Monday, October 1, 2007

The Past 2 Days

Well.. yesterday I had class, and I studied, and studied, and studied for my History test (mostly fill-in-the-blanks).

This morning, I was realllly tired when my alarm went off for my 9 o'clock class. I decided to skip it today, I have friends in there who takes notes, and the professor just reads the notes outloud.. not like I'd miss anyhow, cause I wanted to have extra sleep before my history test. I woke up an hour before class, and studied some more, then I went to my test. Oh yeah, Michael helped me study alot! And I do appericate it! He helped me find ways to remember stuff..

Well.. I took the test.. I feel I did pretty darn good. One blank, I knew the guys name! I did! I just couldn't remember his last name! So.. I know I missed that one.. and another one was a short answer about an assigned reading, which... I did read. Its just.. Michael and I both read it and tried to decipher it (colonial english is hard to understand).. and I can't even remember what we concluded from that reading.. so when it asked about it.. I tried to bullshit it, but I'm sure I'll get it wrong. The rest I'm almost postive were right. (36 questions, including short answer, multiple choice, and a ton of fill in the blanks)

Michael and I ordered Pizza Hut dipping pizza. It was okay.. I mean, we ordered it, went and paid rent, and got back to the apartment.. then I realized I needed to hurry so I could get ready for work..

I got to work at 4:15.. It was a fine day of work, not bad. I got to leave at 9, which was nice instead of 10. I got my schedule.. I had to work sunday! boo! I wanted to go to the Zoo, but Beth (fellow host) said she would take my shift, and I was so happy! I just felt bad I couldn't help by taking any of her shifts.. I work every other day on my schedule except tomorrow.. and tomorrow she is training a new host.. (min wage plus tip share), so she wouldn't want to give that up!

So!! I get to go to the Zoo with my brother, and his friends, and their new families, lol! It will be fun! I hope Michael can go though!!!

Oh yeah, I have another bussing shift wednesday with Beth! woohoo! Its a nice way to spice up my work life!