Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Opening Busser

Today was a pretty good day. I woke up.. went to class.. which by the way.. I impaled my hand with my pencil.. it bled! lol! then .. napped.. went to class.. got ready and went to work.

I had never opened as a busser. It was boring... I mean.. I swept the parking lot then I had to wait like an hour for people to leave so I could bus tables. Then Beth showed up, and she helped me bus.. We bussed together for a couple hours..

There was this black truck with their headlights on.. so being good people, the hosts went to every table and asked them if it was their car.. And one man said, "yeah, thats my truck".. so the host left.. then after like 15 minutes.. she realized the headlights were still on, so she went back and asked him again.. and this time he said, "yeah.. I'm leaving it running.. I am hoping someone will steal it." That was it.. thats all he said.. When I left it was still running.

Oh yeah, I took out the trash.. and my manager told me all bussers get meals.. so I got a salad.. when I got home.. Michael got all pouty that I didn't get him a salad.. I told him I wasn't going to buy him a salad.. cause I got a free one.. I think its a perk of me having a job and not him, lol.