Friday, October 5, 2007

Cyclone Pasta

Today at work, I had the cyclone pasta. I don't think I've ever had it before.. Turns out.. I love it! lol! Work was okay.. I mean.. I didn't have to stand at the door too long. I rolled silverware alot, but I didn't mind. Its nice sometimes.. However.. my socks got soaked.. and I had wet feet for a while! Overall, my day has been pretty good. Now.. I just can't wait until I get off work tomorrow.. Michael comes home.. we go to the Zoo! Then we eat with his grandparents!! I don't really have anything else fun to say.

Results of my first human anatomy test

While, this may not sound very impressive at first.. I made a 54. Which, I am proud of.. After the curve (the high was 90.. wtf), I'll have a 64, 1 point from a C! The class average was 44. So.. I do feel proud.. I was above the class average. I even did better than my 2 friends in that class, though they do not know, lol! I still don't think my studying helped me that much.. I mean, I know they studied alot too.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Work-free Day

I had an awesome day.. I woke up at 1, then I remembered I didn't have to go to class today.. so Michael and I slept wayyy in.. I prolly got up at like 3. It was soo nice! I haven't been able to do that in a looong time! Normally I have to get up for work or school.. Then.. after we slept in soo late.. we went out to eat! We went to El Talpatio's (something close like that), for dinner.. The food was great, we used a coupon for free cheese dip. I greatly enjoyed the meal.

Afterwords Michael and I came back to the apartment, and Michael showered and such before he planned to leave for Wartburg. We left at the same time, he for Wartburg, me for Walmart. I got a copy of the apartment key (cause michael's is bent real bad, and hard to use).. I got a pretty tie dye one.. I get to have the pretty one, and he can have my old one (cause it works fine). I also got some laundry detergent, indian candy corn, and soda. I bought Sprite Zero, so maybe I won't have problems falling asleep anymore. It was a good day, I didn't have to go to school or work, and I spent the day with Michael!

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Past 2 Days

Well.. yesterday I had class, and I studied, and studied, and studied for my History test (mostly fill-in-the-blanks).

This morning, I was realllly tired when my alarm went off for my 9 o'clock class. I decided to skip it today, I have friends in there who takes notes, and the professor just reads the notes outloud.. not like I'd miss anyhow, cause I wanted to have extra sleep before my history test. I woke up an hour before class, and studied some more, then I went to my test. Oh yeah, Michael helped me study alot! And I do appericate it! He helped me find ways to remember stuff..

Well.. I took the test.. I feel I did pretty darn good. One blank, I knew the guys name! I did! I just couldn't remember his last name! So.. I know I missed that one.. and another one was a short answer about an assigned reading, which... I did read. Its just.. Michael and I both read it and tried to decipher it (colonial english is hard to understand).. and I can't even remember what we concluded from that reading.. so when it asked about it.. I tried to bullshit it, but I'm sure I'll get it wrong. The rest I'm almost postive were right. (36 questions, including short answer, multiple choice, and a ton of fill in the blanks)

Michael and I ordered Pizza Hut dipping pizza. It was okay.. I mean, we ordered it, went and paid rent, and got back to the apartment.. then I realized I needed to hurry so I could get ready for work..

I got to work at 4:15.. It was a fine day of work, not bad. I got to leave at 9, which was nice instead of 10. I got my schedule.. I had to work sunday! boo! I wanted to go to the Zoo, but Beth (fellow host) said she would take my shift, and I was so happy! I just felt bad I couldn't help by taking any of her shifts.. I work every other day on my schedule except tomorrow.. and tomorrow she is training a new host.. (min wage plus tip share), so she wouldn't want to give that up!

So!! I get to go to the Zoo with my brother, and his friends, and their new families, lol! It will be fun! I hope Michael can go though!!!

Oh yeah, I have another bussing shift wednesday with Beth! woohoo! Its a nice way to spice up my work life!

2nd Bussing Shift

I had my second bussing shift. (By the way, next wednesday I'm bussing again!)

I was a little sad.. Beth(friend I host with) was bussing at the same time as me. But she got cut (sent home) after we bussed for like 10 minutes together. Then.. I closed by myself as a busser for like the first time.. It was weird.. I was done cleaning tables like 5 minutes to close, then I waited on the manager to tell me she was ready to watch me take out the trash. (Cause the back door is open, the manager has to be there) So.. I was there 30 minutes after close.. It felt wasteful.. I'm afraid the manager thought I was being lazy, and wasting money.. cause I was just standing there.. I didn't want to go somewhere where she couldn't find me..

Oh yeah.. I almost bussed a table that didn't leave yet! I was about to put their glasses in my bucket.. and the server told me. Today was the first day of no smoking in restaurants.. Aparently they went out for a smoke.. but it wasn't just me who thought they left.. the bartender thought they were gone too.

Oh well, thats all.. I studied my history info for about an hour before work.. Now I'm going to finish making the notecards, so I can get to real studying. Which, by the way.. I need all evening to study for my history! I don't think it'll even be enough! I wish I had known that my human anatomy studying wouldn't help.. I would have used the time to study for History!!!

The Test

I don't want to talk long.. I didn't blog yesterday becaue I woke up, went to work from 12-7ish, then I got home! I had some cheese fries and an outback salad (with zesty tomato dressing!!) I then studied until I went to bed.

Oh yeah, at work yesterday.. I was pretty offended.. I've been at Outback for 6 monthes, and there's this new host, she was a host at another place for a year, but she's new here.. I told her.. don't sit that server, I know he has open tables, but he is not allowed to have anymore tables. I even marked out the tables on the chart..
I go to the door (stupid standing at the door!).. People come in.. and she has then sat AT HIS SECTION.. I was so annoyed, but I was like oh well, guess its not my problem.. (even though shes not supposed to be running the board.. I am, but she won't stand at the door so I get stuck at the door!)
Guess what.. soon as the server sees that she sat him, he tells the manager that he can't take another table.. so another server takes it.. WTF! Stupid retard! I said he can't have another! Look, I was right, he can't have another! Now there's a server serving a table not in their section (there are downsides, like.. now another server is short a table, etc).
It just made me mad for the rest of the evening.

I woke up, went to my test. 50 questions. I prolly studied 10 hours over the weekend! I studied my notes, and I read the chapters! All that studying prolly helped me for like.. 10 of the 50 questions.. The rest were stuff I heard of.. but not in ways I heard of it.. He never taught us how to calculate such and such.. I mean.. he told us the definition.. but i had no clue! It wasn't just me.. After my test, I go to my lab.. the girls in there said the same thing.. Some questions were so out there they couldn't even make educated guesses! It was like.. einee, meanie, minie, mo..

But I'm sure I did great on my quiz.

I'm just so energized by the whole test thing.. I don't know if I can take my normal nap before History.. (which by the way, will be what i'm studying for the next 2 days)