Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Long Day

I had a rather long and eventful day. I woke up at like 11ish and drove to Wartburg. I had a doctors appointment.. which, I showed up like 30 minutes late for! But.. they didn't say anything, lol. When I was walking out it started to pour.. so I sat in my car and called my Mom to see what she was up to.

We agreed to meet at Starbucks before we went shopping. However, as I as sitting there waiting, I saw my Dad come in, which was nice, I haven't seen him in more than 2 months! My Mom was sad though, she wanted to surprise me by my Dad showing up. She wanted to see my surprised face, lol. I got a chai tea latte, oh yum yum. I'm not fond of coffee stuff anyhow.

Then my Mom and I went shopping at the Oak Ridge 'Mall'. I went into Goody's and got an adorable sweater, and some nice house pants. They even had these like super soft nighties. My mom wanted a wider selection so we went to Belk and JcPenny's.

I then drove back to Wartburg, and I remembered what it was like during from Oak Ridge to Wartburg, the 2 lane roads.. and you never can pass.. I then appericated Cookeville again. Since Cookevilles main roads are 4 lanes, and all the lights are sensored (drive up to a red and only have to wait like 15 seconds).

Once home I ate some of my Grandpa's "Beer Can Chicken". We watched some tv, looked online at stuff, and lots of gossping kinda stuff. I forgot what my family was like.. crazy! My sister running around shaking her bootay.

My drive home was terrible. I am long overdue for new glasses, so I have trouble seeing. It was also dark, and raining! Then, because it was a weekday night, the interstate was full of semi-trucks, and they were spraying water up onto my windshield. It took me longer to get home than I thought.

Now I'm making that cake. I used splenda instead of sugar, and I tasted the batter and it was yucky, so I hope the cake is good.. I made the icing myself, and it was YUMMY! The recipe said to bake the cake for 30-35 minutes until the toothpick comes out clean. I have been checking it every 5 minutes, and its now been in there for 45 minutes, and its still not coming out clean. I hope it doesn't take an hour, and I hope I don't end up with an over or under cooked cake.