didn't realize I hadn't blogged since last Wednesday.. oh well. Nothing interesting happened Thursday or Friday I guess.

Last night I was laying in bed at midnight, watching tv, and I begged Michael to come hug me. He laid on me, then he fell asleep! I secretly won! Cause then he kept sleeping, and its hard for me to get him to go to bed at the same time as me. Michael slept 14 hours! I got up today at 11. I took a shower and went to my staff meeting.

The staff meeting was kinda boring, but overall pretty entertaining. It was 2 and half hours, as always. First we were all together, then we split up by different positions. The Hosts were there the longest, as always. I didn't really hear too much new stuff. We are now rolling our silverware (in the linens) in a different way, and I hate it. The employee (the newest one) who would have benefitted by the meeting the most forgot about it. Then she said it wasn't a big deal, and everyone was over reacting. But its a huge deal at Outback.

After the meeting ended, I rushed over to the President (of TTU)'s field, to see my friend from Outback, Joo, play rugby. It was pretty cool. It took me a LONG time to find a parking place, cause the football team was playing a game too. I went up to watch Joo, who is quite asian, and I didn't see him anywhere on the field. Then I heard him laugh, the poor guy hurt his elbow like 5 minutes before and was out of the game. He like over extended his elbow. But I did chat with him, and he looked really happy that I came. He said that he invited all the Outbackers, and only one other employee ever came, when a ton said they'd come by. So, even though I didn't get to see Joo play, he was happy I came, I was too. I did see another coworker play though. And I told Joo that he made employee of the month, cause he was at his game and missed the employee meeting.

Then I came back to the apartment, and Michael made me some cheese dip. I was only home for like 30 minutes before I left for work. Work was actually pretty good. Mostly because when you arrive at work, you're supposed to stand at the door for an hour, and I didn't. I stood for like 30 minutes, then I sat people like the rest of the night. It was awesome, yay!

Then when I was about to walk out of Outback, my manager asked me if I'd run to McDonalds for him. Its the manager I like better, so I was fine with it. I got his McDonalds, and I got my 2 orders of undercooked cheese fries (for Mike and I) and went over to Walmart to get the fixings for the Chicago Hot Dogs I'm going to make tomorrow. I'M EXCITED! I asked everyone at work if they'd ever had a Chicago Hot Dog.. then soon as I asked Brandon (the host who's been there for like a month before me) and soon as I asked, I remembered he lived there. Then we chatted about how great they are.

Now I'm watching some tv, I'll prolly shower, and go to bed after the movie is over.