Sunday, May 18, 2008

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed

Okay.. so in my bedroom one of the light sockets doesn't work. So last night I slept on Michael's side of the bed so I could reach my phone for my alarm for work today at 11. I suppose because I woke up on the wrong side of the bed is why my day was so crappy.

I woke up an hour late for work, I called my manager explained, dressed quickly (without showering and I was an usher last night so I was NASTY). I rushed to work and still ended up being an hour and half late for work.

On my way to work I braked and my car slide almost into a ditch.

At work.. It only got worse.

I was written up for being late.. UGH.

There is a drawer underneath the popcorn poppers that we keep like 10 lbs of popcorn seed in, I accidentally pulled it out too far and it fell, and I dumped it all on the floor, and it was too busy for me to clean up.

I split cherry coke down my shirt and my bra soaked it up.

I split a man's tub of popcorn, not on him.. but all over the floor.

My feet have been KILLING me. I'm not used to standing all day, and I haven't had a day off.

But.. on a good note, I got someone to work for me on Tuesday so I can go to spend time with my family doing family things. We were going to go to Dollywood but apparently its closed on Tuesday.. GAY.

I am getting lots of hours (not sure if I still will since i was soo late.. god i hope I still get hours, I was never once written up for being late the first 2 years I worked at the theater.)

I can't think of whatelse I want to say right now. I just wanted to vent and hoped someone would comfort me.

Oh yeah, I love my HUGE new apartment in Oak Ridge!!