Friday, September 12, 2008

It started out a good day..

So, Monday morning 8:10 I was driving to school in Harriman, and going about 60 miles per hour and this girl pulled out crossing the lane in front of me. I slammed on my brakes will full force and it threw her car into the ditch, and trapped her. Just to summarize that she is okay. Thats what the nurses told me, they also told me she wasn't admitted to the hospital, like I was. It took forever for the ambulance to arrive and all I wanted to do was get the fuck out of the car. I know instantly my leg was broken I could feel my bones jiggling around seperately. Of course once the EMT showed up they told me they were going to give me a medicine soon but they wouldn't so the doctor could tell where it was broken or something like that..

In the ambulance i was in INCREDIBLE pain but the sweet girl I hit was next to me and she held my hand and it really helped even though she was a little confused about everything.

At the hospital I did get medicine! But it wasn't enough the first time, so they took me for xrays without enough pain meds so I cried alot. Eventually the hospital called my dad who was work. My dad called my mom who was on a business trip. The girl I hit, her father came and visited my room and called michael for me. Michael came too and held my hand.

Eventually they ortopedic surgeron on call came in and saw me, told me I needed to wait until morning to have surgery on my leg. They said they could do a cast but after it was off I wouldn't be able to walk because the muscle would have shrunk, so i had a titanium rod placed in my tibia bone and the fibula bone would heal on its own. They also had to remove little bone fragments from my leg being so crushed. I was breaking so hard when my front end smashed into the side of her car, it was all in slow motion...

Well the accident was monday, tuesday was the surgery, and I was released thursday night. Thanks again for all the visitors, I loved it!

Now I'm home, and having a very hard time. Just to wobble with a walker or wheel chair to the toliet is alot of work. I have a realllly long road ahead of me. I hope I can do this.. and I can't do it alone.

3 times a week I get visits from nurses and my personal therapist, so maybe I can walk when my bone heals. I can hopefully be walking in 6 weeks... forever away.. I have alot to say but its hard to type when you're laying flat on your back with y0ur leg elevated. Feel free to send me some email or something I will respond when I get the energry.