Thursday, September 27, 2007

Monster Watermelon Slurpie

I stayed up late again! Oh, shame on me! lol. I got up and went to class, first my theater. We did our final dress rehearsal. We perform infront of the rest of the class on tuesday. I think we forgot to time it though, so I hope we are actually 8 minutes!

I got out like 30 minutes early, so I had 40 minutes until literature. Turns out Michael got out like 50 minutes early from his first class, and he went home. He said he doesn't want to go to literature until he catches up in his reading. Ugh! I haven't read and I still get useful information (for the test and essay) by going to class. The professor tells you everything that happened.

By the time I got out of Literature I wished I hadn't gone! It was a rather unproductive day, and its so hot in there! I got a headache. But I still needed to go to Outback and get my schedule.

After school I went to Outback, got my schedule! If any of you care.. I work friday evening, saturday evening, 12 on Sunday, monday I BUS again! This time I get to bus with the other host who buses (Beth). I like her, and it turns out it was her I said no to picking up the shift! So, I do feel a little bad, I like her, and she never asks me to trade, unless it really important. Oh yeah, I have tuesday off (cause i request all tuesdays and thursdays off) and I work hosting on wednesday.

I went to Walmart after Outback. I bought 20 ink for the printer so I could print out my history notes, so I can study. Then I spent 8 dollars on more spaghetti sauce, 8 dollars on paper towels, 7 dollars on trashbags, 6 dollars on mouthwash! So, after all that and a few other no so expensive items, I ended up spending 67 dollars!

I then stopped by the gas station on the corner of Broad and Willow. It had a sale, 5 12-packs for 10 dollars. However, they were out of regular pepsi.. I didn't want to buy 5 12-packs of fattening soda. So, I called and texted Michael to ask him if I should get it anyhow for him.. He didn't answer so I got mad! I even hung around the gas station for like 5 minutes.. when I saw the slurplie machine! I wash tempted, I haven't had one in like a year!.. Then.. I saw watermelon! So, I got a monster sized (44 oz)! I left without buying soda cause Michael didn't answer. But he ended up going by after his class and getting them anyhow.. I like the mountain dew game fuel, while still fattening, thats okay.. cause I'll drink some of it, and he'll drink some too. He also go one pack of diet pepsi max, i'll find out if I like it.

When I got back to the apartment, I studied (mostly history this time) for an hour and half! But, it wasn't just straight studying, I was chatting with my Erica too. When Michael got back from class we did the cutest thing! We sat on the couch and watched an episode of Californication, and we fell asleep all cuddled up! We slept for like 2 hours, then I kept falling off the couch, I took the quilt, and went to the bed. I of course invited him, but he fell back asleep on the couch for another hour, while I slept on the bed for another hour.

How often do you remember you dreams? Cause, I remember having a dream every night! I can prolly only once a week explain it to you, but every night i remember pieces.. All I can remember from my nap is like.. i traveled by colonial times (prolly cause thats what i'm studying), and there were evil bats.. and evil people.. and I was trying to protect the oblivious pregnant lady and her 4 year old girl.. I think thats kinda it.. lol!