Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Dream or a Nightmare?!

I had one fucked up dream, lol! Erica told me she was pregnant.. and she was one crazy bitch! She was like.. mentally abusive to Jessica Fly, lol! She forced Jessica to drive a manual truck.. and she didn't know how.. and she was trying to swirve so she wouldn't hit people's cars.. or the fence was weird.. I took Erica to get pizza and she was a crazy bitch then too! It was like.. one of those dreams.. that you're not quite sure if its a nightmare or a dream.. lol! It was defidently an anti-pregnancy dream!!

I have a literature test today.. and I dreamed about it! I went to work.. and then like half way thru my shift.. I realized I only had 10 minutes left in class before the test would be over! So.. I like called the professor to try and get a make-up, cause if you have a good excuse, and call him in time, he'll give you a make-up.. It was weird..

I just wish I could remember what other fucked up shit Erica did in my dream.. And why did I dream about Jessica Fly again? I dreamt about her last week.. Its weird.. Since she moved to Texas I don't even talk to her that often.. I don't know.. Erica was just vicious!!!