Monday, October 8, 2007

Zoo Trip

The Nashville Zoo was fun. I was at Andy's apartment at 8 am.. and no one showed up until 9.. then the people coming from Wartburg didn't show up until 10.. And we didn't leave the apartment until 11:30.. So.. I was annoyed.. cause I was up really late.. But breakfast was great! I made waffles, Andy made pancakes, and cooked frozen biscuits. Alicia was incharge of the sausage and bacon! lol! Mac cut up a coke can and made a poached egg.. It was kinda interesting.

The car trip was boring! And it didn't start out well.. cause I kinda drove into a ditch .. And it was Erica, Karen (Jonathan's Sister), and me in my car. I was worried cause Mike didn't ride with us.. I knew we'd get lost! We were fine until we got into Nashvile.. then the interstate kept splitting! And truthfully.. I wish I had memorized the directions.. so I could remember which interstate it told me to follow... and Erica would panic when I rushed her to tell me, lol!

But.. we did get to the zoo.. by luck.. lol! It split the last time.. and I wasn't sure.. so I went the way all the other cars were going.. then we were like, crap! That wasn't the right exit! But then there were suddenly signs for the zoo, so we were home free, lol!

The zoo was fun.. but we were slow moving.. No one would be assertive.. take a map.. and lead the way. So.. the first place we went was to see the sheeps, cows, and horses.. lol! Like the kids hadn't seen that before.. Then we went and saw the lorikeets.. I liked that the nashville zoo didn't have bars.. like the lorikeet cage.. you walk in to this big cage.. and you can walk around the cage with the lorikeets.. and some would land on people.. it was cool.. Zack and Alica both held a lorikeet.. and Zack got a treat from a lorikeet.. haha! (shit).

We saw the elephants, giraffes, and by now Madison was too hot, and wasn't enjoying herself.. Ethan was done walking. Then we went into a shady field, and Madison got changed into a dress, and Madison, Ethan, and Zack ran around, and did flips.

We then went to this indoor building and looked at reptiles and fish. Madison and Ethan had more fun here, I think because of the air conditioning. Madison was cute as she pointed at all the fish. I didn't get my camera out fast enough to catch a picture of her. (But there are a ton of pictures of the whole group at the zoo on my profile)

The kids then fell asleep before we got to the petting zoo, lol! So, then we left, plus the zoo was closing..

Afterwards we kinda drove until we saw a continental restaurant. We stopped at Applebees.. Pitts covered the WHOLE bill! 14 people! I said thanks, but it was obvious he didn't really want a thank you, he was just happy to see his friends.

The car ride back was boring.. I was so tired.. I kinda had trouble seeing.. And Erica fell asleep, and I think Karen might have dozed off once or twice for a minute.. And the passengers in the other cars slept too!

After we got back to Andy's apartment, everyone hung out and chatted. I mostly hung out with Sarah, Amy, Ethan, and Madison. They played with the light switches, and a bouncy ball.

Then when we left the apartment, after about an hour or so.. I got back to the apartment.. checked my online stuff.. then I slept for 12 hours until class!!

I woke up went to human anatomy.. then I had a quiz.. which I forgot about! But.. she always gives us 10 minutes to study.. and I'm pretty sure I made a perfect score.

Now.. I'm watching Californication until History class, when I get to find out what I made on my test.. and then go to work!