Monday, October 1, 2007

The Test

I don't want to talk long.. I didn't blog yesterday becaue I woke up, went to work from 12-7ish, then I got home! I had some cheese fries and an outback salad (with zesty tomato dressing!!) I then studied until I went to bed.

Oh yeah, at work yesterday.. I was pretty offended.. I've been at Outback for 6 monthes, and there's this new host, she was a host at another place for a year, but she's new here.. I told her.. don't sit that server, I know he has open tables, but he is not allowed to have anymore tables. I even marked out the tables on the chart..
I go to the door (stupid standing at the door!).. People come in.. and she has then sat AT HIS SECTION.. I was so annoyed, but I was like oh well, guess its not my problem.. (even though shes not supposed to be running the board.. I am, but she won't stand at the door so I get stuck at the door!)
Guess what.. soon as the server sees that she sat him, he tells the manager that he can't take another table.. so another server takes it.. WTF! Stupid retard! I said he can't have another! Look, I was right, he can't have another! Now there's a server serving a table not in their section (there are downsides, like.. now another server is short a table, etc).
It just made me mad for the rest of the evening.

I woke up, went to my test. 50 questions. I prolly studied 10 hours over the weekend! I studied my notes, and I read the chapters! All that studying prolly helped me for like.. 10 of the 50 questions.. The rest were stuff I heard of.. but not in ways I heard of it.. He never taught us how to calculate such and such.. I mean.. he told us the definition.. but i had no clue! It wasn't just me.. After my test, I go to my lab.. the girls in there said the same thing.. Some questions were so out there they couldn't even make educated guesses! It was like.. einee, meanie, minie, mo..

But I'm sure I did great on my quiz.

I'm just so energized by the whole test thing.. I don't know if I can take my normal nap before History.. (which by the way, will be what i'm studying for the next 2 days)