Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Human Skull

Not alot has happened today. But, I figured I would log on, and say a little something for my daily blog.

I woke up at 9:30am to meet my mom, brother, and Michael at Ihop for breakfast. We stayed and chatted for a little more than an hour. I got this huge ass omolette (Chicken Faijata), and it also came with pancakes! Like I had room for all that!

After we finished eating, my mom went to see my brother's apartment. Michael headed out to Nashville, and I headed to work.

I opened with Janine, which was cool, cause I haven't worked with her in a while, cause she's always working in the Outback To-go. Work was pretty boring. It was kinda slow. I mean we had a rush from 12:30-1:00, but that was it.

I was cut at 6:00. I figured Michael would still be in Nashville, so when I got off I got a Bloomin' Onion.

I arrived home, and Michael was already here. I felt bad cause he doesn't care for Bloomin' Onions.. I normally get him cheese fries. He was cute though! He was alseep on the couch, wrapped up in his quilt (the quilt his grandmother made for him when he was a boy).

Now, I've been studying for a while for my Anatomy quiz tomorrow. It's over the Adult Human Skull!

Michael is already laying down to sleep, he is just so worn out. I can't decide.. study longer or snuggle.