Saturday, October 20, 2007

Running the Board

Today, I was running the board. Its the main, most honorable, position as a host, with the most power too. I liked it, but I let myself stress myself out! Also, one of the hosts came in 2 hours late, cause she couldn't read what time the schedule said. I don't blame her, but it made it really hard on us. There were only 3 hosts when we went on a wait (at 4:55). Beth and I were trying to sit tables. Beth would occassionally run over and open the door. And Brandon was back there rolling silverware, cause we were already out! (I wish the managers would order more silverware already!) Then I just got frustrated, cause I didn't want to leave the board to sit tables cause the phone could ring, or people could come in wanting a pager who called ahead. But, my managers would come over and say, "There are open tables, sit them!" It was frustrating that I didn't always have someone sitting tables for me! There defidently should have been 6 hosts today AND yesterday. I decided, while I liked running the board today, I'd only like to do it again in the future if we weren't short-handed. But, if my managers scheduled me the shift, I will be happy to take it.. cause, its an honor, I guess.

Now.. my brakes have been making very very uncomforting noises since friday night. Michael said it was okay, and I just needed to get it checked out when i had a day off. Well, it got worse, and now i'm just really.. uncomfortable with the fact. So now its too late for me to get it to a shop! Everywhere is closed on a sunday... But I guess tomorrow I will leave a message on a couple of answering machines. I'll prolly try Midas first, cause I have like coupons from tech, lol! I think i will have my oil changed at the same time.

I thought.. Michael drives an automatic now.. and his car is here, so why don't I just drive his car until I get mine worked on (its not like he drives everyday like I do). However, the car used to be his mom's and she has a spare key SOMEWHERE on the bottom. I went outside with a flashlight and couldn't find it! I had to come in cause my asthma was getting bad cause the air was so cold.

Now I am just frustrated, cause my car sounds kinda.. painful when I drive it and brake. I just wish I could find Michael's damned key, so I wouldn't have to drive mine. But I don't think any auto repair places are open on sundays. All the ones in the yellowbook were 9-5 mon-fri.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Let's see... I woke up.. went to class. I wore my new Diet Coke house pants to class, with a red shirt of Michael's. I was cozy, it was cold, and when I got back to the apartment, I laid right down soon as I got back. So, it was nice to already be in my PJs, lol! It took me like 15 minutes to fall asleep for my nap.. but then I didn't wake up until my alarm went off! I love that! I have to appericate when I can get it now.

After my nap I went to my history class, which is still half the size it was when the semester started.

When I got back, I watched tv, and played around online. After a little bit, I decided I should have napped. I was pretty tired.

I went to work, it was nothing exciting. I was the closer, and I did an extra good job since I knew everyone else was slacking on closing... Oh shoot! I just remembered I forgot to water the mums! I suppose I can do it when I open tomorrow.

After work I went to Walmart. I bought a hand mixer, big huge jumbo thumb tacks, and chocolate chips. When I got back to the apartment, I did the dishes, and ran a load of laundry (cause I had no clean work pants). When the dishes were done, I made some home made cookies (Michael's Granny's Recipe). I put them in a tupperware, along with some yorks and hersey's kisses. (I bought the yorks and hersey's kisses at Walmart too) they're wrapped and pink, they are supposed to be supporting breast cancer..

I used splenda instead of sugar in the cookies, and Michael's Granny uses margarine, but I used sweet butter. Andy said they were tasty! I drove them to him, so he would take them to Jamies. Its David's birthday party, so they're gonna celebrate by drinking, lol!

Now that I have baked all the cookies, did all the dishes, and washed all my work clothes.. I think I will go to bed. I am very very tired.


I was so busy yesterday, I forgot to blog! I skipped class cause it was storming.. and my tuesday thursday classes aren't important to go to. The teachers just want you to turn stuff in when its due. I liked that I didn't go though. I got to spend like 3 or 4 hours with Michael.. We just laid around in bed, and watched TV. I loved it. I'm specially glad I did it, because Michael is in Wartburg again!

After we laid around, we drove over to Andy's apartment. Michael and I had 2 sausages, and 2 bags of saurkraut. They were going to expire in like 2 days, and Michael hasn't been in the mood for it. And its wayy too much food for just me. So I gave it to Ryan and Andy. They seemed happy with that. Then I realized I left my cake at my apartment. Michael and I drove back to our apartment and grabbed the cake.

Then we started to rush off towards the interstate, cause we were going to be late for Erica's play. I started getting really stressed out, cause people wouldn't drive fast enough. Michael told me to pull over.. and he drove. Oh my.. I'm glad he did.. cause I would have been groaning and bitching the whole drive. Also, we had to take genesis road, and I don't know it well so I can't go as fast. Michael went a good amount fast, even thought he was stuck behind a guy the whole length of genesis. Then when there was like 2 miles left, my gas tank light came on. I got mad cause I thought I had enough gas to make it!

So, then we stopped at the Genesis gas station, well.. that one thats on the corner of genesis and that.. lancing road.. lol! I told Mike to give the guy 20 bucks.. and I would pump the gas. I started to pump it, and I was like.. fuck.. I can't tell which one of the price.. and which one is the gallons! Cause both numbers only had a tenth place decimal.. I was getting worried, and I saw Michael.. so I stopped pumping, and Michael was looking, and we were trying to figure it out.. Then the guy came out and said he figured I'd never pumped here, and he shut it off at 20 dollars.. I said thanks, and we rushed on!

We were running late by like 10 minutes, and Erica called. Mrs. Pointer was waiting on me. I got there, and rushed in.. I was ready to pay, but I think Mrs. Pointer just wanted the play to start, so I rushed in and sat down. I had dressed pretty for the play, lol! I was wearing my new copper colored sweater, new jeans, and my hair down. Turned out, I forgot how hot the gym gets. I got pretty hot. The play was okay. My sister was beautiful, and I missed her saying her lines.. cause I was so busy trying to get cute pictures and video.. I thought she'd really like some cute pictures. But my camera wasn't working well with the flash. Some of the actors were reallly good, and some of them I think were too afraid to look stupid. Like it matters, you're in drama! And this play is just for your parents, and good friends. I can't even imagine what the play will be like infront the high school. My sister was soooo pretty!

After the play, we went back to my parents house, cause Mike wanted to try my dad's brewed beer. Of course, I do come home, and I felt like once again, I should have just gone back to Cookeville. Cause my mom got on her computer and was busy doing emails and stuff, and I don't know where my dad went. Erica hung out with Michael and me though.. And Michael flung his arms up when we were laying on the bed, and he accidently hit my classes, and hurt my nose! But.. he felt bad, so its okay.

I dropped Michael off at Jamie's house. Sunday Andy on his way to work (Crossville) will pick up Michael. Andy might bring him to Cookeville, or I might meet them in Crossville, and pick Michael up.

Last night the power blinked like 3 or 4 times. Michael's backup surge protector thing 'overloaded' and was doing this like nonstop beep. It took me a while to figure out how to shut it up. Then I restarted all our cable box stuff, but my internet still wouldn't work. And it didn't work when I woke up today, and I restarted the box stuf again. Then I took my nap, when I got up... it was working.. so.. whatever! lol!

Now.. I'm going to go to work, come home.. and prolly sleep. Cause I think I'm closing. So I will be working until like 11:30 my time. I kinda wish I had napped again instead of watching tv.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A WONDERFUL night of sleep!

The cake turned out good, even though it had splenda in it instead of sugar. The edges were a little bit overdone, but it wasn't like tough to eat. Michael went to bed at the same time as me.. Even though I stayed up later than I wanted so I could fall asleep with him. I slept thru the whole night!!! I didn't wake up once! It was sooo nice! I have been waking up 10-15 times in a night when Michael was gone.

I woke up nice and early for Human Anatomy. Nothing exciting there. I came back and slept again until my history class. I had already read my assigned reading for the class last night, so I just closed my laptop and went to class. I wore a dress and the wind would make it inflate, so it was like a big dress, lol, not where people can see my underwear, lol.

My history class is much smaller now. Most of the people took the first test, said , "I won't make it," and dropped the class. I don't have problems with getting stuck in the back of the class. Which can be a serious problem since my eye sight is sooo bad right now.

After I got home from class, I liked that I wasn't really rushed to get to work. I had an hour, I showered, ate a lean pocket, kinda just enjoyed myself then I put on my bussing uniform and went to work. I was the opening busser. Work was pretty good. I enjoyed myself.

However, I told Alli (a hostess I like) that I would open for her on Saturday. Which should be a better shift than call ahead. I'm a little sad that I don't have my saturday off anymore, but she promised next weekend day she has off she'll take my shift, so I can have my day off. Then, Rachel (not a very good hostess, but she's not unfriendly) asked if I would give her my opening shift Sunday (I love opening on Sunday), and take her 2 o'clock cause she has a fraternity thing or something. She wouldn't get off work early enough to go to her thing if I didn't switch with her. I told her I won't accept her shift unless she asked everyone who had off if they would take the shift. And she did ask, so I told her I'd take it. I don't want to be the pure reason she misses the meeting. Plus, that just makes one more person who owes me. I kinda keep tab in my head. Don't think I forgot that I have taken such and such shifts for you.. Cause I don't get off often, so next time I want off, I have like 4 people who owe me. You better fucking believe I"ll get off.

Also, while I was working. I was cut (as a busser means take out trash and replace paper towels). I asked the other busser if he would help me with the really heavy cans (we're talking EXTREMELY heavy... Imagine like big round trashcans (like ones ont he side of the road), filled, packed tight of FOOD, not just paper, and trash.. food: steak, potatoes, ketchup, steak sauces, ice cream, all of it. Anyhow, I told my manager we were ready to take out the trash (cause I thought that a manager had to be there when we took out the trash, for secruity reasons). The other busser showed up at the door, opened it and started taking the trash out, without the manager there.. So.. I guessed it must be okay cause he's a busser, normally, like he buses more than me. When we got done, I was walking around trying to change the paper towels, and my key (asst manager for the day) told me to just go home, cause my manager was too busy to watch me take out the trash.. I was like.. uh.. okay? Then I did my shit and left, so I wouldn't end up getting in trouble for it. I was gonna wait on her.. he had the door open already.. might as well take out the trash? Oh well.. I got some cheese fries to go. Cause Michael always seems jealous when I bring home my busser meal. So this time I got a busser meal we could split, so he wouldn't be sad.

Michael's computer has been messing up. So for the last two days.. like all day long he's been downloading, reformating, removing, installing, to try and get his computer back to working. I feel bad for him, he looks soo sad.

Now I need to start reading the next book for my lit class. I'll get up not too early, yay, go to my 2 classes, then I'll drive out to Wartburg again, and watch my beautiful sister in a play I did like 4 years ago. I'm also going to take prolly half the cake to my parents, and prolly in one of their tupperwares that I've had for a while, lol!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Long Day

I had a rather long and eventful day. I woke up at like 11ish and drove to Wartburg. I had a doctors appointment.. which, I showed up like 30 minutes late for! But.. they didn't say anything, lol. When I was walking out it started to pour.. so I sat in my car and called my Mom to see what she was up to.

We agreed to meet at Starbucks before we went shopping. However, as I as sitting there waiting, I saw my Dad come in, which was nice, I haven't seen him in more than 2 months! My Mom was sad though, she wanted to surprise me by my Dad showing up. She wanted to see my surprised face, lol. I got a chai tea latte, oh yum yum. I'm not fond of coffee stuff anyhow.

Then my Mom and I went shopping at the Oak Ridge 'Mall'. I went into Goody's and got an adorable sweater, and some nice house pants. They even had these like super soft nighties. My mom wanted a wider selection so we went to Belk and JcPenny's.

I then drove back to Wartburg, and I remembered what it was like during from Oak Ridge to Wartburg, the 2 lane roads.. and you never can pass.. I then appericated Cookeville again. Since Cookevilles main roads are 4 lanes, and all the lights are sensored (drive up to a red and only have to wait like 15 seconds).

Once home I ate some of my Grandpa's "Beer Can Chicken". We watched some tv, looked online at stuff, and lots of gossping kinda stuff. I forgot what my family was like.. crazy! My sister running around shaking her bootay.

My drive home was terrible. I am long overdue for new glasses, so I have trouble seeing. It was also dark, and raining! Then, because it was a weekday night, the interstate was full of semi-trucks, and they were spraying water up onto my windshield. It took me longer to get home than I thought.

Now I'm making that cake. I used splenda instead of sugar, and I tasted the batter and it was yucky, so I hope the cake is good.. I made the icing myself, and it was YUMMY! The recipe said to bake the cake for 30-35 minutes until the toothpick comes out clean. I have been checking it every 5 minutes, and its now been in there for 45 minutes, and its still not coming out clean. I hope it doesn't take an hour, and I hope I don't end up with an over or under cooked cake.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Endless Shrimp

I woke up and went to work. I was in a great mood, and a bunch of people came in and I didn't have a table for them, so it made me a little more moody. Then the other host who got hired right before me, came in for work. He asked if I was wanting to run the board (pick who gets sat next), and I said, "I don't care, go for it" and he did. I was happy that I didn't have to get stressed about it anymore. Most days its not stressful, but sometimes I make it stressful for myself.

When I got off work, I had plans to eat at Red Lobster with Alicia. Red Lobster closed at 9:30.. and we arrived at like 9:10. We were like the only customers, so I felt a little bad. But why can't I do it, people do it to us at Outback all the damn time! Anyhow, I tipped her like 20-25%. Alicia and I were soo hungry we got an appetizer, "Cheesy Fondue" which was really a bread bowl filled with lobster and shrimp cheese dip, and pieces of sourdough bread to dip with. However, we had the appetizer for only a couple minutes when we got our salads.. then a few minutes later we got our shrimp. Then the waitress went ahead and ordered the shrimp we would want for the rest of the night, so the kitchen could close down. The buffalo shrimp was DELICIOUS!!! I loved it! Alicia loved it! I also paid for the whole meal, cause Alicia didn't have any money, and I wouldn't mind paying for her so I wouldn't have eat alone. It was 53 dollars before tip, but I was okay with it. I got like 3 meals out of it. And I also got dessert that I took home. It was this vanilla bean cheesecake, with rasberry sauce. I just tried to eat some.. but I could only eat like half of it cause I'm still so bloated from dinner! And I have 2 boxes of shrimp leftovers!!

I then went over to Alicia's apartment after the meal, cause I had no reason to go home.. not like Michael is there!! I'm soooo lonely! But, Alicia's neighbors were over and they were playing halo, and it was quite entertaining. I then stopped by Andy's apartment and got the cake pan and stuff I need to make Michael that cake tomorrow night, yay! I guess I will have to leave Wartburg not too late tomorrow, so I can bake the cake.

Oh yeah.. I had a dream last night, but when I woke up I could only remember a few things.. I remember 3 LARGE pumpkins.. like 8 food tall pumpkins right next to each other.. and they were in the woods.. and I was trying to carve I could live in it or something like that.. and then they all turned into bouncy balls.. Then.. like.. my Mom did something.. cause I remember my dad saying, "Look what you did to Rachel".. and I had like.. these metal things stuck in my legs.. each with a long wire hanging out.. and a Georgia State football symbol or something.. and suppposedly the things electricuted me.. I also remember Erica was wearing one of those "fairy dust" neckalces.. like a little container with 'fairy dust' in it.. but she told me it was really cocaine.. I can't remember much more..

Also, my parents sent me some dried strawberries, which are like ADDICTIVE!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

No Bake Butterscotch Haystacks

No-Bake Butterscotch Haystacks

  • 1 cup HERSHEY'S Butterscotch Chips
  • 1/2 cup REESE'S Peanut Butter Chips
  • 1 tablespoon shortening(do not use butter, margarine, spread or oil)
  • 1-1/2 cups (3-oz. can) chow mein noodles, coarsely broken
1. Line tray with wax paper. Place butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips and shortening in medium microwave-safe bowl.

2. Microwave at MEDIUM (50%) 1 minute; stir. If necessary, microwave at MEDIUM an additional 15 seconds at a time, stirring after each heating, just until chips are melted and mixture is smooth when stirred.

3. Immediately add chow mein noodles; stir to coat. Drop mixture by heaping teaspoons onto prepared tray or into paper candy cups; let stand until firm. If necessary, cover and refrigerate until firm. Store in tightly covered container in refrigerator. Yields about 2 dozen candies.

Day 4

It's been 4 days since Michael went to Wartburg! And I still won't see him until Tuesday...

I woke up, and went to work. It was okay.. not boring. I complained to my manager cause the girl who closed last night didn't do half of the stuff she is supposed to do, and I normally don't care.. But I had to do the stuff before we opened, cause she didn't.

Oh, I lost my promise ring (that mike gave me for my birthday). I freaked out and started looking all over the restaurant.. I was about to go insane.. Then I found it!! It was on the floor in the kitchen.. I've been wanting to get it downsized but I'm just too cheap.. and lazy.. Maybe now I will get my ring resized since it FELL off my hand when I was walking!

After work I went to Walmart. I tried to get another work shirt, but they still didn't have my size. So, since there is nothing to eat at the apartment, I went food shopping. But, I only bought stuff that had less than 2 grams of fat, and less than 16 grams of sugar (and that sugar was from canned fruit "no sugar added"). However, I decided to buy all the stuff to make a cake from scratch. I bough flour, and everything. I will even make homemade icing!! I'll make it when Michael comes home, yay!

Moody Party

I dreamt I was at the highschool with Erica, and I was having car issues.. I told her my car wouldn't steer like I told it to, and it was really dangerous. I asked Erica if I could borrow her car to get home.. then I would come back and get her.. and she told me NO! I kept begging her, and she kept saying no, cause she had plans that were too important! So, I drove my car, like insane wrecklessly back home.. I was like swirving up onto the curbs on both sides of the road, etc!

When I finally made it to the elementary school lunch room. Which is where I was going for Whitney Maden's birthday party! Everyone that I knew was there.. it was kinda weird. Andy, Jon, ERICA, Seth, and a couple other people I never saw the faces of.. I was really moody and I kept yelling when Andy kept asking me while I was late. I just kept blowing up MAD!

After Whitney had opened all her presents, she got a phone call.. I was listening to her while she talked.. and she said "what was the cause of death?". I then hugged her, and said I was sorry, and she was crying. She then announced her grandmother had died.

Then I had some other dream, idk if it was related, but I was in a shallow ocean bay or something, and i was drowning, and I had this folding chair.. and for some reason I felt if I could unfold I wouldn't drown, and I fought and fought, and I unfolded it.. and didn't drown..