Saturday, December 15, 2007

Family Portraits

I spent today and last night in Nashville with Michael's family. I didn't realize how much harder it is to type with fake nails. I didn't sleep well, i kept waking up cause there was so much mucous in my throat that i couldn't breath, and i was on my medicines. She doesn't have indoor cats or dogs, and its a newer house, so it was weird.

I finally held Georgia, michael's cousin that was born in may. She was sooo cute! She gets excited and shakes her legs like crazy, its like she's running while you're holding her, it would be easy to drop her if you didn't pay attention, lol. She was just soo cute. I played with Tyler too, michael's nephew. We had a portrait with 12 people together! Gosh! Then everyone broke up and had photos with just their family, then they did just blood kin. Michael and I ordered a photo of us, it's a cute romantic photo. Everyone wearing the same color actually looked good. However, I think out family should all just do black and white. It would give us more freedom to pick out what we want to wear, but we would still look nice and elegant.

Michael ordered pizza, not me, i'm poor, but i'm gonna eat some, watch three's' company, then play some HALO!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Its been a while

Hey everyone! I know its been a while since I last blogged! I've been so busy! I studied ALOT for my anatomy and history finals which both were today. I flew thru the history test. It only took me as long as it took me to write the answers in! I finished it in like 15 minutes, 50 questions. Except one question I didn't know. Turns out its a day I missed, well i got notes for the day i missed, but the girl didn't write it down in her notes. My own fault, but I still aced it! My human anatomy is another thing. I decided not to stress myself out about it, I had driven my body into self destruct i was stressing so much. So on my anatomy test if I knew the answer i chose it, if i didn't i thought about it for a moment, if i still didn't i just guessed instead of stressing and thinking too hard, it just wasn't worth it.

I went to the outback christmas party last night, sucks that they had it the night before tech finals! but whatever. the gift i got for my secret santa guy loved his gift, gave me a huge hug. I was glad he liked it. I got bath and body works bubble bath, and lotion. I loved it! I just had a nice soothing bubble bath, and since i've stressed myself out so much i think i'm going to go to bed when my hair dries.

i only have 1 more final, oh yeah i also had to turn in my course paper today in lit, i hope that went well. tomorrow i have to recite a one minute monologue for my theater class. I chose a monologue from a play i did in high school, so i was familiar with it and memorized it really easily.

After that I'm heading home to my parents tomorrow. I'll be in Wartburg from tuesday to thursday (including seeing my sister in a play, and getting my hair done). I am really excited, I need this break.

can't think of anything else i really want to say right now. talk to you all again later, prolly while I'm in wartburg.