Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Town

hh.. i'm gonna cry! I wrote 2 pages about my life.. and I accidently hit back.. FUCKING MYSPACE, i'm switching blogs, and i'm not rewriting it now.. cause i'm gonna cry!


Okay.. I'm still SOO upset about my blog incident.. but I will give a summary...

Yesterday was.. tuesday. After class I carved, Wally, my pumpkin, toasted the seeds, dropped the bowl with the seeds, put the glass covered seeds in water, the glass sunk, and i took the clean seeds off the top to roast. I went to Outback and got cyclone pasta, my server told me I was her favorite busser, a couple servers chatted with me, i loved it. I looked at halloween party pictures, and I gave beth some note cards i bought for her at the tech book store. I went to the play at the tech back door play house alone, i had a reservation, and I was early, but I don't think they regarded it. the play was okay, i didn't pay attention to the dialog because i was trying to figure out what the women were doing in the kitchen cause there was no props. afterwards I went to andy's apartment and watched the nip tuck preimere. today i woke up and went and saw my grandpa at the outback parking lot, we chatted. I came home, i napped, went to class. now i 'm getting ready for work, and I did my hair all pretty like to be a nurse, cause i'm dressing up. i'm excited. i covered myself with perfume even tho I don't have my allergy medicine so i'm gonna die today, but i wanted to smell pretty. i'm gonna cry! I did right like 10 pages! I might be switching blogs.. but i will post the info up here.. if you're interested, or i might start writing my blog in wordpad and transferring it. oh yeah, tomorrow i'm going to oak ridge for my eye doctor and asthma doctor appointments, and eating at el cantarios with my dad and his awesome friend brian. then friday my parents are coming to cookeville, i'm hoping they'll eat at my outback, it'd mean alot to me.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sorta Eventful

esterday was... Sunday. I can't remember anything eventful happening yesterday. Oh yeah! At like 4 o'clock (I went in at 2), my manager asked me if I would bus cause they didn't have a busser, I said yeah. But I ended up closing, which I didn't know I was agreeing to. So, when I got off at 9:30, I got home and made Chicago Style Hot Dogs. Mac, Andy, Jon, Michael, and I enjoyed them. Then we watched 2 episodes of Dexter. They wanted to watch another, and it was already 1 am! I felt like the party-pooper cause I had to say like 5 times, "No, go home."

I had to study for my quiz (which was today). I woke up today, thinking I would get to eat lunch with my Grandpa. I got in the car to go to human anatomy, and one of the guys in my apartment complex asked me to jump his car. I always feel like a girl when it comes to car stuff. I remembered the order, car off, jumper cables, car on. But I tried to remove a cover on the battery that wasn't supposed to be removed, doh! I still made it to class without being late.

However.. I did TERRIBLE on the quiz! I studied the chapter I hi-lighted, but I forgot in the next chapter we were supposed to study the knee joint. That joint just happened to be most of the damned quiz! I was also REALLY tired. I've been TRYING to go to bed between 12-1am, but its really hard. So I fell asleep at 5am. I laid down at 2am, and Michael and I were playful, so we weren't doing the nasty! We were tickling, giggling, telling stories, having a ton of fun. Then I tried to sleep at 4am, but I laid awake for a long time. Then my sleep was that half awake, half asleep stage.

Then, after the quiz, we learned we were going to dissect cats! So, I didn't really touch the cat, it smelled too bad. But we named her Gredel.

During class my Grandpa called me. Turns out his RV broke down in Crossville. Maybe I'll get to eat with him tomorrow.

I then went to my history class, I parked illegally, cause I was almost late, and getting SO frustrated with parking. Right after class, I rushed home and realized I left ALL my work clothes in the washer. I moved what I needed into the dryer, jumped in the shower, and Michael reheated the cheese fries I had Saturday night.

I got to work at 3, and I opened. It was okay. A few of the employees brought in their pumpkins for our pumpkin carving contest. I decided to carve one, and after work I went to walmart and got the stuff. Work was okay, I stood at the door for a long time. The closing host (there are only 3 on weekdays) hurt her eye, and was in the back all night rolling silverware.

At Walmart I had to look everywhere for a pumpkin carving kit. I also got stuff to make rice krispie treats. I found a stethscope for my costume! And I may have 'accidently' found an 'already' open package with a work badge holder, and took it so I could have a badge for my halloween costume. I spent alot of time trying to find something I own that I could cut out the Outback logo out of, for my tag. I eventually found the perfect thing, but I wrote too low, and my handwriting was ugly, etc.

Now, I'm at home.. its midnight, and I don't wanna sleep yet! And, I need to go to class tomorrow, but its a boring class, and I can't get Michael to go, and I'm behind in my reading, and theres no cliff notes for it. I'm actually thinking about carving the insides out of my pumpkin now. But I should wait until tomorrow, cause I am free most the day.

I love Michael.