Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How much spare change is okay?

This morning, I woke up at 12ish. I got decent sleep, not quite 8 hours though, maybe 7. I had that Activia yogurt for breakfast. I tried desperately to wake up Michael. It was a lost cause.. I threw water on him, whined, tried to put the sun in his eyes, make him hot, make him cold.. whatever.. it was useless. So.. he skipped class.. I was annoyed. I was like mad all day! I want him to try harder this semester.

After my theater class, I went to the South Patio (On campus), Alli (host from work) was there selling cookies for the Animal Pound. I then hung out at the Univeristy Center for a while before class. I bought a t-shirt, "What you wear matters". It's one of those shirts you buy and the money goes to some donation. This one was for South Africa working forces.

Then I went to Lit, it was soo hot!! I discovered why its always BURNING up in there! The AC, which does work.. is really loud.. so the professor has to chose. Let the students hear him, or let the students be cooled off.

When I got back to the apartment, I was still mad at Michael, and I blew up at him.. but he was kinda understanding. Then I agreed to clean the bedroom and bathroom, if he cleaned the kitchen (dishes and trash). He agreed, then when I started, he swore I said I'd clean the living room too. He has to be joking! No way in hell would I clean 3 rooms while he cleans 1! He's insane.. so I cleaned the living room, and we ordered papa johns. I felt bad for the delivery man.. We had to scrap together quarters so he would have a tip.

How much spare change is acceptable. Is it okay to give the delivery man 4 dollars in quarters? Is one dollar in dimes okay? I don't know.. I was just curious.

Now, I have been watching Californication! It's an awesome show so far. After this I'm going to watch the Bones preimere and House preimere. Awesome!!!

I need to catch up on my reading of King Lear.. I'm behind.. I need to start sudying the Human Spine (for that quiz ever week)..

I feel pretty good right now, and I defidently feel like blogging away! However, I don't have anything to say!!! I love me!