Saturday, September 29, 2007


Let's see.. I stayed up late again! Human anatomy was already more interesting! Today we learned about tissues. I was tired of learning about cells again and again! Ugh!

When I got back from class, Michael was still awake! So, I made him breakfast. We had waffles.. However, we had 2 packages (each kinda empty). One was for non-egg waffles, and the other required 1 egg per cup.. Well.. We didn't have any eggs.. so I mixed the two packages.. The first 2 or 3 waffles were okay.. Then I had to add more of the egg-required type (ran out of non-egg), then the last 3 or 4 waffles were kinda.. burnt.. crunchy.. not quite as good. But, Michael still loves me! Even if I can't make good waffles with a waffle iron and pre-made mix!

Michael then decided to lay down for like 4 or 5 hours, and I laid with him for an hour, then I went to History.. Oh god! My history teacher told us what the test would be like! A few short answers, a few multple choice, a few lists, then.. the majority FILL-IN-THE-BLANKS! omg! are you kidding me?! *cries*

I got back from History and took a nap until i got up at 4 to get ready for work. Michael showered after me, and prolly left the apartment like 10 minutes after me.

Work was pretty good. My day just started out good. I only had to stand at the door for like 30 minutes the whole shift! OMG! AWESOME! I mostly sat people and rolled silverware.

Kris (another host) asked me to switch with him tomorrow.. I groaned a bit and agreed.. I gave him my 4:15, and he gave me 4:45.. So now I'll be at Outback until maybe 10! But thats okay..

Man.. I like stopped half way thru my blog, and did my laundry!

After work, I went to Walmart. I want more work shirts (I only have like 4), but whenever i go shopping all over town, i can never find shirts for work that fit me right, or even in my size! I'm not that huge! I'm a large in most stuff..

Walmart has these shirts that are good for work, button up, collared, and every season they get new colors. So, I went by.. They had like coral, plum, and teal. However, they had no larges! If I want to button the shirt too the top, I need a XL, but I don't normally button them like that (I unbutton at my boobs, cause i have an undershirt on). But.. there was ONE large sized shirt! It was plum, the color I wanted the most! So, I bought it! But, I will have to keep checking back for more colors.

Then I bought 8 pairs of black socks. I am sooo tired of searching EVERYWHERE for a pair of socks! Plus, the socks I bought when I first started working have holes or bleach spots, lol!

On my way out, I walked by some juniors muscle shirts. I got a large off-white one, so I don't have to always wear Michael's, and so I can have another undershirt color besides white.

While I was driving back to the apartment.. I was racking my mind, trying to decide what I wanted to eat for dinner. There isn't much at the apartment.. and most of it I've ate alot of recently.

I saw Bellacino's! I pulled up, they closed in 15 minutes.. but I really wanted a grinder (sub). So, I went in and got a foot long sub (food for tomorrow too!) However, after I waited the 8 minutes, I only got a 6 inch.. so I felt bad.. but I paid for a foot.. i can't waste money like that.. so I went back in.. I said I was willing to just get half my money back, or if they wanted to make me my other half.. The manager guy said he was sorry, made me another half, and gave me a compliementary soda!

Now.. here I am at the apartment, without Michael, doing laundry, and thinking, "God! I should be studying!!!"

Oh yeah.. I'm annoyed that Michael didn't take out the trash! (There's prolly 3 bags of trash in the kitchen)