Saturday, December 1, 2007


I thought I had a good sleep schedule! I've been going to bed before 1 am, and waking up at like 9ish. However last night I was late to fall asleep, 2am. And I woke up at 8:30am, and i can't fall back asleep! And I'm sure it doesn't help that my allergies stop up my nose soon as I lay horizontal. I'm not sure why, I'm fine with my allergies most of the other time. Now I'm up at 8:30.. with not 8 hours of sleep. I thought this sleep schedule would be giving me 8 hours of sleep! If I knew I wasn't going to get 8 hours of sleep I would have just stayed up later, jeez.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Is the weekend something to celebrate?

First off.. think about my title. Sure for 9-5, mod-fri, weekends are a celebration. On the weekends I work longer hours, is it really something to celebrate?

I went to class today, then I came home. I then napped but I had already slept 7 hours, so it wasn't a deep refreshing nap. Its one of those naps where you're always half awake and almost regret trying to sleep.

Then I went to class again!

When I got back I invited Alicia, my friend, over and we watched Legally Blond the musical, and ate papa johns left overs (from yesterday). Mike was mad i gave her pizza, but i had to! She came over while I was eating! She only ate one piece anyhow.

Then I went to work, UGH I was closing. Just a reminder that I feel like I'm not appericated at my job. I went back to roll silverware and I realized the silverware was nasty, and cold. Silverware is ALWAYS steaming hot when it comes out! I've never had cold silverware. I told my manager. Then like 2 minutes later I heard a buzz in the kitchen about the broken dishwasher! It happens prolly once a month, not too surprising. But my manager told me to climb into the bar, and I hand washed glasses. I only had to do like 50-100 glasses, really not much at all. I kinda liked it. Except for the bitchy bartender who was annoyed I was in her space. Then they got the dishwasher to work kinda for the night, they'd run it thru and then have to go to another sink and rinse it in boily/steaming water. The night went by fast. :)

Now I'm at home, waiting for Michael to come home with left over EASY NACHO DIP! Which by the way, Michael added so much stuff from the original recipe that its not easy to make, it takes work.

By the way the led christmas lights on my porch, I love! I love coming home and seeing my stairs lit up, and its nice. I love it, it puts me in the spirit too, which I need at home, cause I get TONS at work. The employees decorated for 3 hours! Every pole has christmas like material wrapped around it, we got wreaths everywhere, plastic trees, those red big petal flowers, christmas lights, christmas ornaments hanging from the ceiling.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Religious Towns

I can't tell you much about this dream, as I don't remember much. But Praew (my beautiful thai sister), Erica, and a couple other friends (including my friend Joo from Outback).

We were investigating this religious town. It had buildings and the area was laid out like an old english town. They had a huge church, and even a kind of museum of their religion. Basically the whole dream we lived like we were their religion, faking it, and trying to find out information.

However.. we always got set servings of meals, and I think one day Praew had extra and wanted to keep it. And each group (of like 8ish) had a set dinner table, and a set porta-potty, cause we ate outside. And Praew hid everyone's left-overs in the porta-potty for later eating. I was grossed out! I told her I wouldn't eat my left-overs now, and she didn't understand!

Weird and gross dream..

Work, Simpsons, Spankies

I worked tuesday night, closing, for a coworker of mine, I don't like picking up shifts, but I did, lol. But.. She worked for me opening Wednesday! So, yesterday, Michael and I went to Spankies and got spinach artichoke dip, cheesey bread, I got a hamburger, that was INSANELY GOOD, and Michael got steak and fries that he LOVED! It was a GREAT meal! We both over ate.

Then that night I did some laundry, bagged up all the trash, cleaned the apartment some. Michael and I had gone to walmart and bought non-food needed items, at the same time I bought 2 strings of led Christmas lights. I wrapped them around my porch! I like having holiday decorations, Michael doesn't care but he lets me hang them up and stuff.

So, I got real emotional when I was playing The Simpsons Demo. Andy, Mike, and I thought it was a good idea i rent the game and make sure I actually like it, since it's 60 bucks. I rented it Monday night. I have tonight, tomorrow night left to play, and I think I"ll beat it. I don't think I'd ever play it again.. but maybe once.. so buying it would mean I might play it might not, and that seems to me like a loss of money. I suppose if I wanted to play it again I could just rent it again for like 7 bucks.

Now.. I am SOO proud of myself! I have been going to bed at midnight and waking up at 9-10! This is a GREAT achievement! I am hoping SOO much I can keep it up! But I have a feeling it'll go down the drain when I'm done with school.. which by the way.. is in a week and half!!!!! And both my finals are on Monday, the first day of finals week, so its kinda like I get an extra week off.

Today I have theater class (which I STILL need to see one more play! And I have like 5 papers I need to write for the class then I'm done), and literature class. Which, lit is the only class I don't know if i"ll pass. I kinda got behind in reading, then I stopped.. then I cliffnoted for the test.. so.. kinda iffy, not sure, but its not a big deal.

You know my allergies are TERRIBLE in my A&P class! It's in one of the older buildings on tech, Pennebaker, and I sneeze and sniffle all class! I'm like extremely uncomfortable, and the building has a weird set up for bathrooms.. so I don't go to the bathroom. See each floor has 1 mens, and 1 womens. However, all the womens bathrooms are always located on the south end (or whatever direction) of every floor! While the mens are always located on the north end (or whatever direction). So.. for this example, my lecture hall is on the south end of the building. Right outside our door is the women's bathroom, but the professor locks the door once classes starts cause the door is right next to where he teaches. So.. to go to the bathroom, I'd have exit the back of the class room, walk the whole length of the building, climb the stairs, walk the whole length of the building to get to the bathroom, and do the same thing to get back! I hate that set-up!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

T-something, Texas

I dreamt. Now that I am trying to remember it alot of it is gone.

Michael and I wanted to return something, so I was like.. "Why don't we just fly there!" and we agreed to.. Even though Michael had already mailed it back to them.. it was like treemount, Texas.. or something, lol! However.. I bought my ticket, and didn't buy him one.. and he was running late. So as i took off I saw him at the window of the airport! And, if you've ever seen Dan in Real Life.. when the little girl is seperated from her boyfriend, thats how I was behaving!

When I got to the town, I had to wait like half a day for Michael. I went to a butchers, and some lady knew me.. or something, and we chatted. When Michael arrived, we decided to go by the factory of the place we were returning the item too, and saw it didn't exist! It was like 3 guys wandering around a lot or something.. saying they owned the company.

When Michael and I got home, we decided to be spontaneous again! We bought a trailer! And we planned on taking it back to T-wherever and living! wtf?! It was like a nowhere town! Then we had to go shopping to find someone who would drive the trailer there. Why we couldn't just buy a trailer in texas, Idk..

Monday, November 26, 2007

Simpsons Demo, Sierra Mist Cranberry, The Central Nervous System

I woke up early! Michael and I went to Walmart. I mostly wanted some soda. It was 2 - 2 liters- of Sierra Mist Cranberry for - 2 dollars. So... I bought 6 bottles. Michael and I also bought some cheese dip, and other goodies.. including SPANGLER brand candy canes. I always buy Spangler brand because its my mother's maiden name, its a family tradition my sister and I only follow, lol!

I then spent the rest of the day playing arcade demos, like worms and frogger on the xbox.

Oh yeah, Michael and I were going to rent The Simpsons game at Blockbuster. Cause I got so moody when I was playing the demo, I was worried I'd always get moody when I played. I figured I'd rent it and play it and make sure I don't get upset all the time! However, they were all checked out. It came out a week and half ago.. and they only had 2 copies, wtf?!

Then i went to work, it was a fine day. I didn't have to roll any silverware the entire night! I sent the new girls to do it, they wanted to. I closed, then it was so empty, when I went back there to roll, the girl before me was just finishing, so I didn't have to roll all night! And I only worked for 4 hours, but I was kinda moody, I feel a little bad, I kinda snapped a couple times at the kinda experienced host today, and she could tell I was out of wack. It was cause I haven't hosted in so long.

I drew for my secret santa at Outback. I got a rugby playing, interior decorator, who loves the Philly Eagles and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish! lol! I bought him on Amazon, with my free 2 day shipping, a special sports illustrated on the eagles, and an eagles football thats all shiny and pretty, lol.

I also got told today I am to buy for Michael's Uncle.. so ANY TIPS WOULD HELP! I've never met him! All I know is he's a redneck hunter! And he doesn't even read magazines.. I thought a hunting magazine subscription would be good.. but Michael said no.. and Michael won't give me any other help! But he said he'll ask his dad in a couple of days.

Now.. I've been studying, and i want to play the Simpson's demo again, and study more.. but I'm about to fall asleep!!! Its cause I didn't come home and drink alot of caffeine. Since now all I have is caffeine free sierra mist cranberry!!

All weekend, I've been waking up at 9ish, and going to bed before 9! Idk whats wrong with me! But I kinda don't mind.

Maybe I'll wake up at like 3 or 4.. which I do sometimes when I sleep too early, then i'll study, play the demo once (cause its like play thru the level then the demo is over, its like 20 minutes or something for me.. supposedly you're supposed to do it in 5 minutes?!)

NIGHTY! Good luck on my quiz on the CNS (central nervous system) in A&P tomorrow.. It'll be FUCKING INSANE! Way too much info!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

One Busy Week

I skipped class cause I made a dish for my Outback's Thanksgiving dinner. I thought it was 12:30-3. I made the food then double checked and it was 1-3. And I already made food, so I just skipped. It was a GREAT MEAL! I enjoyed myself. I hung out there and eat everything! Stuffing, turkey, ham, mac and cheese, green beans, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin rolls, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, and of course the cheese grits casserole I made! But I arrived too late, I don't think anyone ate hardly any. But thats okay.

After work I headed home and stayed the night in Wartburg.

I woke up atl ike 10ish and played the xbox with Michael and my Dad. My dad loved Forza Motorsport 2, the racing game we got with the xbox. At 11ish, I made my St. Paul's Casserole, a casserole with hot sausage, rice, and veggies. Everyone loved it, and it was one of the things we ran out of first on saturday. We had alot of left overs to go thru. At 12ish I walked next door and Samantha (my neighbor and friend) asked her parents if I could use their oven to cook my casserole. My parents oven was full with turkey, stuffing, and 2 other casserole! So, I baked my casserole for 45 minutes at their house. Then I brought it home, I had to use a car cause it was too hot to carry. Then like 20 minutes before the meal, after the turkey was out, my mom put my casserole in for the last 15 minutes it needed. I bought the cranberries for our sauce wednesday night, so I decided to try the sauce, and it was yummy. I normally don't eat cranberry sauce, but this holiday I was hooked.

I spent the rest of the evening with my cousin, Jodie, she's 3. Once again, another of my cousins that is scared of my6'4" boyfriend! She told me she wouldn't leave the bedroom unless I protected her. Everytime we passed Michael in the hall I had to tell him "No" so Jodie wouldn't scream and run. I had alot of fun with her even though I got pretty tired. Then my aunt and 2 cousins came that I hadn't seen in like maybe 2 years and they live in Oak Ridge! So 18 people showed up. The food was GREAT!!!

At like 7, I was laying by the warm fire, and I fell asleep. And I just kept sleeping and sleeping.

I spent all Friday with my family! My mom and I went Black Friday shopping. My mom did my make-up first, I was pretty. We bought me some christmas gifts, and some gifts for others in our family. We bought Erica a coat, cause she has been whining about getting one, and she was whining about needing a coat saturday, so we gave it to her early, its more useful like that, truthfully. I also bought Michael a pair of "Red Camel" brand jeans. I thought he needed some more pants that would fit him. When he put them on he said they were super comfortable and he loved them! And they only costed 15 dollars! And Michael is a PICKY jeans wearer.

Another family day! My mom made chili! I can't wait to try it, cause I wasn't going straight home, so Andy is going to bring me the chili. Another day full xbox and family, and fire place! My sister did my make-up and straighted my hair! I was beautiful!

At like 5, Michael and I headed out to Nashville. We ate dinner at his Granny's house. She made excellent chicken, corn bread stuffing, SQUASH CASSEROLE, and apple pie. I think Michael should get his granny's recipe for squash casserole!!! I got thirds of the squash casserole!

We then played mexican dominoes, I had fun, but I defidently didn't win, lol. I got to see Michael's nephew, sister, and brother-in-law. I hadn't seen Tyler in a while, he did lots of running around. He was very quiet though, cause Michael's sister said he was being shy all week, cause he was meeting so many new people. They didn't notice my hair was straightened, but I didn't think they would, they have hardly seen me.

Sunday, Today:

I woke up an hour ago, and i ate a turkey wrap, and I've been watching the ever so terrible, Brady Bunch Movie, lol! Michael and I are thinking about renting an xbox game.. Idk though.. maybe, maybe not..