Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I've decided to blog now, while I normally blog later in the day incase I have something more exciting to say.

I didn't sleep too much, I wanted to watch Bandits last night. Also, I forgot to say 2 days ago I finished my audiobook. It was good.. I just feel the last chapter was a happy ending.. but too.. far-fetched..

I went to Anatomy, learned about Cancer. It made me think about my Grandmother, and my Great Aunt Eunice. Which made me ask my Dad all about my Grandmother's fight with cancer. I never realized she lived thru so much. I was kinda young, and I didn't really know the details until today.

Then my professor said this would be the last stuff that would be on our test (Monday). So, when I got back to the apartment, I started on some note cards. Only 3 tests in Anatomy.. the first one is Monday.. I don't know how I'll do. I'm pretty bad at remembering the chemistry stuff, and thats a third of this test! I'm gonna try my best.. Oh yeah, Monday I also have a quiz in my Anatomy lab, it's over the spine and ribs, I think i'll do fine.

When I arrived outside of my lecture hall, I noticed everyone was reading hand-outs.... THEN it dawned on me!! He gave us hand-outs 2 weeks ago. We're having a quiz today! (We only have 3 tests, and 3 quizzes) I crammed as much as I could in 10 minutes, since it was like 10 pages..

The quiz wasn't so bad, it was an one paragraph essay answer. When the quiz was over, the professor said pass it to the front. Well, I'm in a lecture hall, sot here's like 20 ppl behind me. This girl in front of me (who I will mention again) holds her hand out over her shoulder. Its like she is wanting me to put the papers in her hand.. Her hand dangles there for like 2 minute.. me and the guy behind me are thinking, "what the fuck?" I think I did okay.. I'm sure I would have aced it if I had read it all! But.. I did go to a lecture last week, for extra credit. Going to that lecture will drop my lowest quiz grade at the end of the semester and replace it with an A!!

He then lectured today about the hand-out. My god... this girl infront of me! Jesus!! Not only is her hair nasty and greasy, but every single time he asks a question she has to answer! Look idiot, if you don't know the answer don't try to sound smart! She's saying some really out there stuff! Then when someone else would answer, and the professor would agree... He would then ask, "any more? any more factors?".. Guess what.. she would answer! And she would say the exact same thing the other person said. She just kept repeating the professor and other students. Even the professor starts to ignore her by the end of the class. Then he reminds us.. TEST on Wednesday!! Oh god! His tests are supposed to be so hard! We haven't had one yet.

So.. On Monday I have a Human Anatomy Test and Human Anatomy Lab Quiz. Then on Wednesday I have my American History Test. I don't know if I'll be able to study enough! I mean, I've started studying today.. but still! I haven't looked at my work schedule yet.. but I'm sure I'll have to work friday, saturday, and sunday. I might see if someone can pick up my shift sunday. But its not like I can get people to get all my shifts, and i sure as hell can't request them all off.. Anyhow, my manager is already making the schedule.

Now is the time that I am so happy I said I am unavailable to work on tuesdays and thursdays! I know for sure.. that I won't have to work tomorrow, or the night before my History test! And, I already know I don't work tonight. And.. even if I do work Sunday.. we close at 9pm.. I am hoping Michael will really help me. Its really important to me. I don't really have friends in these classes, nor would it really help.. I hope Michael will help me with my flash cards (which I already made out like 100). He's really smart, and he has helped me alot on past tests and quizzes.

Oh yeah, I have a Literature test not next week, but the next week (11th). I'm pretty nervous there too! There's 2 tests, and 1 essay for that class. The test will be over Beowulf and King Lear.. And I have been behind on King Lear. I mean, I go to class and he discusses it alot! So, its not like I don't know what is happening.. but.. I'm still worried. He takes attendance, but he says it doesn't count. I think it's like extra credit. Not alot of extra credit of course, but at least a little! And I've only missed 2 class periods.

Also, one of my friends at Outback, had his car broken into and his laptop stolen. It made me think. (As I take my history notes on my laptop) I sent myself an email with all my notes attached. Not that he was in Cookeville when it was stolen..I'm just saying.. it made me think..

And.. I need to go to walmart! I need to buy ink. My printer is low and everything turns out maroonish. I want to print all 20 pages of my history notes. Its much easier to study notes when they're in your hand, not on the computer screen.

Oh yeah.. On the 9th, my group in theater is doing a 8 minute skit we wrote. I picked the Greek Myth (we have to perform it like the Greeks). Niobe is the name. It's about a woman who has a ton of kids. She goes about bragging about how fertile she is. She even says she's more fertile than the gods. So, they come down, all mad and kill her children.
We were allowed to change stuff if we wanted.. so.. no girl in our group really wanted to be Niobe (not that we have to memorize our lines, we're allowed to have a script), I just didn't feel up to it. So.. a guy took the role. Now we're trying to make the play funny! He is dressig up like a woman, lol. The two gods.. really funny guys. One is Eastern guy (Islam or something), and he is still learning english. So, his lines are even funnier! Then the other guy is almost 7 foot, and he's just a naturally funny guy. And.. instead of the children being shot by arrows... the gods are going to give us.. poison candy!!

I think I have now told you about everything going on in all my classes.. lol. I'm sorry this ended up so long.. I just.. URGH.. have so much to say!