Monday, September 24, 2007

8 hours of sleep

I finally got 8 hours of sleep, in a row!! I woke up, went to anatomy, took the quiz, and I'm pretty sure I got a perfect score on the Human Skull.

In my anatomy class, everyone has to pick a disease and write some on it, and do like a 5 minute presentation.. I wanted to do Bipolar Disorder, the genetic part would be kinda cool.. However, when I got up there to sign my name, Bipolar Disorder had already been picked.. so.. I did a last second change, and I chose Irritable Bowel Syndrome.. which I hope is just as exciting, lol!

After History class, I was planning on driving straight to work. However, I got out 20 minutes early, so I ran back to the apartment to drop off my laptop. On my way to work I stopped at Starbucks and got a Frappichunio.

My work day didn't start out too good... When we opened, in the first 15 minutes, like 8 tables came in. On mondays, opening, we have 1 server for non-smoking, and 1 server for smoking. I sat Charles (the non-smoking server), all 3 of his tables at once. So, he was kinda overloaded. Then 3 people went into the smoking area. Then 2 more non-smoking people came in. I sat them.. and Jona (My Manager) told the smoking-server to take one of the tables. And I went to ask the other non-smoking server.. and I realized he was too overloaded. I was gonna go back and ask the smoking-server.. but she was standing at her table for like 3 or 4 minutes... Tables are supposed to be greeted within the first 2 minutes.. so.. Jona got onto me for not getting them a server faster..

I did however, get off work early. I left Outback at like 7:15. Then, I went to Walmart to get garlic bread, because I was going to make spaghetti. Well.. the spaghetti was a disaster.. I told Mike to cook the whole box of pasta (cause, when I read it, it said Serving size- 2oz ... I thought it said 2 servings a box) So, we had a TON of spaghetii... We were trying to watch Heroes, the season preimere while we cooked... so.. the pasta sat too long, and got extra gooey! And, I cooked half the can of sauce (3 servings).. and I ended up with like 1 cup of sauce! So, we ended up using all the sauce.. But.. the texas toast was good! lol!