Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Full Story

I figured since I don't have so much trouble typing now I'll type out the whole story...

It's 8am. I wore my hair down the day before and since its so early I just pulled it into a pony tail. I pulled on some white t-shirt and some guy khaki shorts, and my aqua crocs. I have to drive 45 minutes to class in Harriman. I'm on this long country highway stretch between Oak Ridge and Harriman. By now its prolly 8:10. I glance at the road infront of me, only a few hundred feet infront of me I see a grey, maybe black sporty looking car stretched out across my lane. I know its too late, I start screaming, "no no no". But I'm sure Jessica, the girl driving the car, would not hear my "no"s. I drop my croc down on the brake, as hard as I can.


The impact shatters my lower leg bones, and I realize this right away with the sharp leg pain and that i can't move my lower leg by myself. My air bag deployed, and now the powder is starting to settle inside of my car and I look out. My car is perfectly stopped in its lane, only the front end is smashed in. Where is Jessica? I look out and I see her car in the grass. My car threw her car into the ditch area. I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. Is it an echo I hear? I stop for a second to breathe, and I continue to hear the screams, its Jessica screaming too. I have trouble breathing due to the air bag dust, so I stop screaming and work on breathing before I have an asthma attack. About 15-30 seconds have passed since the impact at this point.

I know Michael should still be asleep, my Mom is out of town (out of state), so i reach my right hand out to the passenger seat where my purse was. Crap, its gone, its somewhere else. I can't move enough to look for it in the floor, so I cry and try to breathe some more.

A minivan pulled up beside me and asked me if I could get myself out, and I found it hard to say the words, but I did, "No no no, I can't". Eventually the man comes and he starts to help me out, cause all I wanted was to get the fuck out of that car. He has me about half way out, when a blond haired lady, she was motherly, came over. She said not to move me because I might have a neck injury, thats not what I wanted to hear, no. I wanted out. She introduces herself as an RN and gets me to hold my neck still. I hear and see other RNs get out of their cars and come over to try and help. Then I ask how the other girl is and she says shes okay, just a bump on her head, but she is stuck in her car.

I cry for an ambulance, I want out of the car. I want pain meds. At this point I'm holding my leg because if my upper leg rests on the lower leg and foot it HURTS. The RN reassures me I'll get meds soon. First the fire dept., they check on me, and help open the car door of the other car. Next is the police, or highway patrol. The man who asked me about the accident wasn't dressed like a cop. I told him that i was driving she pulled out infront of me to go to oliver springs direction and I slammed on my brakes. He said he could see where I had braked very hard. I told him I was going 55 or 60, even tho the speed limit is 55. Michael later gave me crap about that but I wasn't going to lie.

It was at least 15 minutes before the ambulance arrived after being called. They came checked me out, and put a very uncomfortable neck brace on. Now here came the PAINFUL part, they brought over a back board. It was terrible painful as they pulled me out. Moving my foot at all hurt. They eventually wrapped me up, and put me in the ambulance. There was already another strecher in the ambulance...

Jessica was already in the ambulance, as they slid me in I heard her ask the EMT questions, about who I was, and he told her he didn't know. So I told her my name and she told me hers. She started to talk about her eye hurting as I begged and begged and begged for pain medication for my leg, the EMT assured me he was about to give it to me. Eventually Jessica asked my name again, and told me hers again. She was very disoriented. Eventually we held hands as the ambulance took us to Oak Ridge. I was so glad we were moving but I didn't like moving foot first it was weird.

I entered the hospital, keep in mind they never gave me pain meds because of some protcols or something, I watched the ceiling as they rolled me into my room. Now that they were setting me up with morphine, I started to ask about my calling my dad. They had to thoroughly check me out before they would call my dad. As I lay there, waiting, a man came in the room. He said, "Hey there.." and came up and put his hand on my rail, he has this soft comforting approach. He introduced himself, he was Jessica's dad. He told me Jessica was going to be okay, and I'd be okay, and asked if there was anything he could do to help me. I asked him if he had a cell phone, so we could call my boyfriend. He said sure, and we called Michael. He told Michael he thought I'd be okay and he handed the phone to me, I hear, "Do you want me to come to the hospital?" and I was like ".. YEAH". Its about 8:50 and my Dad and Michael arrive. Dad has called Mom and she is aware of the situation but not sure if she is going to come back yet.

X-ray time! This was a very very unpleasant experience. As I later found out, morphine doesn't help alot with bone pain. I cried all thru my xrays. After we had finished she the tech came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go back to my room now or rest a few minutes before I moved again. I rested a few minutes before I went back to my room.

Back at my room, I texted Kate and Erica to update them, and Erica said she was leaving school. I requested some soup kitchen once I could eat, they had told me not to eat because I might be having surgery. I got more morphine when I was back at the room, and some other pain meds. I started to feel good now. The othropedic surgeon on call came and told me that the operating rooms were mostly full for the day, I could wait without eating for another 3 hours or so and have surgery or I could have it tomorrow. I opted for tomorrow, I was hungry.

Some nurses came into the room and it took like 6-8 of them to splint my leg.. and man it hurt. Michael said they weren't even holding my lower leg, it was just danging by the meat from my upper leg.

I was admitted into the hospital from Monday morning to Thursday night. I had a titanium rod put in my leg, with 2 screws near knee and 2 screws near the ankle. I get to keep these ... forever :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

It started out a good day..

So, Monday morning 8:10 I was driving to school in Harriman, and going about 60 miles per hour and this girl pulled out crossing the lane in front of me. I slammed on my brakes will full force and it threw her car into the ditch, and trapped her. Just to summarize that she is okay. Thats what the nurses told me, they also told me she wasn't admitted to the hospital, like I was. It took forever for the ambulance to arrive and all I wanted to do was get the fuck out of the car. I know instantly my leg was broken I could feel my bones jiggling around seperately. Of course once the EMT showed up they told me they were going to give me a medicine soon but they wouldn't so the doctor could tell where it was broken or something like that..

In the ambulance i was in INCREDIBLE pain but the sweet girl I hit was next to me and she held my hand and it really helped even though she was a little confused about everything.

At the hospital I did get medicine! But it wasn't enough the first time, so they took me for xrays without enough pain meds so I cried alot. Eventually the hospital called my dad who was work. My dad called my mom who was on a business trip. The girl I hit, her father came and visited my room and called michael for me. Michael came too and held my hand.

Eventually they ortopedic surgeron on call came in and saw me, told me I needed to wait until morning to have surgery on my leg. They said they could do a cast but after it was off I wouldn't be able to walk because the muscle would have shrunk, so i had a titanium rod placed in my tibia bone and the fibula bone would heal on its own. They also had to remove little bone fragments from my leg being so crushed. I was breaking so hard when my front end smashed into the side of her car, it was all in slow motion...

Well the accident was monday, tuesday was the surgery, and I was released thursday night. Thanks again for all the visitors, I loved it!

Now I'm home, and having a very hard time. Just to wobble with a walker or wheel chair to the toliet is alot of work. I have a realllly long road ahead of me. I hope I can do this.. and I can't do it alone.

3 times a week I get visits from nurses and my personal therapist, so maybe I can walk when my bone heals. I can hopefully be walking in 6 weeks... forever away.. I have alot to say but its hard to type when you're laying flat on your back with y0ur leg elevated. Feel free to send me some email or something I will respond when I get the energry.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed

Okay.. so in my bedroom one of the light sockets doesn't work. So last night I slept on Michael's side of the bed so I could reach my phone for my alarm for work today at 11. I suppose because I woke up on the wrong side of the bed is why my day was so crappy.

I woke up an hour late for work, I called my manager explained, dressed quickly (without showering and I was an usher last night so I was NASTY). I rushed to work and still ended up being an hour and half late for work.

On my way to work I braked and my car slide almost into a ditch.

At work.. It only got worse.

I was written up for being late.. UGH.

There is a drawer underneath the popcorn poppers that we keep like 10 lbs of popcorn seed in, I accidentally pulled it out too far and it fell, and I dumped it all on the floor, and it was too busy for me to clean up.

I split cherry coke down my shirt and my bra soaked it up.

I split a man's tub of popcorn, not on him.. but all over the floor.

My feet have been KILLING me. I'm not used to standing all day, and I haven't had a day off.

But.. on a good note, I got someone to work for me on Tuesday so I can go to spend time with my family doing family things. We were going to go to Dollywood but apparently its closed on Tuesday.. GAY.

I am getting lots of hours (not sure if I still will since i was soo late.. god i hope I still get hours, I was never once written up for being late the first 2 years I worked at the theater.)

I can't think of whatelse I want to say right now. I just wanted to vent and hoped someone would comfort me.

Oh yeah, I love my HUGE new apartment in Oak Ridge!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Way Overdue

Well, I'm way overdue for a blog. I've just been sooo lazy! And maybe a little distracted with life.

April is approaching, and I will get my letter saying I did not get into upper division, I'm still like 90% sure I won't get in. Michael and I have made some life decision based on this letter.

If I am accepted I will stay here in Cookeville, continue Outback, and go to school at Tech.

If I am not accepted, In May Michael and I will move out, I'll leave Outback. Michael and I will stay at our parents homes in Wartburg until we can find a place to live in Oak Ridge. I want to rent a house, I thought it would be so nice! Specially not having to worry about our neighbors. Neighbors in apartments piss me off. My neighbor to the side parks so badly its like he takes up 3 parking spaces, and I have to park forever away cause he's a retard. Our neighbor below us bangs on the ceiling whenever Michael plays rockband. So, Michael always has to check for her car and only play when she's gone, its ridiculous. Its not like she's 50, she's 20.

After moving into Oak Ridge, or while we're waiting. I hope to get an assistant manager job at Tinseltown, the theater. However, I know right now they have 5 managers, and I may not be needed. So, I could also transfer to the Outback in Oak Ridge. I hear the management is nicer. By the way.. my friend, at Outback, who never missed a shift, she even got taxis to get to work on time! She called like 10 hours in advance to say she wasn't going to be able to make it to her shift, and she was FIRED. No warning or anything! Normally they suspend them. I think they used it as an excuse to fire her because they didn't think she was a good enough employee, but she was fine! I was shocked by how they treated her, and kind of made me happy that I might be leaving.

But.. my issue is.. I want to apply at the theater, but if I don't get the job I want Outback. However, I'd have to transfer to the Outback to insure that i get a job. So, I transfer then quit immediately to work at the theater, or I just apply at the theater, not get the job, then have to try applying at the Oak Ridge Outback.

Also, I need to reapply at Roane State Community College's Nursing Program. I applied 2 years ago, and was accepted. I even had to take an entrance exam which was like an ACT. Now I'm curious.. do I have to retake it? Logically I wouldn't have to cause if I passed it back then I can obviously pass it again 2 years later. I really don't want to take it again, its just all over stressful.

So.. now I think I've said everything that I can think of on my future plans.

Right now classes are going kinda icky. I dropped History today cause i stopped going. I didn't have any notes cause I missed so many classes for Microbiology that I'm sure I got the lowest grade in the class. It was multiple choice.. but also with matching, so easy to make below a 25.

A + P is okay, hard.

Nutrition is going good.

Nursing class is going okay, I keep forgetting to do assignments because its a retarded set up online for a online course. Which reminds by monday I need to have my oral presentation ready.

I think thats all I can think of.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lost Hope

My schooling this semester is lost hope. Let's go over it.

Human Anatomy. I need 330 points to PASS the class. There is a possible 600. 300 is tests, 300 is lab. I'll prolly get 200 in lab, maybe 240 if I'm lucky. I got 260 in lab last semester but I had an easier lab teacher. Let's assume I"m lucky and I get 240. That means i need 90 points from tests. I've already taken one test, and I made a 36. I'll have to make at least 27 on my other two tests, and if I am lucky and get that 240 in lab, I'll make a D, barely passing.

Microbiology isn't lost hope, yet. I need 600 out of 1000 points to pass. 4 lecture exams (460 points total). So far I made a 90, and 54. I'll prolly get about 80 points from attendance. There's a group poster presentation (let's assume i make a perfect 40 points). I'll prolly get about 130 points from quizzes, and lets assume 100 points from unknowns (identifying microrgaisms in lab). I'll prolly.. if lucky make 80 points on my lab final. If I make what I'm assuming I will make I need to make at least 13 on each of my other two tests, which I'm sure I can do. While both anatomy and microbiology are multiple choice, two bad it's out of 5 not 4.

My other classes.. Nutrition, American History 2, and Nursing I can't tell you much on. Today I woke up too late to get to class and get my history test handed back to me, so I don't know how I did. Nutrition I haven't got back because she had the machine grade them and it messed up, and she is supposed hand them out tomorrow, but I'll be absent cause I missed my depo-provera (birth control) shot, and it's a time senstive shot, so the next time I can get it is during my Nutrition class tomorrow.

Nursing I have taken one test, and it was.. 84. I'm not so good at the online class thing though. She isn't' clear on what we need to study for tests, or what we need to turn in, or when everything is due. I would not be surprised if I fail the class just because there's a test and I was unaware, or because I didn't turn in my homework that I didn't know I had.

Anyhow.. that is my school life.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Do I have high standards of customer service? Is it because of Outback?

I've told Michael I want to change the place where we order pizza from. Papa Johns, while my favorite tasting pizza, feels to me as the worst service.

I have called before and put in an order, and they called by to say they didn't have any of that pizza topping, and I would have to order again.

I have called before and put in an order.. 15 minutes before they closed, and they called me back to tell me they refunded me because they're closed. WTF? I'm sure they didn't want to make my pizzas, but its not really good customer service to close early. At Outback, if you walk in 30 seconds to close (which happened last night) you can still have your well done steak, and you won't see a single person giving you the evil eye.

I called yesterday to order pizza, and they called back to say they refunded us because they didn't have any medium pizzas. WTF?! How can they not have medium pizzas? Don't they just make dough and shape it like a medium pizza? Are they really using frozen dough that is already shaped for them? Why didn't they say something like, "I'm sorry about it, we can give you large pizzas instead" thats what good customer service would do!

Michael bitched at me because he thought I was having high standards of the service we get from our pizza place. Am I? I want to know, am I now accustomed to high standards, or is Michael being a push over? I want to hear from you.. lol.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Why I should break up with Michael...

Michael's only chore is trash. He is in charge of taking out the trash. We take turns on the dishes.. and I do all the laundry.. and cleaning.

The trash has been sitting here since CHRISTMAS. There are 3 bags outside that have food in them.. that he moved outside cause they stunk.. There's a computer chair box in the middle of our small walk-thru kitchen. I literally have to weave around the trash to get thru the apartment. I have nagged.. and nagged.. its still here. Then I told him.. fine.. do the dishes before I get home tonight, and I won't nag you about the trash. Guess what.. He didn't do the dishes or the trash.. cause he's busy playing world of warcraft, and he can't step away. I'm getting tired of this! He complains cause he can't find a shirt he wants clean.. and all he has to do is put it int he washer.. i told him.. put what you want washed int he washer and i'll clean it.. and he whines about it. I think I have a right to white about 3-4 week old trash.

Now.. I have gone grocery shopping.. because everytime he wants to go.. I'm tired from work. So.. of course he's busy playing wow so i went shopping alone.. (after him and the other wow players ate at andy's and didn't save me any food).. I spent 142 dollars.. even buying stupid shit he wants.. like his soda and stuff. I get home.. he's too busy to help me unload.. I had to make 6 trips up and down the stairs and then its 100 feet prolly from the bottom of the stairs to where I could find a parking spot. Now.. the trash is in the way and I can't even put away the fucking food.. I can't even KINDA get into the pantry. And he's gonna be playing wow for prolly another 2 hours without being able to take a damn break. I've already decided.. he can't eat or drink a SINGLE FUCKING THING I BOUGHT. Am I being all that unreasonable?! Its not like he works all day. He already skipped his first class.. cause it was 8 in the morning..

Friday, January 4, 2008

Forgotten Blog

Wow, I had forgotten I even had a blog I've been SOO busy with christmas and new years, and work. However, its all over, and my school is paid for and confirmed, so now it's mostly just play time for another week or so, then its HARD school. Anyhow. I just sent an email to my parents about my xmas gifts. Instead of rewriting it and just changing the tone and stuff like that, I figured I'd just paste my email, so you can hear about what I got for xmas. Got any questions, go ahead and ask, I'd happy to answer!

Hey Mom and Dad,

I just thought I'd let you guys know how much I love my christmas presents! I just made the scones, sooo delicious, and I didn't even need honey or jam on it. Also, I LOVE my victoria's secret pjs, i wear them like every other night. The elastic at the bottom of the legs makes them cover my legs even when I move around int he bed. I hate wearing pj pants that easily get pushed up.

Also! I'm so addicted to Bioshock. Ask Michael! I am always screaming when it scares me and stuff! And I've upgraded a bunch. I can shock people, fire them, I have telekenesis, if someone attacks me they get a shock, I have hacking upgrades, and I can distract secruity cameras and make my body temperature appear lower, however I'm stuck right now trying to get to the "farmer's market" so i can make a recipe so i can save all the plant life.

I love my spanks (is that the name of the spandex corset-like underwear?) I wear my red robe more than anything! It keeps me nice and cozy when I play games or I am on the computer. I already used my itunes card to buy the new bare naked ladies album. I also LOVE my chocolate! And my peppermint lotion smells so nice, I never sneeze, and my hands are soo soft. I'm trying to think of the other gifts I got and I am enjoying, but I am having a brain fart.

Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know I love my presents!

Oh and I love the music box Grandma and Papaw got me, I open it up before I go to bed and listen to a song or two while I put away my jewelry.

Also when I"m not so poor I will buy some chicken and veggies and make the curry! I've been staring at it every day.

And I haven't even read a portion of my found magazines, there's so much stuff in there!

Tell Erica i already read both my mangas, and will have to re-read them, they are soo good.

Also, youtube I think has a trailer for The Other Boylen Girl movie, apparently its starring Natilie Portman, which I don't think was the right person for the role, but it still looks good.

Oh yeah I went to Outback and ate with Beth, Skylar (her son), and Michael. Skylar loved my address book. He played with it for like 20 minutes, he liked throwing it on the floor and watching Michael get it. Why do kids love that so much, kids are just weird.

